A fairly common feature in web applications to have links that open a popover when hovered


Add Popovers to Links in Flask App

It is a fairly common feature in web applications to have links that open a popover when hovered. Twitter does this, Facebook does it, LinkedIn does it. Popovers are a great way to provide additional information to users.



  • User Registration and authentication
  • Profile popovers

Tools Used

  • Flask framework
  • Python for programming
  • Flask-Bootstrap
  • Flask-WTF
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Flask-Login
  • Flask-Migrate
  • Flask-Moment
  • Email validator
  • Python-dotenv
  • Ajax requests


GitHub Contributors

Testing the Deployed Application

You can use the following credentials to test the deployed application:

  • Username: harry
  • Password: 12345678

Alternatively, you can create your own user by clicking the Register link. You will be redirected to the Login page automatically where you can authenticate that user.

Testing the Application Locally

  1. Clone this repository:

    $ git clone git@github.com:GitauHarrison/flask-popovers.git
  2. Change into the directory:

    $ cd flask-popovers
  3. Create and activate a virtual environment:

    $ virtualenv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    # Alternatively, you can use virtualenvwrapper
    $ mkvirtualenv venv
    • Virtualenvwrapper is a wrapper around virtualenv that makes it easier to use virtualenvs. mkvirtualenv not only creates but also activates a virtual enviroment for you. Learn more about virtualenvwrapper here.

  4. Install dependencies:

     (venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Add environment variables as seen in the .env-template:

     (venv)$ cp .env-template .env
    • You can get a random value for your SECRET_KEY by running python -c "import os; print os.urandom(24)" in your terminal.

  6. Run the application:

    (venv)$ flask run
  7. Open the application in your favourte browser by copying and pasting the link below:

  8. Feel free to create a new user and see the popovers in action. You can do so by registering a user then logging in.

How To

Select Element

To create a popover on a link, you first need to identify what link exactly you want to have a popover. You can do this by adding the class selector on an element. For example, if you want to add a popover to the link /user/ , you would add the following to the element:

{{ post.author.username }} ">
<span class="user_popup">
    <a href="{{ url_for('user', username=post.author.username) }}">
        {{ post.author.username }}

In the example above, I have modified how I select the link I want to have a popover. This is deliberate. Typically, I would have done:

{{ post.author.username }} ">
<a class="user_popup" href="{{ url_for('user', username=post.author.username) }}">
        {{ post.author.username }}

But this has the ugly effect where the popover will acquire the behaviour of the parent element. This is not desirable. I will end up with something that looks like this:

{{ post.author.username }}
<a href="" class="user_popup">
    <a href="{{ url_for('user', username=post.author.username) }}">
        {{ post.author.username }}

        <div>  div>

Typically, making the popover a child of the hovered element works perfectly for buttons and generally

and .

Hover Event

Using JQuery, a hover event can be attached to any HTML element by calling the element.hover(handlerIn, handlerOut) method. JQuery can also conviniently attach the events if the functions are called on a collection of elements.

        // Mouse in event handler
        var elem = $(event.currentTarget);
        // Mouse out event handler
        var elem = $(event.currentTarget);

Ajax Request

When using JQuery, $.ajax() function is used to send an asynchronous request to the server. An example of a request can be /user/ /popup . This request contains HTML that will be inserted into the popover.

$(function() {
        var timer = null;
        var xhr = null;
            function(event) {
                // mouse in event handler
                var elem = $(event.currentTarget);
                timer = setTimeout(function() {
                    timer = null;
                    xhr = $.ajax(
                        '/user/' + elem.first().text().trim() + '/popup').done(
                            function(data) {
                                xhr = null
                                // create and display popup here
                }, 500);
            function(event) {
                // mouse out event handler
                var elem = $(event.currentTarget);
                if (timer) {
                    timer = null;
                else if (xhr) {
                    xhr = null;
                else {
                    // destroy popup here

The $.ajax() call returns a promise, which essentially is a special JS object that represents asynchronous operation.

Create Popover

data argument passed by the $.ajax() call is the HTML that will be inserted into the popover.

function(data) {
    xhr = null;
        trigger: 'manual',
        html: true,
        animation: false,
        container: elem,
        content: data

The return of the popover() call is the newly created popover component. flask_moment_render_all() function is used to display the last time a user was active.

Destroy Popover

If the user hovers away from the popover, the popover will be aborted. This is done by calling the .popover('destroy') method.

function(event) {
    // mouse out event handler
    var elem = $(event.currentTarget);
    if (timer) {
        timer = null;
    else if (xhr) {
        xhr = null;
    else {


If you would like to see how the application above has been built, you can look at this flask popover tutorial.

Gitau Harrison
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