MkDocs Plugin allowing your visitors to *File > Print > Save as PDF* the entire site.


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MkDocs plugin that adds a page to your site combining all pages, allowing your site visitors to File > Print > Save as PDF the entire site. See demo.

Features 🌟

  • Allow visitors to create PDFs from MkDocs sites.
  • Support for pagination in PDFs.
  • Works on all MkDocs themes.
  • Support for mkdocs-material features like instant loading and dark color themes.
  • Options to add table of contents and enumeration to headings and figures.
  • Option to add a cover page.
  • Lightweight, no dependencies.

If you need to create PDFs programmatically, have a look at alternatives like mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin and mkdocs-pdf-with-js-plugin.


Install the plugin using pip3:

pip3 install mkdocs-print-site-plugin

Next, add the following lines to your mkdocs.yml:

  - search
  - print-site

⚠️ Make sure to put print-site to the bottom of the plugin list. This is because other plugins might alter your site (like the navigation), and you want these changes included in the print page.

If you have no plugins entry in your config file yet, you'll likely also want to add the search plugin. MkDocs enables it by default if there is no plugins entry set.


Available at


Contributions are very welcome! Start by reading the contribution guidelines.

  • Image not loaded because of lazy loading

    Image not loaded because of lazy loading

    I maintain a rather large documentation with a lot of images and am using this great tool to provide a printable doc to users.

    When a user reaches the /print_page/ route and the print action is launched before scrolling the page, the images aren't loaded due to the html property "lazy loading".

    Is there a way to remove this useful property in order to be sure that every images will be included into the printable preview ?

    There's an ongoing issue in the chromium repo related to my problem.

    opened by fveauvy 10
  • Enumerate headings using the nav structure

    Enumerate headings using the nav structure

    Your plugin is helpful and works fine, thanks for that!

    There is one point I would like to suggest for enhancement (e.g. as an option to the existing method). I understand that your enumeration of headings is only based on the level of the markdown header, and ignores the nav structure from mkdocs.yml. In addition, your TOC has some visual-only features to reflect this nav structure (like the "Customization" title in

    It would be more natural to me to consider the nav structure (and adjust the level of the header). For example, your "Customization" would create a # Customization (i.e. Section 3), and the subjacent pages would be included like ## Adding a print button (i.e. Section 3.1) or ## Adding a PDF button (i.e. Section 3.2).

    opened by SimonDFischer 9
  • Option to remove section pages

    Option to remove section pages

    This quickly pile up on larger projects - I can have from 10-30 empty pages with this like it is now.

    Here is an example:



    Can we have an option to remove them ?

    opened by majkinetor 8
  • Ill table formatting

    Ill table formatting

    Hi, thank you for the cool library!

    I've encountered some table formatting issues.

    1. table which is smaller than one page: first page is just left blank grafik

    2. table which is bigger than one page: first page is filled properly, but table headers are displayed twice grafik

    opened by nihiluis 8
  • Inner pictures are missing

    Inner pictures are missing

    Hi ❤️! I have mkDocs project on readthedocs. Some markdown files stored in subfolders. Something like this:

    ├── article_1.assets/
    │   └── article_1_picture.png
    └── section/
        └── article_2.assets/
            └── article_2_picture.png

    and here is my mkdocs.yaml file:

      - article_1_title: ''
      - 'section_name':
          - article_2_name: 'section/'

    For article_1_picture.png all works well, but article_2_picture.png is missing:


    Could you help me?

    opened by chabErch 7
  • Option to enable / disable plugin

    Option to enable / disable plugin

    Since for large docs it takes some time (like minute or more) and if you are real time serving that slows down refresh.

    It could be good to be able to enable/disable plugin by boolean option. Since mkdocs supports setting config values via Environment variables in next version ( this could be set up dynamically depending on needs.

    opened by majkinetor 7
  • TOC rendering issue

    TOC rendering issue

    TOC part with sections is rendered totally differently from the other TOC elements.

    Take a look at "Extra" in the TOC here:



    Here are the problems:

    1. It can't be clicked
    2. It has quote line in it ?
    3. It is separated from other TOC elements.

    All in all, it looks very ugly, especially with more of them.

    opened by majkinetor 6
  • Anchors generated for relative links doesn't exist

    Anchors generated for relative links doesn't exist

    Relative links are turned into anchors according to their relative paths, but in the print-page class, the section's id which acts as its anchor is generated according to the page's absolute path. This results in these links not working.

    We patched this at the end of by generating all relative anchors (this assumes all of them are unique across the entire site and the paths do not contain --s:

        # Finally, insert new anchor for each page
        page_key_parts = page_key.split('-')
        for k in range(len(page_key_parts)):
            partial_page_key = '-'.join(page_key_parts[k:])
            html = f'<section class="print-page" id="{partial_page_key}">{html}</section>'
        return html
    bug fix_available 
    opened by xLaszlo 6
  • Some internal references aren't processed correctly

    Some internal references aren't processed correctly

    Hi Tim,

    Since I added the lightgallery mkdocs plugin to my documentation, I can't use the print-site plugin anymore, because the print-site plugin seems to replace url's incorrectly.

    The lightgallery plugin adds the following to my index.html page:

    <link href="./assets/theme/css/lightgallery.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src="./assets/theme/js/lightgallery.min.js"></script>

    Note the ./ before assets. I'm not sure why it's doing this. I don't specify the path to the .css and .js files anywhere directly. I'm assuming lightgallery pulls this from the theme - custom_dir which is set to docs/assets/theme in my case.

    In print_page.html created by the print-site plugin, this is then changed to:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//assets/theme/css/lightgallery.min.css">
    <script src="//assets/theme/js/lightgallery.min.js"></script>

    While just loading the print_page.html file in the browser doesn't seem to give any issue, when I then use htmlark to convert it into a single .html file with everything embedded into it, it fails, because it then claims the .css and .js for lightgallery can't be found.

    I'm not entirely sure whether this is a bug in the print-site plugin or elsewhere to be honest.

    I worked around it for now by changing my workflow from:

    mkdocs build
    htmlark docs_html/print_page.html -o documentation.html


    mkdocs build
    sed -i 's/\/\/assets/assets/g' docs_html/print_page.html
    htmlark docs_html/print_page.html -o documentation.html
    opened by tijlk 5
  • Multi-times TOC are generated repeatly when markdown file has html included

    Multi-times TOC are generated repeatly when markdown file has html included

    Hi owners,

    Thanks for the excellent plugin. I just found my table of contents are generated many times in my print page.

    After debug, I found it caused by my including html several times as mkdocs supported:

    --8<-- "./table_7.html"

    And this plugin replace simply. This results generate_toc() called several times. A possible fix will be only replace the last due to the previously ones may be included by html file.

    opened by guo1017138 5
  • PDF export is missing first pages

    PDF export is missing first pages

    In latest version PDF export has truncated top.

    This might be due to handling of TOC depth in newest version 1.1.0 but removing toc with add_table_of_contents: false still doesn't fix it (that is, sometimes it does, I guess it depends on the size of the doc).

    Here are some screenshots - on all front page is missing and depending on TOC depth there are different outputs. Removing TOC doesn't fix front page problem.




    This is with latest material (v7.1.0)

    opened by majkinetor 5
  • Plugin breaks site base URL configuration with Material theme

    Plugin breaks site base URL configuration with Material theme


    First of all, I'm sorry that I can't for sure locate whether this is plugin or Material theme related. However:

    When loading any documentation page normally, Material theme reads the site configuration as shown:


    When loading print_page.html, Material theme receives this incorrect configuration


    Basically, the base path from the base URL gets dropped out when loading the print page. Here's the mentioned line in Material.

    Would you have any idea what's going on here? Here is my configuration:

    docs_dir: "doc"
        name: material
        logo: assets/*****
        favicon: assets/*****
        font: false
            - navigation.tabs
            - navigation.instant
            - search.highlight
            - content.code.annotate
            help: 191    # ?
            next: 78     # n
            previous: 80 # p
            search: 83   # s
    use_directory_urls: false
    ## The following section defines which markdown extensions to use.
      - tables
      - toc:
          permalink: True
          separator: '_'
      - smarty:
          smart_dashes: False
          smart_quotes: False
          smart_angled_quotes: False
            left-single-quote: '&sbquo;'
      - markdown.extensions.abbr
      - markdown.extensions.admonition
      - markdown.extensions.attr_list
      - markdown.extensions.codehilite:
          guess_lang: false
      - markdown.extensions.def_list
      - markdown.extensions.footnotes
      - markdown.extensions.meta
      - markdown.extensions.toc:
          permalink: true
      - pymdownx.caret
      - pymdownx.critic:
          mode: view
      - pymdownx.details
      - pymdownx.inlinehilite
      - pymdownx.keys
      - pymdownx.magiclink
      - pymdownx.mark
      - pymdownx.superfences
      - pymdownx.tabbed:
          alternate_style: true
      - pymdownx.tasklist:
          custom_checkbox: true
      - pymdownx.tilde
      - pymdownx.snippets:
          base_path: doc/
      - mkdocs_graphviz
      - markdown_include.include:
          base_path: docs
      - pymdownx.arithmatex:
          generic: true
    ## Default plugin configuration
      - search
      - glightbox:
          effect: fade
          width: 90vw
          height: 90vh
      - kroki:
          ServerURL: https://*****
          FencePrefix: ""
      - print-site:
          add_cover_page: true
      - js/mathjax.js
      - js/tablesort.js
      -[email protected]/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js
    copyright: *****


    opened by jjstoo 1
  • Using with custom theme

    Using with custom theme

    Can I use this plugin with a custom theme? I.e.

      name: null
      custom_dir: path/to/basic/plain/theme/main.html

    (See below for main.html).

    When I do, I get:

    Could not find a template context.
    Report an issue at
    And mention the template you're using: None

    I saw in get_theme_name() the comment "Supports the case when using overrides (using theme: null)". So I tried:

    theme: null

    but that renders the one-pager in the default MkDocs theme.

    Any ideas? Thanks. (Happy to attempt to delve deeper into the code. But would like to know if it even makes sense for this plugin.)

    My main.html:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        {{ page.content }}
    opened by fotrimzi 2
  • How to print i18n pages

    How to print i18n pages

    I am using mkdocs-static-i18n to generate multi-language pages, but mkdocs-print-site-plugin only generates the default language for print-page.

    Is there a option I can use to generate other languages?

    opened by roddc 1
  • v2.3.4(Jun 1, 2022)

  • v2.3.3(Apr 19, 2022)

  • v2.3.2(Mar 2, 2022)


    • When enumerate_headings is set to True (the default), the right side table-of-contents in HTML version of the print page will now also have enumeration (#55)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.3.1(Feb 16, 2022)

  • v2.3(Jan 28, 2022)

  • v2.2.5(Jan 18, 2022)

  • v2.2.4(Jan 14, 2022)

  • v2.2.3(Jan 12, 2022)


    • Bug where mkdocs build in combination with mkdocs or readthedocs theme and use_directories_urls: true would result in incorrect URLs to CSS and JS files (#62)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.2.2(Jan 9, 2022)

  • v2.2.1(Dec 24, 2021)

  • v2.2(Dec 11, 2021)

  • v2.1(Dec 2, 2021)


    • Bug where the print-site would be broken at random ~20% of the time when using the default mkdocs theme (
    • Bug where error "Page does not start with heading level 1" was not raised when invalid pages where inside a navigation section (#59)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.3(Oct 20, 2021)


    • Warning message of incorrect print page when using mkdocs serve --dirtyreload (
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.2(Oct 7, 2021)

  • v2.0.1(Oct 2, 2021)


    • Updated docs with reference to mkdocs-with-pdf plugin (


    • Bug where PDF icon did not work (
    • Margins in firefox (#56)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.0(Sep 15, 2021)

    Major new release of print-site with many bug fixes, improved exporting to standaline HTML and PDF, improved styling and updated documentation. This release does include a number of breaking changes. For a demo, see the print page of the documentation.

    Breaking changes

    • add_to_navigation now defaults to false instead of true (4fd5a396e68d8206e8c521d7152415b4e30eea62)
    • add_print_site_banner now defaults to false instead of true (5f121e96a5edfe761232759301794fcc759cbb2e)
    • toc_depth now defaults to 3 instead of 6 (eb2fdc26da57853f7b1854824233da2895959127)
    • enumerate_headings now defaults to true instead of false (9f204b89765bdb1f396ffdace26430874243c2bd)
    • enumerate_figures now defaults to true instead of false (9f204b89765bdb1f396ffdace26430874243c2bd)


    • HTML print page now does not have the navigation sidebar or top navigation tabs (29660f270ef6e02e67f26c9139235a974f779469)
    • The inline table of contents will now only be displayed on the print version of the print page. The HTML version has a new sidebar ToC. (436fbad0d57dd27f3c085f548b722772aa0b3027)
    • Improved styling of the cover page (b49b29b5508a09be12f019361eea57b4d361210e)
    • The cover page is now also displayed on the HTML version of the print page (967d6837562395b3491f3ffa4483ca8f3ed02190)
    • Prettier highlight animation when using sidebar ToC on print page to navigate around (967d6837562395b3491f3ffa4483ca8f3ed02190)


    • New table of contents sidebar for the HTML version of the print page, showing the page titles and with support for sections.
    • Documentation on how to automate exporting to standalone HTML and PDF formats


    • Bug where setting add_print_site_banner would lead to 'no such file found' error (4e3a2351ab9f40b26f7f1d9dc8e88c07165a2096)
    • Using navigation in the print page would lead to headings being hidden under the navbar (in mkdocs-material) (c8fad648baeea87996a8ccb15509124bc72e67bb)
    • Bug where tab content would not display when a page contained multiple tabsets. (#53)
    • Bug where we would validate pages on having level 1 headings, that were not part of the navigation (25bc443bd2f16781b6d1e4189c57b1d6fc5f5488)
    • Bug where section headings were closed with an incorrect tag (bcce1f2eee1118602b8aa26274712ff1831fbd06)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Sep 13, 2021)


    • New enabled option to disable the plugin via the configuration, see docs (#40)


    • Error is now raised when any page in the website does not start with a heading level 1, when add_table_of_contents: true and/or enumerate_headings: true. This used to silently mess up enumeration and the table of contents. (c4895ce)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.4(Sep 7, 2021)

  • v1.2.3(May 19, 2021)


    • Reverts: Raise error when pymdownx.details markdown extension is enabled in combination with mkdocs-material. This has now been fixed in mkdocs-material==7.1.5 (see squidfunk/mkdocs-material#2655)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.2(May 11, 2021)


    • Raise error when pymdownx.details markdown extension is enabled in combination with mkdocs-material. This currently breaks print (see
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.1(May 10, 2021)

  • v1.2.0(May 10, 2021)


    • Fix mailto links being broken on printpage (#46)
    • Improved styling of (nested) sections in table of contents (#37)
    • Fix bug where permalink would show in table of contents (#39)
    • Fixed switching content tabs on print page (#45)


    • Cleaned up requirements (0c9be93)
    • Light/Dark mode toggle in documentation website (a33a453)
    • Remove pymdownx.details from documentation website as it will break the printing (857625c)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.0(Feb 22, 2021)


    • Option to disable print-site banner #38
    • Option to template print-site banner #38
    • Support for attachments (#42)
    • Support for footnotes (#41)
    • Option to change the title of the table of contents (#39)
    • Option to reduce the depth of the table of contents (#39)


    • Fix anchors for relative links when use_directory_urls is false (#30)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(Dec 21, 2020)

    print-site 1.0.0

    First major release!


    • Added option with documentation to ignore certain elements (see docs) #31
    • Added option to exclude entire pages from print page #34
    • Improved formatting of table of contents when using nested sections (see #27)
    • Added support for nested sections, including support for enumeration #27
    • Added sections from navigation to print page content, including support for enumeration #27
    • Clarified how to avoid print dialog for printing PDFs #33
    • Clarified how to add images to the print cover page #28


    • Fixed broken internal links when using nested relative links, see #30
    • Fixed bug when parsing absolute image urls #32
    • Fixed bug in parsing anchor urls that had special characters
    • Fixed bug where empty markdown pages crash renderer
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.8.2(Oct 21, 2020)


    • Remove usage of a tempfile, fixes #26


    • Removed unnecessary tweaks for mkdoc material #25
    • Added mkdocs-material to dependencies to ensure a version is used with recent printing improvements
    • Removed experimental CSS features
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.8.1(Oct 8, 2020)


    • mkdocs-material dark theme only switches to light when printing, and then back. #21


    • mkdocs-material tabbed content now prints contents of all tabs #16
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.8(Oct 7, 2020)

    Thanks to @rei-vilo for finding and posting reproducible issues 🙏


    • The table of contents now display the section headings from the mkdocs navigation #18


    • Internal links between mkdocs pages now work properly on the print-page #19
    • Images should now render properly, even when nested and with use_directory_urls on or off #17
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.7.1(Oct 4, 2020)


    • Image links broke when images are placed in a subfolder #17 , 82407d00e3c965ead2e66795967d974dced25561
    • Plugin crashed if navigation contained a link to the same markdown page twice, fixed in cbc8a4da8c79ecc170ea406f30224b3e08b804b2
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.7(Oct 1, 2020)


    • Improved documention website
    • Added support for displaying a PDF button #15


    • Table of contents now skips empty headings and disregards html, fixes #14
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6(Sep 21, 2020)

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