PyPasser is a Python library for bypassing reCaptchaV3 only by sending 2 requests.



PyPasser is a Python library for bypassing reCaptchaV3 only by sending 2 requests. In 1st request, gets token of captcha and in 2nd request, gets rresp by params and token which gotted in previous step.

Support Python >= 3.7


From PyPI

pip install PyPasser

From Github (latest repo code)

pip install git+[email protected]



Option 1: Use the pre-added sites

see pre-added sites here.

from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
from pypasser.sites import spotify_com, snapchat_com

# for
reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(spotify_com)
## use this response in your requests ...

# for
reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(snapchat_com)
## use this response in your requests ...


Option 2: Use CustomSite for unadded sites

To use CustomSite, first you must find endpoint and params of anchor URL.

  • Open inspect-element on your browser.
  • Go to web page that has reCaptcha V3.
  • In Network tab you should see a request with URL like this:
    so in this URL, endpoint is api2 (it also can be enterprise in another sites).
    and params is ar=1&k=6LfCVLAUAAAAFwwRnnCFW_J39&co=aHR....
from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
from pypasser.structs import CustomSite

config = CustomSite('endpoint', 'params')
reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(config)
## use this response in your requests ...


Use proxy

from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
from pypasser.sites import spotify_com
from pypasser.structs import Proxy

## Using Proxy structure
proxy = Proxy(Proxy.type.HTTPs,'HOST','PORT')

## with authentication credentials
# proxy = Proxy(Proxy.type.HTTPs,'HOST','PORT','USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')

reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(spotify_com, proxy)

also you can configure it as Dict.

proxy = {"http": "http://HOST:PORT",
         "https": "http://HOST:PORT"}

reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(spotify_com, proxy)


Set timeout

Default timeout is 20 seconds but you can change the amount like this:

from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
from pypasser.sites import spotify_com

reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(spotify_com, timeout = 10)



Exception Description
ConnectionError Raised due to network connectivity-related issues.
SiteNotSupported Raised when site not in sites.json.
RecaptchaTokenNotFound Raised when couldn't find token due to wrong endpoint or params.
RecaptchaResponseNotFound Raised when couldn't find reCaptcha response due to using PyPasser for site that hasn't reCaptchaV3.
  • new site

    new site

    Wasn't sure where to ask. Could you add as a new site?

    opened by jpeg115 6
  • ImportError: cannot import name 'reCaptchaBypasser' from 'pypasser'

    ImportError: cannot import name 'reCaptchaBypasser' from 'pypasser'

    When I try to run the following code:

    from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser

    I get this error: "ImportError: cannot import name 'reCaptchaBypasser' from 'pypasser'"

    How to solve it? Thanks!

    opened by roboes 4
  • `ffmpeg` dependency required to import `ReCaptchaV3`

    `ffmpeg` dependency required to import `ReCaptchaV3`

    From the README, it appears ffmpeg is only a requirement for solving recaptcha v2, however running from pypasser import ReCaptchaV3 seems to use pydub.utils which expects ffmpeg or avconv.

    Is this intentional?

    >>> from pypasser import ReCaptchaV3
    /usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/thing/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydub/ RuntimeWarning: Couldn't find ffmpeg or avconv - defaulting to ffmpeg, but may not work
      warn("Couldn't find ffmpeg or avconv - defaulting to ffmpeg, but may not work", RuntimeWarning)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/thing/lib/python3.8/", line 90, in runcode
        exec(code, self.locals)
      File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
    ImportError: cannot import name 'ReCaptchaV3' from 'pypasser' (/usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/thing/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pypasser/
    opened by banagale 1
  • Incompatibility with requests==2.26.0

    Incompatibility with requests==2.26.0

    I would like to test this package - but it seems that it is not compatible with requests==2.26.0 (

    Any chance that the latest version of requests gets compatible to your package?


    opened by roboes 1
  • Bug for custom site

    Bug for custom site

    i have try this:

    from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
    from pypasser.structs import CustomSite
    import requests
    config = CustomSite('api2', 'ar=1&k=6Lfd5wobAAAAACjTkOIXohTrPz9RIhNwRqRq2_R9&co=aHR0cHM6Ly92b2lyYW5pbWUuY29tOjQ0Mw..&hl=fr&v=wxAi4AKLXL2kBAvXqI4XLSWS&size=normal&cb=kmspryghc969')
    reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(config)


        config = CustomSite('api2', 'ar=1&k=6Lfd5wobAAAAACjTkOIXohTrPz9RIhNwRqRq2_R9&co=aHR0cHM6Ly92b2lyYW5pbWUuY29tOjQ0Mw..&hl=fr&v=wxAi4AKLXL2kBAvXqI4XLSWS&size=normal&cb=kmspryghc969')
    TypeError: __init__() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

    after this:

    from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
    from pypasser.structs import CustomSite
    import requests
    config = CustomSite('api2', '')
    reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(config)


        config = CustomSite('api2', '')
    TypeError: __init__() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

    and this:

    from pypasser import reCaptchaBypasser
    from pypasser.structs import CustomSite
    import requests
    config = CustomSite('')
    reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(config)


      File "XXXXX", line 6, in <module>
        reCaptcha_response = reCaptchaBypasser(config)
      File "C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\pypasser\", line 49, in __new__
        recaptcha_response = cls.get_recaptcha_response(data['endpoint'],
      File "C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\pypasser\", line 82, in get_recaptcha_response
        raise RecaptchaResponseNotFound()
    pypasser.exceptions.RecaptchaResponseNotFound: Recaptcha response not found.

    but all don't work, please help me ^^

    opened by JeanQuiTest 1
  • important question

    important question

    hello do it work for recaptcha v2 invisible if so pls tell me how to make it work am creating bot but it just wont work because invisible recaptcha so pls help

    opened by CosmicDev-Official 0
  • question


    hello bro, I have successfully used the recaptcha version v3, but it worked on a few tries, sometimes 1 to 3, after that it will error "invalid captcha", do you have a solution?

    opened by andipediaa 0
  • pypasser.exceptions.RecaptchaResponseNotFound


    anchor url:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "D:\PyCharm Projects\abuse_apenftex\", line 99, in <module>
      File "D:\Apps\Anaconda\envs\functions_env\lib\asyncio\", line 642, in run_until_complete
        return future.result()
      File "D:\PyCharm Projects\abuse_apenftex\", line 93, in send_async_requests
        return await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
      File "D:\PyCharm Projects\abuse_apenftex\", line 64, in bound_fetch
      File "D:\PyCharm Projects\abuse_apenftex\", line 43, in fetch
        await fetch(number=number, proxy=proxy, email=email, email_password=email_password, useragent=useragent)
      File "D:\PyCharm Projects\abuse_apenftex\", line 43, in fetch
        recaptcha = reCaptchaV3("
      File "D:\Apps\Anaconda\envs\functions_env\lib\site-packages\pypasser\reCaptchaV3\", line 46, in __new__
        recaptcha_response = cls.get_recaptcha_response(data['endpoint'],
      File "D:\Apps\Anaconda\envs\functions_env\lib\site-packages\pypasser\reCaptchaV3\", line 86, in get_recaptcha_response
        raise RecaptchaResponseNotFound()
    pypasser.exceptions.RecaptchaResponseNotFound: Recaptcha response not found.
    opened by kreo79 2


    Im trying to submit a V3 generated token to spotify register recap, but i get INVALID_REASON_UNSPECIFIED as the answer to this (Normal solving results in a OK response) The payload is the same (the token looks a bit different of course):

    action: "website/signup/checkbox"

    Im using this anchor url: (other give me pypasser.exceptions.RecaptchaResponseNotFound: Recaptcha response not found. errors)

    opened by Vinyzu 0
  • recaptcha v3 with specefic action

    recaptcha v3 with specefic action

    Hello what about website that use code like grecaptcha.ready(function() { grecaptcha.execute(site-key, {action: 'verify'}).then(function(token) { document.getElementById('g-recaptcha-response').value = token; }); }); how to bypass this kind of recaptcha v3 ?

    opened by Radamanth132 1
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