A Discord BOT that uses Google Sheets for storing the roles and permissions of a discord server.


Discord Role Manager Bot

Role Manager is a discord BOT that utilizes Google Sheets for the organization of a server's hierarchy and permissions.


This BOT allows for you to export and organize your roles in a Google Sheet in a very user friendly way.

Three requests are made per usage of !export. One for clearing the spreadsheet, one for updating the roles/permission titles and one for the permission values themselves, making it extremely light and difficult for it to hit the Google Docs quota limit.

Installation - Add the BOT to your server

Paste this on your browser to invite the BOT to a server you manage. The BOT requires the Administrator permission.


Usage - BOT Commands

!setuphelp # Instructions on how to set up the BOT for your server.

!configure # Add your server to the BOT's database, along with your Google Sheet.

!export # Export your server's roles and their permissions to your Google Sheet.

Requirements (for Developers)

# Regular Module Imports
from os import path, sys
# Discord API Imports
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
# Google Docs/Sheets API Imports
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
from googleapiclient.discovery import build


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



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  • Bot doesn't respond on !configure

    Bot doesn't respond on !configure

    The bot linked in the "installation" section does not respond if provided with a valid spreadsheet ID in the "!configure" step. The reason might be an exception thrown when trying to create or edit a server file in the database - there's no further exception handling inside the FileNotFoundError catch block.

    (Also, it might be preferable to join the "serverdata" directory as an additional parameter instead of using a hard coded backslash for the file paths, to make the code more platform-independent.)

    opened by Tofuraven 2
  • Unable to authorize

    Unable to authorize

    When trying to add the both to a server, i get a red message in the dialog about it being unverified. Because of that im unable to add the bot to my server.

    The bot can't join more servers as it has not been verified or is requesting gateway intends it has not been verified for. Ask the bot's developer about https://dis.gd/bot-verification so you can add it to your server!

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