A custom Discord Rich Presence to display when you're studying so you're stupid friends won't disturb you when you're studying.


Studying RPC


A custom Discord Rich Presence to display when you're studying so you're stupid friends won't disturb you when you're studying.

How to install

Clone the repository to your local machine by:

  1. Launch your terminal/CMD(in windows)
  2. Navigate to your desired directory
  3. run git clone
  4. navigate to the repository directory
  5. run pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. run python study.py

Option 2

  1. Download the repository.
  2. extract the contents of zip file
  3. navigate to the repository directory
  4. run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. run python study.py

Option 3

  1. Download the latest release
  2. extract the content and locate study.exe

You can also add this to your PATH and launch it with Terminal/CMD

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  • Remove secret in code (!!)

    Remove secret in code (!!)

    In line 5 of app.py, there is a secret exposed in public code:

     1  from pypresence import Presence
     2  import time
     3  from itertools import cycle
     5  client_id = <secret code!>
     7  start_time = time.time()
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