A Python wrapper for the Discord bot API
import discwrappy
client = discwrappy.Client()
@Client.on() - decorator
- Params:
- event_type - The type of event you're waiting for
- Function:
- Creates a "listener" which waits for the given event and triggers your function
@client.on("READY") def onReady(ready): print("bot online")
Message.send() - function
- Params:
- message (dict) - The Mesage you want to send
- Function:
- Sends the given dict to the message's channel
@client.on("MESSAGE_CREATE") def printMessageContent(message): message.send({ "content": message.content})
discwrappy.Message() - class
- Params:
- message (dict) - The default Discord message dict
- Function:
- Turns given message dict into a "proper object" (keys can be access with dot notation), converts numeric ids to ints, and gives the message send functions
discwrappy.User() - class
- Params:
- user (dict) - The default Discord user dict
- Function:
- Turns given user dict into a "proper object" (keys can be access with dot notation) and converts numeric ids to ints
discwrappy.GuildMember() - class
- Params:
- user (dict) - The default Discord guild member dict
- Function:
- Turns given guild member dict into a "proper object" (keys can be access with dot notation)