A Python 3 library for parsing human-written times and dates



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A small Python 3 library containing some handy tools for handling time, especially when it comes to interfacing with those pesky humans.


  • Parsing human-written strings ("10 minutes ago", "10. April 2015", "2014-02-15"...)
  • Relative time string creation ("in 2 hours", "5 hours ago")
  • Various input formats
  • Easy to use


$ pip install chronyk



>>> from chronyk import Chronyk
>>> t = Chronyk(1410531179.0)
>>> t = Chronyk("May 2nd, 2016 12:51 am")
>>> t = Chronyk("yesterday")
>>> t = Chronyk("21. 8. 1976 23:18")
>>> t = Chronyk("2 days and 30 hours ago")
>>> t.ctime()
'Tue Sep  9 05:59:39 2014'
>>> t.timestamp()
>>> t.timestring()
'2014-09-09 05:59:39'
>>> t.timestring("%Y-%m-%d")
>>> t.relativestring()
'3 days ago'
>>> t.date()
datetime.date(2014, 9, 9)
>>> t.datetime()
datetime.datetime(2014, 9, 9, 5, 59, 39)

Input validation:

import sys
import chronyk

timestr = input("Please enter the date you were born: ")
    date = chronyk.Chronyk(timestr, allowfuture=False)
except chronyk.DateRangeError:
    print("Yeah, right.")
except ValueError:
    print("Failed to parse birthdate.")
    print("You were born {}".format(date.relativestring()))


By default, the Chronyk constructor uses local time, and every method by default uses whatever was passed to the constructor as well.

Almost all methods, however, have a timezone keyargument that you can use to define your local offset from UTC in seconds (positive for west, negative for east).

If you want to use a certain timezone for more than one method, you can also change the timezone instance attribute itself:

>>> t = Chronyk("4 hours ago", timezone=0) # using UTC
>>> t.ctime()
'Tue Sep  9 10:53:42 2014'
>>> t.timezone = -3600 # changes to CET (UTC+1)
>>> t.relativeTime()
'5 hours ago'
>>> t.ctime()
'Tue Sep  9 09:53:42 2014'

This uses the local relative time and returns a time string relative to current UTC:

>>> t = Chronyk("4 hours ago")
>>> t.relativestring(timezone=0)
'3 hours ago'

This uses a UTC timestamp and returns a time string relative to local time:

>>> t = Chronyk(1410524713.69, timezone=0)
>>> t.relativestring(timezone=chronyk.LOCALTZ)
'2 hours ago'
  • Dates pre-1970 epoch result in OverflowError

    Dates pre-1970 epoch result in OverflowError

    On windows machines, any date entered that is prior to the Jan 1 1970 epoch date results in the following error:

    OverflowError: mktime argument out of range

    The operation throwing the error is:

    timestamp = time.mktime(struct)

    Seems to be a limitation of the built in mktime function that only applies to Windows machines -- see here.

    opened by walkerdb 8
  • Support for abbreviated months with trailing periods

    Support for abbreviated months with trailing periods

    Strings such as "Jan. 1, 2013" fail to parse, due to the presence of the trailing period in the abbreviated month. Since this is a very common way to write out dates, it seems worthwhile to support.

    The proposed fix is very simple - just remove all periods from the input text when they're followed by a space.

    This does not break any of the current tests, and looking through the current pattern list I don't think it would break any functionality. Due to the requirement of a space after the period, formats such as "d.m.y" are preserved.

    Any thoughts?

    opened by walkerdb 3
  • Add method for datetime.date object return

    Add method for datetime.date object return

    Using this for a local project and found myself wanting datetime.date() versions of Chronyk objects. Since datetime.datetime() functionality is already there, I just patched in a version for date().

    In case the change seems worthwhile, I also built a test and dropped in a demo for the readme.

    Thanks for building a great module!

    opened by walkerdb 3
  • relative month parsing fails when target month has fewer days than the current date

    relative month parsing fails when target month has fewer days than the current date

    As of 5/31, the strings "in 4 months" and "3 months ago" fail to parse, raising the following error:

    ValueError: day is out of range for month

    Presumably because neither September nor February have 31 days.

    opened by walkerdb 2
  • [Question] Timezone/Geolocation parsing

    [Question] Timezone/Geolocation parsing

    I'm not sure if you've implemented this already - I haven't looked at the code itself, nor did I see it in the documentation (README.md), hence why I'm asking here.

    For instance, "4 hours ago, in GMT+5" or (could be possible with the geolocation-python module) "4 hours ago in Copenhagen, Denmark" ...

    ... and then there's other languages, ha.

    Edit: Changed title and a removed/changed a few sentences around to A) keep myself from looking silly and B) be more accurate with what I'm trying to ask. My apologies for the numerous edits.

    opened by sutt0n 0
  • Incorrect Results for Parssing Data Time

    Incorrect Results for Parssing Data Time

    Hi, I am a high school student just starting to learn about testing techniques. I found a bug in the latest version (0.9.1) of chronyk while doing some fuzzing using the fuzzing tool Atheris. The reproducing process is shown below:

    from chronyk import Chronyk

    Result datetime.datetime(1969, 12, 31, 20, 0) My Environment

    Python 3.8.10 (default, Mar 15 2022, 12:22:08) 
    [GCC 9.4.0] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import chronyk
    >>> print(chronyk.__version__)

    I am not very sure about the bug so I would very much appreciate any kind of feedback regarding it. Thanks.

    opened by OrianeK 0
  • Tests fail

    Tests fail


    $ python test_chronyk.py 
    ========================================================================= test session starts ==========================================================================
    platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.10, pytest-2.8.5, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
    rootdir: /home/moose/GitHub/chr/Chronyk, inifile: 
    collected 72 items 
    test_chronyk.py .F.................FF.FFFF......................F..FFFF..........FFFFF.F
    =============================================================================== FAILURES ===============================================================================
    ____________________________________________________________________________ test_guesstype ____________________________________________________________________________
        def test_guesstype():
    >       assert guesstype(9001) == Chronyk(9001)
    E       assert Chronyk(1970-01-01 04:30:01) == Chronyk(1970-01-01 04:30:01)
    E        +  where Chronyk(1970-01-01 04:30:01) = guesstype(9001)
    E        +  and   Chronyk(1970-01-01 04:30:01) = Chronyk(9001)
    test_chronyk.py:21: AssertionError
    _______________________________________________________________________ test_relative_seconds_1 ________________________________________________________________________
        def test_relative_seconds_1():
    >       assert Chronyk("2 seconds ago").relativestring() == "just now"
    E       assert 'in 1 hour' == 'just now'
    E         - in 1 hour
    E         + just now
    test_chronyk.py:97: AssertionError
    _______________________________________________________________________ test_relative_seconds_2 ________________________________________________________________________
        def test_relative_seconds_2():
    >       assert Chronyk("in 5 seconds").relativestring() == "just now"
    E       assert 'in 1 hour' == 'just now'
    E         - in 1 hour
    E         + just now
    test_chronyk.py:100: AssertionError
    _______________________________________________________________________ test_relative_minutes_1 ________________________________________________________________________
        def test_relative_minutes_1():
    >       assert Chronyk("1 minute ago").relativestring() == "1 minute ago"
    E       assert 'in 1 hour' == '1 minute ago'
    E         - in 1 hour
    E         + 1 minute ago
    test_chronyk.py:107: AssertionError
    _______________________________________________________________________ test_relative_minutes_2 ________________________________________________________________________
        def test_relative_minutes_2():
    >       assert Chronyk("in 2 minutes").relativestring() == "in 2 minutes"
    E       assert 'in 1 hour' == 'in 2 minutes'
    E         - in 1 hour
    E         + in 2 minutes
    test_chronyk.py:110: AssertionError
    ________________________________________________________________________ test_relative_hours_1 _________________________________________________________________________
        def test_relative_hours_1():
    >       assert Chronyk("1 hour ago").relativestring() == "1 hour ago"
    E       assert 'just now' == '1 hour ago'
    E         - just now
    E         + 1 hour ago
    test_chronyk.py:113: AssertionError
    ________________________________________________________________________ test_relative_hours_2 _________________________________________________________________________
        def test_relative_hours_2():
    >       assert Chronyk("in 2 hours").relativestring() == "in 2 hours"
    E       assert 'in 3 hours' == 'in 2 hours'
    E         - in 3 hours
    E         ?    ^
    E         + in 2 hours
    E         ?    ^
    test_chronyk.py:116: AssertionError
    __________________________________________________________________________ test_operators_eq ___________________________________________________________________________
        def test_operators_eq():
            timest = time.time()
    >       assert Chronyk(timest) - 5 == Chronyk(timest - 5) and Chronyk(timest, timezone=0) == timest
    E       assert ((Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:59:02) - 5) == Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:58:57))
    E        +  where Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:59:02) = Chronyk(1452157142.589508)
    E        +  and   Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:58:57) = Chronyk((1452157142.589508 - 5))
    test_chronyk.py:208: AssertionError
    __________________________________________________________________________ test_operators_ne ___________________________________________________________________________
        def test_operators_ne():
            timest = time.time()
    >       assert Chronyk(timest) != Chronyk(timest - 2)
    E       assert Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:59:02) != Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:59:00)
    E        +  where Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:59:02) = Chronyk(1452157142.605754)
    E        +  and   Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:59:00) = Chronyk((1452157142.605754 - 2))
    test_chronyk.py:221: AssertionError
    _________________________________________________________________________ test_operators_ltgt __________________________________________________________________________
        def test_operators_ltgt():
            timest = time.time()
    >       assert Chronyk(timest) > Chronyk(timest - 5)
    E       assert Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:59:02) > Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:58:57)
    E        +  where Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:59:02) = Chronyk(1452157142.620057)
    E        +  and   Chronyk(2016-01-07 10:58:57) = Chronyk((1452157142.620057 - 5))
    test_chronyk.py:225: AssertionError
    __________________________________________________________________________ test_operators_add __________________________________________________________________________
        def test_operators_add():
            timest = time.time()
    >       assert Chronyk(timest) + ChronykDelta(5) == Chronyk(timest + 5)
    E       TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'instance' and 'instance'
    test_chronyk.py:236: TypeError
    __________________________________________________________________________ test_operators_sub __________________________________________________________________________
        def test_operators_sub():
            timest = time.time()
    >       assert Chronyk(timest) - Chronyk(timest - 5) == ChronykDelta(5)
    E       TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'instance' and 'instance'
    test_chronyk.py:241: TypeError
    _______________________________________________________________________ test_delta_operators_eq ________________________________________________________________________
        def test_delta_operators_eq():
    >       assert ChronykDelta(5) == ChronykDelta(5) and ChronykDelta(5) == 5
    E       assert (ChronykDelta(5 seconds) == ChronykDelta(5 seconds))
    E        +  where ChronykDelta(5 seconds) = ChronykDelta(5)
    E        +  and   ChronykDelta(5 seconds) = ChronykDelta(5)
    test_chronyk.py:278: AssertionError
    _______________________________________________________________________ test_delta_operators_neq _______________________________________________________________________
        def test_delta_operators_neq():
    >       assert ChronykDelta(5) != ChronykDelta(6) and ChronykDelta(5) != 3
    E       assert (ChronykDelta(5 seconds) != ChronykDelta(6 seconds))
    E        +  where ChronykDelta(5 seconds) = ChronykDelta(5)
    E        +  and   ChronykDelta(6 seconds) = ChronykDelta(6)
    test_chronyk.py:281: AssertionError
    ______________________________________________________________________ test_delta_operators_ltgt _______________________________________________________________________
        def test_delta_operators_ltgt():
            assert ChronykDelta(5) > ChronykDelta(4) and ChronykDelta(5) > 3
            assert ChronykDelta(5) < ChronykDelta(7) and ChronykDelta(5) < 9
    >       assert ChronykDelta(5) >= ChronykDelta(5) and ChronykDelta(5) >= 3
    E       assert (ChronykDelta(5 seconds) >= ChronykDelta(5 seconds))
    E        +  where ChronykDelta(5 seconds) = ChronykDelta(5)
    E        +  and   ChronykDelta(5 seconds) = ChronykDelta(5)
    test_chronyk.py:286: AssertionError
    _______________________________________________________________________ test_delta_operators_add _______________________________________________________________________
        def test_delta_operators_add():
            timest = time.time()
    >       assert ChronykDelta(5) + ChronykDelta(-5) == 0
    E       TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'instance' and 'instance'
    test_chronyk.py:291: TypeError
    _______________________________________________________________________ test_delta_operators_sub _______________________________________________________________________
        def test_delta_operators_sub():
            assert ChronykDelta(5) - 5 == 0
    >       assert ChronykDelta(5) - ChronykDelta(1) == 4
    E       TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'instance' and 'instance'
    test_chronyk.py:297: TypeError
    _______________________________________________________________________ test_delta_operators_div _______________________________________________________________________
        def test_delta_operators_div():
    >       assert ChronykDelta(10) / 2 == 5
    E       TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'instance' and 'int'
    test_chronyk.py:303: TypeError
    ================================================================= 18 failed, 54 passed in 4.23 seconds =================================================================
    opened by MartinThoma 2
  • Weekday combinations.

    Weekday combinations.

    Apparently it is possible to parse the following expressions, although they all evaluate to the current time:

    >>> Chronyk("friday ago")
    Chronyk(2015-12-17 13:37:00)
    >>> Chronyk("in saturday")
    Chronyk(2015-12-17 13:37:00)
    >>> Chronyk("in one friday")
    Chronyk(2015-12-17 13:37:00)
    >>> Chronyk("friday in two weeks")
    Chronyk(2015-12-17 13:37:00)

    On the other hand, expressions like these cannot be parsed (you may take this as a feature request :D):

    >>> Chronyk("friday")
    ValueError: Failed to parse time string.
    >>> Chronyk("on friday")
    ValueError: Failed to parse time string.
    >>> Chronyk("next friday")
    ValueError: Failed to parse time string.

    as well as Chronyk("next week") which does not include a weekday, but it could evaluate to the same as Chronyk("in one week").

    Cheers, Lumiukko

    opened by Lumiukko 0
  • Unicode doesn't work

    Unicode doesn't work

    >>> import chronyk
    >>> chronyk.Chronyk("2015-5-5")
    <chronyk.chronyk.Chronyk instance at 0x7fc70d03c3b0>
    >>> chronyk.Chronyk(u"2015-5-5")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/home/mallyvai/.virtualenvs/webdev4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chronyk/chronyk.py", line 77, in __init__
        raise TypeError("Invalid type specified.")
    TypeError: Invalid type specified.
    $ python --version
    Python 2.7.6
    $ pip show chronyk
    Metadata-Version: 2.0
    Name: Chronyk
    Version: 0.9.1
    Summary: A library for parsing human-written times and dates.
    Home-page: https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/PyGHI
    Author: Felix "KoffeinFlummi" Wiegand
    Author-email: [email protected]
    opened by mallyvai 1
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