DevSecOps pipeline for Python based web app using Jenkins, Ansible, AWS, and open-source security tools and checks.


DevSecOps pipeline for Python Web App

A Jenkins end-to-end DevSecOps pipeline for Python web application, hosted on AWS Ubuntu 20.04



Note: This project is for demonstration purpose with surface level checks only, do not use as it is on production

Checkout project - check out python application project repository with XSS vulnerability

git secret check - check there is no password/token/keys/secrets accidently commited to project github

SCA - check external dependencies/libraries used by the project have no known vulnerabilities

SAST - static analysis of the application source code for exploits, bugs, vulnerabilites

Container audit - audit the container that is used to deploy the python application

DAST - deploy the application, register, login, attack & analyse it from the frontend as authenticated user

System security audit - analyse at the security posture of the system hosting the application

WAF - deploy application with WAF which will filter malicious requests according to OWASP core ruleset

Installation Steps

  1. Clone this repository to your Ubuntu Server (t2-medium recommended)
git clone
  1. Edit the code to make it work on your AWS

    • Change to your AWS subnet vpc_subnet_id
    • Change to your AWS security_group (allow inbound ssh(22), WAF(80), Optional web-app(10007) from your IP ONLY)
    • Create an IAM role which gives full-ec2-access and assign it to your ubuntu server
  2. Run the setup script to create CICD server with Jenkins+pipeline ready to go

cd PythonSecurityPipeline
sudo sh
  1. Make sure your firewall allows incoming traffic to port 8080. Then, go to your jenkins server URL
  1. Use the temporary credentials provided on the logs to login. Change your password!
  2. Go to the python pipeline project dashboard, click on "Build Now" button to start it off.

Setting up a Jenkins Pipeline project manually on Local Machine

A sample pipeline is already provided through automation

  1. Click on New Item, input name for your project and select Pipeline as the option and click OK.
  2. Scroll down to Pipeline section - Definition, select "Pipeline script from SCM" from drop down menu.
  3. Select Git under SCM, and input Repository URL.
  4. (Optional) Create and Add your credentials for the Git repo if your repo is private, and click Save.
  5. You will be brought to the Dashboard of your Pipeline project, click on "Build Now" button to start off the pipeline.

To do checks:

  • Select appropriate security tools and sample python project
  • Set up Jenkins server using docker (Dockerfile) and pipeline as code (Jenkinsfile) to run the checks
  • Use ansible to create AWS ec2 test instance, configure the environment, and interact with it
  • Hook up the web-app with modsecurity providing WAF,reverse proxy capabilities
  • Bootstrap with Jenkins API/configfile to setup and automatically create the pipeline job
  • Carry out authenticated DAST scan on the python web app



Test Author

Project is Licensed Under the

MIT License

Issued to Devanshu Vashishtha | Copyright ©️ 2022-2023 web-codegrammer

Devanshu Vashishtha
Associate Software Engineer in DevOps at Amdocs India | MERN Stack Mediocre | Open Source @FidelityInternational | Graduate in Computer Engineering
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