Python application that can be used to generate video thumbnail for mp4 and mkv file types.


Thumbnail Generator 🎬

github actions Codacy Badge made-with-python PyPI version

What is This

This is a Python application that can be used to generate video thumbnail for mp4 and mkv file types.



You can use pip:

~$ pip3 install thumb-gen


  • The number of screen images that should be included in the final thumbnail image
  • Thumbnail image quality
  • Font type in the video info panel. You can add a file path of a font file (.ttf) to this
  • Font size in the video info panel
  • Custom text in the video info panel
  • Background color of the thumbnail (Hex codes are also supported)
  • Font colour of the thumbnail (Hex codes are also supported)

Download font files : FontSquirrel

~$ thumb-gen -c


~$ thumb-gen --config

By program default:

BG_COLOUR = white


Usage options

Usage: thumb-gen file file
usage: thumb-gen dir dir

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -c, --config   configurations (images, image quality, font, font size,
                 custom text, bg color, font color)
  -v, --version  show thumb-gen version and exit


~$ thumb-gen -h
~$ thumb-gen --help

~$ thumb-gen -c
~$ thumb-gen --config

~$ thumb-gen -v
~$ thumb-gen --version

~$ thumb-gen input.mp4
~$ thumb-gen input.mp4 input2.mp4
~$ thumb-gen "d:/videos/input.mp4"

~$ thumb-gen "/videos"
~$ thumb-gen "/videos" "/videos2"
~$ thumb-gen "d:/videos"


  • If you don't set an output folder, thumbnail images will be saved in the video folder (video_path).
  • If you don't need a custom text and custom font file (including font size) and you have already set these for the configuration file (using console or defaults), it will be added automatically. To avoid this set the custom_text value to False and add a custom font file location.

Example 1

from thumb_gen import Generator

#video_path, output_path='', custom_text=True, font_dir='', font_size=0, bg_colour='', font_colour=''
app = Generator("C:/input/video.mp4", "C:/output/", "", "C:/Windows/Fonts/Arial.ttf", 30)

Example 2

import os
from thumb_gen import Generator

folder = 'C:/input'
for video in os.listdir(folder):
    if video.endswith('.mp4') or video.endswith('.mkv'):
        app = Generator(os.path.join(folder, video), custom_text=False, font_dir="C:/Project/font.ttf", font_size=25, bg_colour='blue', font_colour='red')
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  • Sending more variables with the

    Sending more variables with the "Generator"

    import os
    from thumb_gen import Generator
    folder = 'C:/input'
    for video in os.listdir(folder):
        if video.endswith('.mp4') or video.endswith('.mkv'):
            app = Generator(os.path.join(folder, video), custom_text=False, font_dir="C:/Project/font.ttf", font_size=25, bg_colour='blue', font_colour='red')

    This code is very useful, but I want to send more veriables, eg: row size of images, or columns size of images.

    Another issue is with custom text. Custom text is under images when it's too long.

    opened by metin02oktay 2
  • [Feature] Adding more formats as compatible.

    [Feature] Adding more formats as compatible.

    Hi there, thanks for this nice script. I've modified it to work with more formats, the only problem I've found where the 4 digit extensions of "webm", it seems the script used self.output_path = self.video_path[:-4] which removed 4 last characters to add a new extension ("." included). The webm extension has 4 letters + 1 ".", meaning that output thumb files where named "file..jpg" if they where made from a .webm source (this is because self.output_path = self.video_path[:-4] would not remove the "." character)

    Here are the small modifications I've made in case you want to modify the script:

            if output_path == '':
                if video_path.endswith('webm'):
                    self.output_path = self.video_path[:-5]
                    self.output_folder = listToString(re.split(pattern = r"[/\\]", string = self.video_path)[:-1], "sys")
                    self.output_path = self.video_path[:-4]
                    self.output_folder = listToString(re.split(pattern = r"[/\\]", string = self.video_path)[:-1], "sys")
                if video_path.endswith('webm'):
                    self.filename = re.split(pattern = r"[/\\]", string = self.video_path)[-1]
                    self.output_path = os.path.join(output_path, self.filename[:-5])
                    self.output_folder = self.output_path
                    self.filename = re.split(pattern = r"[/\\]", string = self.video_path)[-1]
                    self.output_path = os.path.join(output_path, self.filename[:-4])
                    self.output_folder = self.output_path

    def check_files(paths_or_files):
        videos = []
        current_directory = os.getcwd()
        for path_or_file in paths_or_files:
            if not os.path.exists(path_or_file):
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(current_directory, path_or_file)):
                    sys.exit("{}: no such file or directory".format(path_or_file))
                    real_path = os.path.join(current_directory, path_or_file)
                if os.path.isfile(path_or_file):
                    real_path = path_or_file
                    real_path = os.path.join(current_directory, path_or_file)
            if os.path.isfile(real_path):
                if real_path.endswith(('mp4', 'mkv', 'm4v', 'webm', 'avi', 'wmv')):
                    sys.exit("{}: file not supported".format(real_path))
            elif os.path.isdir(real_path):
                for file in os.listdir(real_path):
                    if file.endswith(('mp4', 'mkv', 'm4v', 'webm', 'avi', 'wmv')):
                        videos.append(os.path.join(real_path, file))
                if videos == []:
                    sys.exit("{}: all of files in the directory are not supported".format(real_path))
        return videos
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