pyToledo is a Python library to interact with the common virtual learning environment for the Association KU Leuven (Toledo).



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pyToledo is a Python library to interact with the common virtual learning environment for the Association KU Leuven a.k.a Toledo.


My goal was to provide an easy way to interact with the various KU Leuven API endpoints.

This library reproduces the Toledo login flow and returns a requests Session object that keeps track of your cookies and headers.

The Session object allows you to query the various endpoints.

Good to know:

  • Data will always be returned as JSON via stdout. You can redirect the output to any file using '>'.

  • Tested on Windows 11 & Ubuntu 20.04

  • Teacher accounts (u) are not supported!


Use the package manager pip to install pyToledo.

pip install toledo


As a package

from toledo import login
from toledo import api

# Create a session object | returns a requests Session object with the necessary cookies and headers
session = login.create_session_object(

# Create an api object with your session
toledo = api.create_api_object(

As a script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --enrollments, -en    retrieve all your enrollments

  --todo {task,test}, -td {task,test}
                        retrieve your to-do list (tasks or tests)

  --upcoming, -up       retrieve your upcoming courses

  --events {message,update}, -ev {message,update}
                        retrieve your recent events (messages or updates)

  --rnumber RNUMBER, -rn RNUMBER
                        your personal rnumber

  --password PASSWORD, -pw PASSWORD
                        your password

  --silent, -s          surpress output



# returns all your courses in JSON
python -m toledo -en

Todo (tasks & tests)

# returns open tasks in JSON
python -m toledo -td task

# returns open tests in JSON
python -m toledo -td test

Upcoming courses

# returns your upcoming courses (for a certain day) in JSON
python -m toledo -up

Events (messages & updates)

# returns your messages in JSON
python -m toledo -ev message

# returns your updates in JSON
python -m toledo -ev update


  • Documentation
  • Tests


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



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