Interfaces between napari and pymeshlab library to allow import, export and construction of surfaces.



License PyPI Python Version tests codecov napari hub

Interfaces between napari and the pymeshlab library to allow import, export and construction of surfaces.

This is a WIP and feature requests are welcome. Please check PyMeshLab for possible features

Feature list


You can install napari-pymeshlab via pip:

pip install napari-pymeshlab


Contributions are very welcome. Tests can be run with tox, please ensure the coverage at least stays the same before you submit a pull request.


Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, "napari-pymeshlab" is free and open source software


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.

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  • Calling the reader

    Calling the reader

    First of all, thanks for the plugin.

    I have an obj surface that I want to import and visualize in napari, however, I tried:

    from napari_pymeshlab import get_mesh_reader
    surface = ("E:/3D-Edited.obj")
    viewer.add_surface(get_mesh_reader(surface), name='surface')

    But I got the following error:

    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    Input In [3], in <module>
    ----> 1 viewer.add_surface(get_mesh_reader(surface), name='surface')
    File ~\.conda\envs\bio11\lib\site-packages\napari\components\, in add_surface(self, data, colormap, contrast_limits, gamma, name, metadata, scale, translate, rotate, shear, affine, opacity, blending, shading, visible, cache, experimental_clipping_planes, wireframe, normals)
          1 from __future__ import annotations
          3 import inspect
    ----> 4 import itertools
          5 import os
          6 import warnings
    File ~\.conda\envs\bio11\lib\site-packages\napari\layers\surface\, in Surface.__init__(self, data, colormap, contrast_limits, gamma, name, metadata, scale, translate, rotate, shear, affine, opacity, blending, shading, visible, cache, experimental_clipping_planes, wireframe, normals)
        145 def __init__(
        146     self,
        147     data,
        166     normals=None,
        167 ):
    --> 169     ndim = data[0].shape[1]
        171     super().__init__(
        172         data,
        173         ndim,
        185         experimental_clipping_planes=experimental_clipping_planes,
        186     )
        189         interpolation=Event,
        190         rendering=Event,
        191         shading=Event,
        192     )
    TypeError: 'function' object is not subscriptable
    C:\Users\Linux\.conda\envs\bio11\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\ RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'InProcessKernel._abort_queues' was never awaited!`

    I know is a newbie question.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    opened by EdwinHernandezG 5
  • Add functions for smoothing surfaces and measuring Gaussian curvature

    Add functions for smoothing surfaces and measuring Gaussian curvature

    Hi Zach @zacsimile ,

    I'm just sending a PR with some functionality. I had developed it in another plugin, but not published. I think these functions would fit well here.

    • convex_hull
    • laplacian_smooth
    • taubin_smooth
    • simplification_clustering_decimation
    • colorize_curvature_apss

    Furthermore, I'm suggesting to change the license of your plugin to GPL, because pymeshlab is licensed GPL. So we kind of have to use GPL as well. :-/

    Please let me know what you think!

    Best, Robert

    opened by haesleinhuepf 4
  • napari-hub website lacks documentation

    napari-hub website lacks documentation

    Hi @zacsimile ,

    the napari-hub page of the plugin lacks documentation. If you delete .napari/ and push an update to pypi, then the will be shown.

    If you're busy, I'm happy to send a PR :-)

    Best, Robert

    opened by haesleinhuepf 3
  • fix link to screenshot

    fix link to screenshot

    Hi @zacsimile ,

    this should fix the broken link to the image on the napari hub. It's always good if the screenshots are visible ;-)

    closes #3

    Also for fixing this, a deployment to pypi is necessary.

    Thanks! Robert

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