This is a python table of data implementation with styles, colors
PyDI Dependency injection lib for python How to use To define the classes that should be injected and stored as bean use decorator @component @compone
Units Abstraction of a Unit, includes convertions and basic operations. ------ EXAMPLE : Free Fall (No air resistance) ------- from units_test import
boot-scripts This is a collection of code auto-generation utility scripts for the Horizon Boot system module, intended for use in Atmosphère. Usage Us
Implementing C++ Semantics in Python
3commas_compounder Script to autocompound 3commas BO:SO based on user provided risk factor Setup Step 1 git clone this repo into your working director
kivyTimeTable A time table app to notify the user about their class timings Features This project incorporates some features i wanted to see in a time
Fraud-Multiplication-Table-Detection-in-python In this program, I have detected fraud multiplication table using python without class. Here, I have co
NetConfParser is a tool that helps you analyze the rpcs coming and going from a netconf client to a server
PoorScanner使用说明书 -工具在不同环境下可能不怎么稳定,如果有什么问题恳请大家反馈。说明书有什么错误的地方也大家欢迎指正。 更新记录 2021.8.23 修复了云函数主程序 gitee上传文件接口写错了的BUG(之前把自己的上传地址写死进去了,没从配置文件里读) 更新了说明书 PoorS
morsedecode A morse code encoder and decoder utility. Installation Install it via pip: pip install morsedecode Alternatively, you can use pipx to run
Extract XML from the OS X dictionaries.
tendermint-tax A tool to help calculate the tax liability of staking rewards on Tendermint chains. Specifically, this tool calculates the fair market
XIV Scripter This is a tool for scripting out series of actions in FFXIV. It allows for custom actions to be defined in config.yaml as well as custom
Python_Lock_Files Lock files using python and cmd license feel free to do whatever you want to with these files, i dont take any responsibility tho, u
mcstatus provides an easy way to query Minecraft servers for any information they can expose. It provides three modes of access (query, status and ping), the differences of which are listed below in
Pierre Feuille Ciseaux ❗ Un pierre feuille ciseaux totalement fait en Python par moi. 🔮 Avec l'utilisation du module "random", j'ai pu faire un choix
Solana Solanart Scanner Enjoy the Free Code Steps to run Download VS Code
python-color-getter Color getter (including method to get random color or complementary color) made out of Python Setup pip3 install git+https://githu
Twitter Bot ❗ Un bot Twitter totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. Il faut remplacer auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_se
tiedpyranges Extends the pyranges module with operations on joined genomic intervals (e.g. exons of same transcript) Install with: pip install tiedpyr