A GUI based datamoshing apllication for everyone! Apply this glitch to your videos and gifs. Supports all video formats!


Datamosher Pro

Datamoshing is an effect that really looks cool and if you also want to make this glitch effect with your videos, you are in the right place! icon
➤Why I made this?
I was also looking for good datamoshing softwares, you can either have to use those old softwares like Avidemux or have to look for some paid plugins, but I created my own GUI based application that is Datamosher Pro which is a free project. It contains 7 different effects and more will be added in future, you can also help to make new effects. With Datamosher Pro, you can quickly and easily datamosh your videos(supports mp4, gif, avi, etc).

➤How to Install?
You can either use the python based version for viewing logs and changing source code if you want, but if you are looking for faster renders then download the executable version of Datamosher Pro from the release page(https://github.com/Akascape/Datamosher-Pro-GUI-/releases/tag/Datamosher_Pro.exe)
There is no malware or difference in the exe version(as the same python version is converted to .exe using Auto-Py-To-Exe Converter).
Note: For python users, make sure you have all the assets with the python file and Imageio module installed in your system if not then open CMD and type"pip install imageio" and it will be installed.

➤How to Use?
•Input the video file first (supported formats- mp4, gif, avi + more will be added if you demand")
•Choose the desired datamosh mode, then select the export format"
•Use advance options to get more accurate results"
•Then just click on the datamosh button, then wait for a few seconds"
•Then your video will be moshed, see the video in the directory"
•Note that if you mosh the same files in the same location again, then the new moshed file will replace the old file.

➤Effects Info:
(c is Glitch Frequency and n is Frame Frequency)
random - randomizes frame order
reverse - reverse frame order
invert - switches each consecutive frame witch each other
bloom - duplicates c times p-frame number n
pulse - duplicates groups of c p-frames every n frames
overlap - copy group of c frames taken from every nth position
jiggle - take frame from around current position. n parameter is spread size.

➤How to use Advanced Options?
The advanced tab is very useful and you can use it to get accurate results.
Glitch Frequency - tells how often to glitch (for modes that support it)
Frame Frequency - tells how many frames in the glitch (for modes that support it)
Ignored First Frame - tells whether to keep first video frames
Kill frames - tells max framesize to kill while cleaning
You can try around changing the values from 50-100 and see the results, you can visit https://github.com/itsKaspar/tomato.git to view more examples about the advanced tab.

➤User Interface:
Screenshot 2021-10-26 220159

➤More Info about this project:
The effects are all inspired from ItsKaspar's https://github.com/itsKaspar/tomato.git but it can only handle .avi file structure, but in Datamosher Pro you can use any video file type including mp4, avi, gif. The files are first converted to avi file using Imageio without losing any quality and then the effect is applied and then again the corrupted file is converted to stable version using the same process so that the output video can be directly used by other softwares without any error. A raw form option is also available if needed. You will not find this type of GUI program anywhere, I hope there is no error in the software but if you saw any bug then raise an issue. All the logo and designs are created by me.
Thanks! Made by Akash Bora (a.k.a Akascape).

  • Can't Find the ffmpeg

    Can't Find the ffmpeg

    Hi, I've successfully run the python program but when creating the file I get this error

    /bin/sh: Datamosher-Pro/Python Version/ffmpeg: No such file or directory

    I've installed ffmpeg using homebrew and it's clearly installed right now. After running "brew list | grep ffmpeg" I get:


    Also running "pip3 list | grep ffmpeg" results in:

    ffmpeg 1.4 imageio-ffmpeg 0.4.7

    Do I need to create some kind of folder and put some ffmpeg files where 'Data Mosher.py' is?

    opened by FarmehrF 5
  • tkinter module won't install

    tkinter module won't install

    The automatic setup on open says that all folders are available but not all modules are installed, all the other modules listed in the manual setup wiki are there except tkinter. Running the pip install command shows this error in cmd. pip install tkinter ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tkinter (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for tkinter I also tried installing tk but nothing changed when I ran Setup.py.

    Installation Help 
    opened by fartfartfarty 4
  • ffmpeg: No such file or directory

    ffmpeg: No such file or directory

    Expected: Running of script correctly Actual: When hitting "mosh" after choosing video, this error presents:

    /bin/sh: .../Projects/Datamosher Pro/ffmpeg: No such file or directory

    Ffmpeg is installed. Suggestion on what I'm missing? Thank you very much

    opened by sam959 3
  • Does Bloom not work at all?

    Does Bloom not work at all?

    If I select Bloom, Datamosher Pro just hangs on "Converting the Video..." indefinitely. Meanwhile a complete video file is created where no effect has been applied.

    Also, most of the other Modes just bring the error "Please choose the video file again!"

    I'm using Windows 10 Pro version 21H1 OS build 19043.1706

    *Edit: actually now that I've tested it only "Classic" "Glide" "Echo" and "Sort" work at all. Is there a possibility of getting a refund?

    At present, this program doesn't seem to do anything.

    opened by leatherbird 3
  • App does not seem to open in MacOS Monterey 12.6 Python 3

    App does not seem to open in MacOS Monterey 12.6 Python 3

    Got this comment: DEPRECATION WARNING: The system version of Tk is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Please don't rely on it. Set TK_SILENCE_DEPRECATION=1 to suppress this warning.

    and a black screen running but no GUI. Is it the tk? or python? or a bug?

    opened by quelic 1
  • Best Location for running this?

    Best Location for running this?

    I was unable to get any of the Modes to work. Then, following the advice of someone on Reddit to move the .exe outside of a user folder I put it on a separate drive and BOOM, it started working. I think there are many Permission issues that don't show up in your little script window.

    You may want to make note of this.

    opened by leatherbird 1
  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkinter'

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkinter'

    While running the 'Datamosher Pro.py' you might encounter the line:

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkinter'

    to solve this you need to to do

    sudo apt install python3-tk brew install python3-tk

    Using pip to install this package won't solve this error!

    opened by FarmehrF 0
  • FFgltich Permission denied!

    FFgltich Permission denied!

    While installing if you get the

    FFglitch/ffgac: Permission denied FFglitch/ffedit: Permission denied

    Going to the /FFglitch folder and and running the following solved the problem for me.

    chmod +x ffedit && chmod +x ffgac

    opened by FarmehrF 0
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