A simple Tornado based framework designed to accelerate web service development

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Web FrameworksToto


Toto is a small framework intended to accelerate web service development. It is built on top of Tornado and can currently use MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL or Redis as a backing database.

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  • Uses JSON (or BSON or msgpack) for easy consumption by clients on any platform
  • Easy to add new methods
  • Simple authentication built in with HMAC-SHA1 verification for authenticated requests
  • Session state persistence for authenticated requests
  • Sessions stored in database to simplify scaling across servers


The simplest way to install Toto is with pip. Simply run pip install -e git+git://github.com/JeremyOT/Toto.git#egg=Toto to install the latest version of the Toto module on your machine.


Complete documentation is available here: http://toto.li/docs/.


Getting started with Toto is easy, all you need to do is make a new instance of toto.TotoServer and call run(). Toto needs a root module to use for method lookup. By default, a TotoServer will look for a module called methods. The method_module parameter can be used to specify another module by name.


By default, Toto is configured to run on port 8888 and connect to a MongoDB server running on localhost. Configuration can be performed in three ways with each overriding the last:

  1. By passing options as named parameters to the TotoServer constructor.
  2. Through a configuration file by passing the path to the config file as the first parameter to the TotoServer constructor.
  3. With command line parameters (--option='string value' --option=1234)

Combining the configuration methods can be useful when debugging. Run your script with --help to see a full list of available parameters.


Methods are referenced by name in each request. a.b.c (or a/b/c) maps to methods.a.b.c. To add new methods, add modules and packages to the methods (or specified) package (see the account package for reference) and ensure that each callable module defines invoke(handler, parameters) where handler is the TotoHandler (subclass of tornado.web.RequestHandler) handling the current request.

handler.connection.db provides direct access to the database used by the sessions and accounts framework.

handler.session provides access to the current session or None if not authenticated. Available properties:

  • session.user_id - the current user ID
  • session.expires - the unix timestamp when the session will expire
  • session.session_id - the current session ID
  • session.state - a python dict containing the current state, you must call session.save_state() to persist any changes. The session object acts like a proxy to state so you can use dictionary accessors on it directly.

To enforce authentication for any method, decorate the invoke() function with @toto.invocation.authenticated. Unauthorized attempts to call authenticated methods will return a not authorized error.

Required parameters can be specified by decorating an invoke() function with @toto.invocation.requires(param1, param2,...).

Method modules can take advantage of Tornado's non-blocking features by decorating an invoke() function with @toto.invocation.asynchronous. Data can be sent to the client with handler.respond() and handler.raw_respond(). Optionally, modules can implement on_connection_close() to clean up any resources if the client closes the connection. See RequestHandler.on_connection_close() in the Tornado documentation for more information.

It is important to remember that Tornado requires that all calls to respond(), respond_raw(), write(), flush() and finish() are performed on the main thread. You can schedule a function to run on the main thread with IOLoop.instance().add_callback(callback).

Note: Any data returned from a call to method.invoke() will be sent to the client as JSON data and be used to generate the x-toto-hmac header for verification. This may cause issues with asynchronous methods. If method.invoke() returns None, a response will not automatically be sent to the client and no x-toto-hmac header will be generated.


Non-authenticated methods:

  1. Call service with JSON object in the form: {"method": "a.b.c", "parameters": } . Instead of passing the "method" argument in the request body, it is also possible to call methods by URL. The URL equivalent to the above call is http://service.com/service/a/b/c.
  2. Parse response JSON.

Account Creation:

  1. Call account.create method with {"user_id": , "password": } .
  2. Verify that the base64 encoded HMAC-SHA1 of the response body with as the key matches the x-toto-hmac header in the response.
  3. Parse response JSON.
  4. Read and store session_id from the response object.


  1. Call account.login method with {"user_id": , "password": } .
  2. Verify that the base64 encoded HMAC-SHA1 of the response body with as the key matches the x-toto-hmac header in the response.
  3. Parse response JSON.
  4. Read and store session_id from the response object.

Authenticated methods:

  1. Login (see-above).
  2. Call service with JSON object in the form: {"method": "a.b.c", "parameters": } with the x-toto-session-id header set to the session ID returned from login and the x-toto-hmac header set to the base64 encoded HMAC-SHA1 generated with as the key and the JSON request string as the message.
  3. Verify that the base64 encoded HMAC-SHA1 of the response body with as the key matches the x-toto-hmac header in the response.
  4. Parse response JSON.

Note: These instructions assume that method.invoke() returns an object to be serialized and sent to the client. Methods that return None can be used the send any data and must be handled accordingly.


Sometimes you may need to send events from one request to another. Toto's toto.events.EventManager makes this easy.

To send an event use EventManager.instance().send('eventname', args). EventManager uses python's cPickle module for serialization so you can pass anything cPickle can handle as args.

To receive an event, you must register a handler with TotoHandler.register_event_handler('eventname', handler). handler is a function that takes one parameters and will be called with args when the EventManager sends an event with 'eventname'. Toto's events were primarily designed to be combined with tornado's support for non-blocking requests. See the "chat" template for an example.

Toto's event system supports sending events across multiple instances both on the same machine and in a distributed system. Run your server with --help for more configuration options


The Toto server can be run as a daemon by passing the argument --start. To stop any running processes pass --stop. This will stop any processes that share the specified pid file format (default toto.pid). The --processes= option may be used to specify the number of server instances to run. Multiple instances will be run on sequential ports starting at the port specified by --port. If 0 is used as the argument to --processes, Toto will run one process per cpu as detected by Python's multiprocessing module. Additional daemonization options can be viewed from --help.


To help you get started, JavaScript and iOS client libraries are in development at https://github.com/JeremyOT/TotoClient-JS and https://github.com/JeremyOT/TotoClient-iOS respectively.

Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson
Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson


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