The Playwright Workshop for TAU: The Homecoming


Workshop card


This repository contains the instructions and example code for the Playwright workshop for TAU: The Homecoming on December 1, 2021. The workshop will be done in Python.


Please try to attend the workshop live on the day of the event. However, if you cannot make it, never fear! You can still take the workshop as a self-guided tutorial. Start by reading this README. Then, follow the guides in the workshop folder. Each part of the workshop has a workshop guide with full instructions. Feel free to open issues against this repository if you have any trouble completing the workshop independently.


Playwright is a hot new browser automation tool from Microsoft. With bindings for .NET, Java, JavaScript, and Python, it’s a strong alternative to Selenium WebDriver for end-to-end web app testing.

This workshop will be an introduction to Playwright using Python. We will automate a test scenario together that performs a DuckDuckGo search. As we code along the test together, we will learn:

  • How to install and configure Playwright
  • How to integrate Playwright with pytest, Python’s leading test framework
  • How to perform interactions through page objects
  • How to conveniently run different browsers, capture videos, and run tests in parallel

Come prepared with Python 3.7 or higher installed on your machine. By the end of the workshop, you will have a solid foundation in Playwright as well as a Python project you can extend with new tests!


To code along with this workshop, your machine must have Python 3.7 or higher. You should also have a decent Python editor like Visual Studio Code or PyCharm.

The command line shown in examples below is bash. If you are using a different shell or a Windows command line, some commands may need to be different.


This workshop has five main parts, each with three sections:

  1. Getting started
    1. What is Playwright?
    2. Our web search test
    3. Test project setup
  2. First steps with Playwright
    1. Browsers, contexts, and pages
    2. Navigating to a web page
    3. Performing a search
  3. Writing assertions
    1. Checking the search field
    2. Checking the result links
    3. Checking the title
  4. Refactoring using page objects
    1. The search page
    2. The result page
    3. Page object fixtures
  5. Nifty Playwright tricks
    1. Testing different browsers
    2. Capturing screenshots and videos
    3. Running tests in parallel

Example code branches

Each workshop part has a corresponding branch in this repository containing the part's example code and workshop instructions. The branches allow you to check your progress at any point during the workshop. The branch names are:

Part Branch
Start 0-initial-project
Part 1 1-getting-started
Part 2 2-first-steps
Part 3 3-assertions
Part 4 4-page-objects
Part 5 5-playwright-tricks
Complete main
Pandy Knight
I'm the Automation Panda! I build solutions to testing problems. (For my old repositories, see @AndyLPK247.)
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