Simple python code for compile brainfuck program.



Just a basic compiled that compiles your brainf*ck codes and gives you informations about memory, used cells, dumped version, logs etc...

Note: This compiler still have some bugs. If you wan't to fix, you just can fork & pull request


Check config.json first, quick information about config.json;

    "MEM": 20, // MEM is the total cells for our brainfuck program.
    "DUMP_FILE": "./result/", // The dump file that will write when program finished and got some informations about the code. 
    "COMPILE_FILE": "./result/", // The file that will write when brainfuck code turned into python code.
    "LOG_FILE": "./result/logs.txt", // Log file for our program actions.
    "DEBUG": true // Allow debug mode for compiler, will log everything to console.


Simple Usage; python ./example/

Output: ... 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 ...

Lets check the ./result/;

# DUMP RESULT | 13/05/2021 16:59:13
# =======================================================
    # CELL_0 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_1 -> 144 BYTE
    # CELL_2 -> 89 BYTE
    # CELL_3 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_4 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_5 -> 44 BYTE
    # CELL_6 -> 32 BYTE
    # CELL_7 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_8 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_9 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_10 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_11 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_12 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_13 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_14 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_15 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_16 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_17 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_18 -> 0 BYTE
    # CELL_19 -> 0 BYTE
# ]

    # LINE_1 -> +++++++++++>+>>>>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>++++++++++++++++++
    # LINE_2 -> ++++++++++++++<<<<<<[>[>>>>>>+>+<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>[<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>-]<[>++++++++++[
    # LINE_3 -> -<-[>>+>+<<<-]>>>[<<<+>>>-]+<[>[-]<[-]]>[<<[>>>+<<<-]>>[-]]<<]>>>[>>+>+<<<-]>>>[
    # LINE_4 -> <<<+>>>-]+<[>[-]<[-]]>[<<+>>[-]]<<<<<<<]>>>>>[++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    # LINE_5 -> ++++++++++++++.[-]]++++++++++<[->-<]>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    # LINE_6 -> +++++.[-]<<<<<<<<<<<<[>>>+>+<<<<-]>>>>[<<<<+>>>>-]<-[>>.>.<<<[-]]<<[>>+>+<<<-]>>
    # LINE_7 -> >[<<<+>>>-]<<[<+>-]>[<+>-]<<<-]
# ]
# =======================================================

import sys
memory, current, indent, compiled = [0 for byte in range(20)], 0, 0, ""

def change_byte(c, t, i = 1):
    if t == "+":
        if memory[c] + i <= 256:
            memory[c] += i
            memory[c] =  i % 255
    elif t == "-":
        if memory[c] - i >= 0:
            memory[c] -= i
            memory[c] = 256 - (i % 255)

change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
change_byte(current, '+')
current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
change_byte(current, '+')
current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

while memory[current] != 0:
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

    while memory[current] != 0:
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        change_byte(current, '-')

    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

    while memory[current] != 0:
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '-')

    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

    while memory[current] != 0:
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')

        while memory[current] != 0:
            change_byte(current, '-')
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
            change_byte(current, '-')

            while memory[current] != 0:
                current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
                current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
                change_byte(current, '+')
                current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
                change_byte(current, '+')
                current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
                current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
                current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
                change_byte(current, '-')

            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

            while memory[current] != 0:
                current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
                current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
                current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
                change_byte(current, '+')
                current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
                current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
                current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
                change_byte(current, '-')

            change_byte(current, '+')
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

            while memory[current] != 0:
                current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

                while memory[current] != 0:
                    change_byte(current, '-')

                current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

                while memory[current] != 0:
                    change_byte(current, '-')

            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

            while memory[current] != 0:
                current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
                current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

                while memory[current] != 0:
                    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
                    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
                    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
                    change_byte(current, '+')
                    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
                    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
                    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
                    change_byte(current, '-')

                current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
                current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

                while memory[current] != 0:
                    change_byte(current, '-')

            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

        while memory[current] != 0:
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
            change_byte(current, '+')
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
            change_byte(current, '+')
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
            change_byte(current, '-')

        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

        while memory[current] != 0:
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
            change_byte(current, '+')
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
            change_byte(current, '-')

        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

        while memory[current] != 0:
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

            while memory[current] != 0:
                change_byte(current, '-')

            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

            while memory[current] != 0:
                change_byte(current, '-')

        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

        while memory[current] != 0:
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
            current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
            change_byte(current, '+')
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
            current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

            while memory[current] != 0:
                change_byte(current, '-')

        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

    while memory[current] != 0:
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')
        change_byte(current, '+')

        while memory[current] != 0:
            change_byte(current, '-')

    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

    while memory[current] != 0:
        change_byte(current, '-')
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '-')
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')
    change_byte(current, '+')

    while memory[current] != 0:
        change_byte(current, '-')

    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

    while memory[current] != 0:
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        change_byte(current, '-')

    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

    while memory[current] != 0:
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '-')

    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    change_byte(current, '-')

    while memory[current] != 0:
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

        while memory[current] != 0:
            change_byte(current, '-')

    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

    while memory[current] != 0:
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        change_byte(current, '-')

    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

    while memory[current] != 0:
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '-')

    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1

    while memory[current] != 0:
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '-')

    current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0

    while memory[current] != 0:
        current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
        change_byte(current, '+')
        current = current + 1 if current < len(memory) - 1 else 0
        change_byte(current, '-')

    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    current = current - 1 if current > 0 else len(memory) - 1
    change_byte(current, '-')

Well, thats a bit brain f*cks...

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A collection of python exercises to help your learning path!

How to use Step 1: run this command git clone Step 2: Run this command cd Python-Exercises You

Tech Penguin 5 Aug 05, 2021
Fried Chicken Programming Language

Fried-Chicken Fried Chicken Programming Language How To Run Once downloaded and opened, choose any file for code. Any file extensions work. Just make

Attachment Studios 9 Jul 11, 2022
Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power)

Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power). A container crane has the function of transporting containers from one point to another point. The difficulty of this tas

Astitva Veer Garg 1 Jan 11, 2022
An easy-to-learn, dynamic, interpreted, procedural programming language

Gen Programming Language WARNING!! THIS LANGUAGE IS IN DEVELOPMENT. ANYTHING CAN CHANGE AT ANY MOMENT. Gen is a dynamic, interpreted, procedural progr

Gen Programming Language 7 Oct 17, 2022
PDX Code Guild Full Stack Python Bootcamp starting 2022/02/28

Class Liger Rough Timeline Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4: Python Weeks 5, 6, 7, 8: HTML/CSS/Flask Weeks 9, 10, 11: Javascript Weeks 12, 13, 14, 15: Django Weeks 16

PDX Code Guild 5 Jul 05, 2022
Appointment Tracker that allows user to input client information and update if needed.

Appointment-Tracker Appointment Tracker allows an assigned admin to input client information regarding their appointment and their appointment time. T

IS Coding @ KSU 1 Nov 30, 2021
Capture screen and download off Roku based devices

rokuview Capture screen and download off Roku based devices Tested on Hisense TV with Roku OS built-in No guarantee this will work with all Roku model

3 May 27, 2021
Audio-analytics for music-producers! Automate tedious tasks such as musical scale detection, BPM rate classification and audio file conversion.

Click here to be re-directed to the Beat Inspect Streamlit Web-App You are a music producer? Let's get in touch via LinkedIn Fundamental Analytics for

Stefan Rummer 11 Dec 27, 2022
Camera track the tip of a pen to use as a drawing tablet

cablet Camera track the tip of a pen to use as a drawing tablet Setup You will need: Writing utensil with a colored tip (preferably blue or green) Bac

14 Feb 20, 2022
Simple Denial of Service Program yang di bikin menggunakan bahasa pemograman Python,

Peringatan Tujuan kami share code Indo-DoS hanya untuk bertujuan edukasi / pembelajaran! Dilarang memperjual belikan source ini / memperjual-belikan s

SonLyte 8 Nov 07, 2021
The last walk-through project in code institute diploma course

Welcome Rocky.C, This is the Code Institute student template for Gitpod. We have preinstalled all of the tools you need to get started. It's perfectly

Rocky.C 1 Jan 31, 2022
A competition for forecasting electricity demand at the country-level using a standard backtesting framework

A competition for forecasting electricity demand at the country-level using a standard backtesting framework

5 Jul 12, 2022