MetaMove is written in Python3 and aims at easing batch renaming operations based on file meta data.



MetaMove is written in Python3 and aims at easing batch renaming operations based on file meta data.

MetaMove abuses eval combined with f-strings. It's some sort of wrapper, that handles file operations and requires a Python3 format string generate new file names.

python3 --type f --dry --name "test/**" "test1/{name}-{int(stat.st_mtime)}.{ext}"


usage: [-h] [-R] [--type {f,d}] [--name NAME] [--dry] [--regex REGEX] pattern

positional arguments:
  pattern          destination directory with Python f-string for renaming operations, e.g. "test1/{name}-{int(stat.st_mtime)}.{ext}"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -R, --recursive  Activating this switch will traverse recursively through subdirectories.
  --type {f,d}     "f" for file or "d" for directory, defaults to both
  --name NAME      glob that will match on files, similar to "find -name *.txt"
  --dry            do not actually do anything but showing the result
  --regex REGEX    regex to extract filename parts, can be accessed in the 'pattern' using the 'regex' array

Curly braces

You can use any expression that Python3 allows inside f-string curly braces

A few examples to get you started:

  • name -- Filename without extension
  • ext -- File extension without leading dot
  • mime -- File mime type
  • stat information like
  • IDv3 tags like
  • file name parts if --regex is set:
    • regex[0] -- first match
    • regex[1] -- second match
    • and many more depending on your regex and number of matches


Dry move all files from folder test to test1 and rename them accordingly.

python3 --type f --dry --name "test/**" "test1/{name}-{int(stat.st_mtime)}.{ext}"


test/file_example_MP3_1MG.mp3 -> test1/file_example_MP3_1MG-1640635451.mp3
test/test1.txt -> test1/test1-1640635453.txt
test/test2.dir -> test1/test2-1640635456.dir

Dry move mp3 files from folder test to test1, sort them by mp3.tag.artist into folders and use mp3.tag.title as filename.

python3 --type f --dry --name "**/*.mp3" "test1/{mp3.tag.artist}/{mp3.tag.title}.{ext}"


test1/Kevin MacLeod/Impact Moderato.mp3">
./ --type f --dry --name "**/*.mp3" "test1/{mp3.tag.artist}/{mp3.tag.title}.{ext}"
test/file_example_MP3_1MG.mp3 -> test1/Kevin MacLeod/Impact Moderato.mp3

Dry move files from test to test1 and strip away the non-alphabetic characters from the filename.

python3 --type f --dry --name "test/**" --regex "[A-Za-z]*" "test1/{regex[0]}.{ext}"


test/file_example_MP3_1MG.mp3 -> test1/file.mp3
test/test1.txt -> test1/test.txt
test/test2.dir -> test1/test.dir

What works

  • Globbing the files was kinda hard to figure out and may not be perfect.
  • Renaming mp3 files based on IDv3 meta data works.
  • Renaming other files based on stat meta data is also fine.
  • Using regex expressions to access parts of the filename.
  • Dry runs also work and are recommended before actually performing the action.


  • Plugins (e.g. exif, geographics, time formatting)

Try it out

Dependencies can be installed via

pip install -r requirements.txt


make init
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