A launcher to launch games from Riot Games under Linux



A launcher to launch games from Riot Games under Linux


Python 3, with the following pip plugins:

'configparser, pathlib, wget, os, subprocess, gi'

For Legends of Runeterra wine-staing 6.17 is also required (only tested working version so far).

The script features automatic detection of a pre-existing Lutris installation for League of Legends and is able to use it as a base (detection for LORE is yet to be done).

You can download this scipt and then unpack it, make sure you extract "lol-launchhelper.sh" and "main.py" into the same directory. After that make the script executable via "chmod +x main.py" and then execute it via "./main.py".


Select "League of Legends" in the top level bar and click on Install. The UI will freeze now, don't worry and wait. Once it unfreezes you should see the Riot launcher popping up shortly after. Let it download fully and then close it.


Select "League of Legends" in the top level bar and click on Launch. Only close the rito-launcher, once the LeagueClient has opened, otherwise the launchhelper script will terminate and League won't start.


Select "Legends of Runeterra" in the top level bar and click on Install. Make sure you have the prequesites installed and then it should launch.


Select ... (okay I guess it should be self explainatory at this point. As a note, the launcher is programmed to close after launching runeterra.


This isn't possible for now, and sadly I have no knowledge of the required dark magic to make it happen.


The launcher displays the news sites for LoL, LORE and Valorant in the language en-gb, to change it navigate to $HOME/.config/rito-launcher/launcher.cfg and change locale = into the desired locale, for example english us (locale = en-us). The launcher.cfg is generated after first start.

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