Repository for the IPvSeeYou talk at Black Hat 2021


IPvSeeYou Geolocation Lookup Tool

Overview is a tool to assist with geolocating EUI-64 IPv6 hosts. It

  1. takes as input an EUI-64-derived MAC address,
  2. uses a previously-generated WAN MAC address to BSSID offset table to predict the BSSID for the EUI-64-derived MAC address,
  3. queries a geolocation API for the predicted BSSID, and
  4. prints the results (and optionally outputs to KML.)

Requirements is written in and has been tested only using Python3. Installing the packages from the requirements.txt file using:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

will ensure you have the required dependencies.

Usage is written in Python3 and uses argparse, so you can always get help by passing the -h flag:

[email protected] % ./ -h
usage: [-h] (-M MAC_FILE | -m MAC | -e EUI | -E EUI_FILE) (-a | -w) [-o OFFSET_FILE]
                    [-k KML] [-U API_USER] [-P API_PASS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -M MAC_FILE, --mac-file MAC_FILE
                        File of MAC addresses from EUI-64 IPv6 addresses to bulk lookup
  -m MAC, --mac MAC     Single MAC address from EUI-64 IPv6 address to attempt to geolocate
  -e EUI, --eui EUI     Single EUI-64 IPv6 address to extract MAC from and attempt to geolocate
  -E EUI_FILE, --eui-file EUI_FILE
                        File of EUI-64 IPv6 addresses to extract MAC from and attempt to geolocate
  -a, --apple           Use Apple's location services API to geolocate BSSID
  -w, --wigle           Use WiGLE's API to geolocate BSSID (requires -U API_USER and -P API_PASS)
  -o OFFSET_FILE, --offset-file OFFSET_FILE
                        File containing inferred OUI offsets (default ./offsets.txt)
  -k KML, --kml KML     Output KML filename
  -U API_USER, --api-user API_USER
                        WiGLE API username (required for -w)
  -P API_PASS, --api-pass API_PASS
                        WiGLE API password (required for -w)

The first set of mutually exclusive arguments indicates how the program should expect EUI-64-derived MAC addresses.

  1. -e EUI indicates that the user is specifying a single EUI-64 IPv6 address to attempt to geolocate, as in -e 2001::0211:22ff:fe33:4455
  2. -E EUI_FILE indicates that the user is specifying a file that contains one or more EUI-64 IPv6 addresses, each separated by a newline, as in -E euis.txt
  3. -m MAC indicates that the user is specifying a single MAC address (that presumably they derived from an EUI-64 IPv6 address), as in -m 00:11:22:33:44:55
  4. -M MAC_FILE indicates that they user is specifying a file containing one or more MAC addresses, each separated by a newline, as in -M macs.txt

The second set of mutually exclusive arguments indicates how the program should look up the predicted BSSID (if one is found) for the EUI-64 derived MAC addresses.

  1. -a/--apple will use Apple's location services API. uses logic derived from hubert3's iSniff-GPS
  2. -w/--wigle will use WiGLE's API to query for the predicted BSSID. This requires a WiGLE API username and password to be specified using -U/--api-user and -P/--api-pass.

-o/--offset-file OFFSET_FILE is an optional argument to specify OUI and their WAN MAC to BSSID offsets, each on a new line. For example:

00:11:22 -3
00:77:88 2

indicates that the OUI 00:11:22 has a WAN MAC to BSSID offset of -3. By default, a file called ./offsets.txt is used and need not be specified if it exists.

-k/--kml KML is an optional argument that will generate a KML output file with a point for each geolocated EUI-64-derived MAC address.


MAC addresses, username/password and geolocations in this section are for example purposes only, and will not provide an actual geolocation or authentication to WiGLE.

To specify a single EUI-64 IPv6 address to geolocate using Apple's location services API and output to a KML file called output.kml, we:

./ -e 2001:0:1:2:0200:11ff:fe22:3344 -k output.kml -a

#EUI-64-Derived MAC	BSSID	lat,lon
00:00:11:22:33:44	00:00:11:22:33:46	12.34,56.78 

To specify a file containing EUI-64-derived MAC addresses to geolocate using the WiGLE API, with WiGLE API username and password, we:

./ -M fileOfMacs.txt -w -U abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef -P 1234567890abcdef
#EUI-64-Derived MAC	BSSID	lat,lon
00:00:11:22:33:44	00:00:11:22:33:46	12.34,56.78 
f8:00:11:22:33:44	f8:00:11:22:33:40	23.45,-12.34


Much of the code that interacts with Apple's Location Services was borrowed from @hubert3's excellent iSniff-GPS, presented at Black Hat USA 2012.

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