Web3 Ethereum DeFi toolkit for smart contracts, Uniswap and PancakeSwap trades, Ethereum JSON-RPC utilities, wallets and automated test suites.


PyPI version

Automated test suite

Documentation Status

Web3 Ethereum Defi

This project contains common Ethereum smart contracts and utilities, for trading, wallets,automated test suites and backend integrations for EVM based blockchains.

Pepe chooses Web3 Ethereum DeFi and Python

Pepe chooses web3-ethereum-defi and Python.


Features include

Precompiled ABI file distribution

The project provides a precompiled smart contract bundle, including ABI files, full source and debug maps, to make deploying test instances trivial.

This package primarly supports Python, Web3.p3 and Brownie developers. For other programming languages and frameworks, you can find precompiled Solidity smart contracts in abi folder.

These files are good to go with any framework:

  • Web3.js
  • Ethers.js
  • Hardhat
  • Truffle
  • Web3j

Each JSON file has abi and bytecode keys you need to deploy a contract.

Just download and embed in your project. The compiled source code files are mixture of MIT and GPL v2 license.

Python usage

The Python support is available as web3-ethereum-defi Python package.

The package depends only on web3.py and not others, like Brownie. It grabs popular ABI files with their bytecode and compilation artifacts so that the contracts are easily deployable on any Ethereum tester interface. No Ganache is needed and everything can be executed on faster eth-tester enginer.

Unlike Brownie, which is a framework, web3-ethereum-defi is a library. It is designed to be included in any other Python application and you can only use bits of its that you need. There are no expectations on configuration files or folder structure.

[Read the full API documentation](High-quality API documentation](https://web3-ethereum-defi.readthedocs.io/)). For code examples please see below.


ERC-20 token example

To use the package to deploy a simple ERC-20 token in pytest testing:

import pytest
from web3 import Web3, EthereumTesterProvider

from eth_defi.token import create_token

def tester_provider():
    return EthereumTesterProvider()

def eth_tester(tester_provider):
    return tester_provider.ethereum_tester

def web3(tester_provider):
    return Web3(tester_provider)

def deployer(web3) -> str:
    """Deploy account."""
    return web3.eth.accounts[0]

def user_1(web3) -> str:
    """User account."""
    return web3.eth.accounts[1]

def user_2(web3) -> str:
    """User account."""
    return web3.eth.accounts[2]

def test_deploy_token(web3: Web3, deployer: str):
    """Deploy mock ERC-20."""
    token = create_token(web3, deployer, "Hentai books token", "HENTAI", 100_000 * 10**18)
    assert token.functions.name().call() == "Hentai books token"
    assert token.functions.symbol().call() == "HENTAI"
    assert token.functions.totalSupply().call() == 100_000 * 10**18
    assert token.functions.decimals().call() == 18

def test_tranfer_tokens_between_users(web3: Web3, deployer: str, user_1: str, user_2: str):
    """Transfer tokens between users."""
    token = create_token(web3, deployer, "Telos EVM rocks", "TELOS", 100_000 * 10**18)

    # Move 10 tokens from deployer to user1
    token.functions.transfer(user_1, 10 * 10**18).transact({"from": deployer})
    assert token.functions.balanceOf(user_1).call() == 10 * 10**18

    # Move 10 tokens from deployer to user1
    token.functions.transfer(user_2, 6 * 10**18).transact({"from": user_1})
    assert token.functions.balanceOf(user_1).call() == 4 * 10**18
    assert token.functions.balanceOf(user_2).call() == 6 * 10**18

See full example.

For more information how to user Web3.py in testing, see Web3.py documentation.

Uniswap v2 trade example

import pytest
from web3 import Web3
from web3.contract import Contract

from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.deployment import UniswapV2Deployment, deploy_trading_pair, FOREVER_DEADLINE

def test_swap(web3: Web3, deployer: str, user_1: str, uniswap_v2: UniswapV2Deployment, weth: Contract, usdc: Contract):
    """User buys WETH on Uniswap v2 using mock USDC."""

    # Create the trading pair and add initial liquidity
        10 * 10**18,  # 10 ETH liquidity
        17_000 * 10**18,  # 17000 USDC liquidity

    router = uniswap_v2.router

    # Give user_1 500 dollars to buy ETH and approve it on the router
    usdc_amount_to_pay = 500 * 10**18
    usdc.functions.transfer(user_1, usdc_amount_to_pay).transact({"from": deployer})
    usdc.functions.approve(router.address, usdc_amount_to_pay).transact({"from": user_1})

    # Perform a swap USDC->WETH
    path = [usdc.address, weth.address]  # Path tell how the swap is routed
    # https://docs.uniswap.org/protocol/V2/reference/smart-contracts/router-02#swapexacttokensfortokens
        "from": user_1

    # Check the user_1 received ~0.284 ethers
    assert weth.functions.balanceOf(user_1).call() / 1e18 == pytest.approx(0.28488156127668085)

See the full example.

Uniswap v2 price estimation example

# Create the trading pair and add initial liquidity
    1_000 * 10**18,  # 1000 ETH liquidity
    1_700_000 * 10**18,  # 1.7M USDC liquidity

# Estimate the price of buying 1 ETH
usdc_per_eth = estimate_buy_price_decimals(
assert usdc_per_eth == pytest.approx(Decimal(1706.82216820632059904))

See full example.

How to use the library in your Python project

Add web3-ethereum-defi as a development dependency:

Using Poetry:

poetry add -D web3-ethereum-defi

Development and contributing

Read development instructions.

Version history

Social media


Currently there is no Brownie support. To support Brownie, one would need to figure out how to import an existing Hardhat based project (Sushiswap) to Brownie project format.


Originally created for Trading Strategy. Originally the package was known as eth-hentai.



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