Dante, my discord bot. Open source project in development and not optimized for other filesystems, install and setup script in development



(In private development for ~6 months) Dante, my discord bot. Open source project in development and not optimized for other filesystems, install and setup script in development

Use with your own caution, a lot of development needs to be done and this is not plug and play at the moment.


What I need to do:

  • test universal install
  • basic instructions on how to manually set up
  • fix long mode

Whats been done:

  • Make a setup script
  • Untested universal install
  • Source code
  • Actual bot release
  • Optimized ML for speed and realism (on gtx 1060 6 gb with cuda, 10 min for decent image)

What you need to run it:

  • decent cpu
  • gtx 1060, nvidia equivelant or better
  • cuda support
  • python
  • a will to untangle a mess in the case it doesnt work

Install instructions:

  1. Do 'git clone https://github.com/Ednaordinary/DanteMode'
  2. cd into DanteMode and run install.sh, follow the instructions
  3. When install has finished, run start.sh (run start everytime you start dante, but not install)
  4. Enjoy dante
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