It's a pomodoro app written in Python. You can minimize it while you're working if you want to, it'll pop up on your screen when the timer is up.
You can download the .exe file and use it.
Minimalistic Gridworld Environment (MiniGrid) There are other gridworld Gym environments out there, but this one is designed to be particularly simple
A male and female dog names python package
FFVI Worlds Collide Worlds Collide is an open worlds randomizer for Final Fantas
A python script that will automate the boring task of login to the captive portal again and again
FontChinese7x7 上古神器 III : 7x7像素点阵中文字体 想要在低分辨率屏幕上显示中文, 却发现中文字体实在是太大? 找了全网发现字体库最小也只有12x12? 甚至是好不容易找到了一个8x8字体, 结果发现字体收费且明确说明不得以任何形式嵌入到软件当中? 那就让这个项目来解决你的问
Davis-Sunflowers-Su21 Project goals: Plants influence their reproduction and mating system in many ways. Various factors such as time of flowering, ab
Advent-of-Code Jack Morgan's Advent of Code Solutions Usage Run . initiate.sh year day To initiate a day. This sets up a template python file, and pul
Introduction This project purpose is speed up your typing by some exercises in the multi-platform(Windows/Ubuntu). Build Environment Software Environm
asm-stackfuck A simple assembly- and brainfuck-inspired stack-based language. The language has a few goals: Be stack-based Look like assembly Have a s
Copyright and other protections apply. Please see the accompanying LICENSE file for rights and restrictions governing use of this software. All rights
opensea-nft-api-tutorial OpenSea NFT API App using Python and Streamlit Tutorial Video Walkthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49SupvcFC1M Instruc
Most Simple|Stupid Programming language. (MSPL) Stack - Based programming language "written in Python" Features: Interpretate code (Run). Generate gra
Collie is for uncovering RDMA NIC performance anomalies. Overview Prerequ
textos-constituyentes propuestas electorales de los candidatos a constituyentes, Chile 2021 Programas descargados desde https://elecciones2021.servel.
Python packages Tomas Beuzen & Tiffany Timbers Python packages are a core element of the Python programming language and are how you create organized,
Gathers posts from content feeds, filters, formats, delivers to you.
Devil Very Semple Auto Filter V1 Bot
Python Ignition This project aims to provide Python bindings for ignition-msgs and ignition-transport. It is a work in progress... C++ and Python libr
FuckTruthSocial It really seems like Trump is trying to get his own social media started. Not a huge fan tbh. (When TruthSocial actually releases, I'l
A python script to detect a rapid upwards price brekout (pump) in a cryptocurrency pairing, through pandas and Binance API.