Fat-Stealer is a stealer that allows you to grab the Discord token from a user and open a backdoor in his machine.



Fat-Stealer is a stealer that allows you to open a Backdoor in the victims machine and grab some info from Discord such as token, IP, name. When the victim opens it a black screen will appear... Simple stealer in Alpha phase wirtten in python. More features will be available soon. Beta Version


  • [@] Use this tool only for educational purposes.
  • [@] Reselling is proibihited.
  • [@] You can't skid this project.


Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/JetBerri/Stealer

Go to the directory:

cd PirateStealer/src/injector

Edit the requeried files


python3 main.py

Install requeriments:

pip install -r requeriments.txt

If you are using Windows:

python main.py

The tool is not completely automated so you have to change manually the IP, PORT and WebHook. It will be automated soon.


  • Open a Backdoor
  • Allows to send windows commands through a Server script.
  • Grab discord token.
  • Black Screen
  • Only 6/64 Detections in Virustotal.com (Please do not upoload it there).
  • Grab IP.
  • Who am I function.
  • Get payment method.


I will be adding this in a future, if the repo is starred.

  • Stored passwords grabber
  • Worm function
  • Functional game
  • Keylogger
  • Premium version


You can dm on discord: !Jet#0728 Please notify me all the "undocumented features" (bugs)


I'm not responsable of any of your acts, this tool has been created with educational purposes.




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