A first-person shooting game developed by using OpenGL


OpenGL-MazeSurvivor-FirstPerson Shooting Game

This application named ‘MAZE SURVIVOR’ is a first-person shooting game that finished within a month. It was lately noticed that it is a maze war game style. The windowing system, audio system and key function is implemented by Pygame while others object shown in this application is fully drawn by Pyopengl using python object-oriented framework. Generally, there are six main classes which are ‘Shoot_main’, ‘Shoot_Interface’, ‘Shoot_Props’, ‘Shoot_Player’, ‘Shoot_Map’ and ‘Shoot_LoadOBJ’. External library such as numpy, random and math is imported for mathematical calculation. There are 3 levels in total and there will be mission to accomplish and interrupted by maze and drones. The greatest achievement in this project is able to make a 3D game application that is fully operated by opengl.

Currently, an undergrad student in computer graphics, seeking to develop new skills and knowledge Feel free to give me comments or pull requests on my repo ><
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