Python library for parsing Godot scene files


Godot Parser

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This is a python library for parsing Godot scene (.tscn) and resource (.tres) files. It's intended to make it easier to automate certain aspects of editing scene files or resources in Godot.

High-level API

godot_parser has roughly two levels of API. The low-level API has no Godot-specific logic and is just a dumb wrapper for the file format.

The high-level API has a bit of application logic on top to mirror Godot functionality and make it easier to perform certain tasks. Let's look at an example by creating a new scene file for a Player:

  from godot_parser import GDScene, Node

  scene = GDScene()
  res = scene.add_ext_resource("res://PlayerSprite.png", "PackedScene")
  with scene.use_tree() as tree:
      tree.root = Node("Player", type="KinematicBody2D")
              properties={"texture": res.reference},

It's much easier to use the high-level API when it's available, but it doesn't cover everything. Note that use_tree() does support inherited scenes, and will generally function as expected (e.g. nodes on the parent scene will be available, and making edits will properly override fields in the child scene). There is no support yet for changing the inheritence of a scene.

Low-level API

Let's look at creating that same Player scene with the low-level API:

  from godot_parser import GDFile, ExtResource, GDSection, GDSectionHeader

  scene = GDFile(
      GDSection(GDSectionHeader("gd_scene", load_steps=2, format=2))
      GDSection(GDSectionHeader("ext_resource", path="res://PlayerSprite.png", type="PackedScene", id=1))
      GDSection(GDSectionHeader("node", name="Player", type="KinematicBody2D"))
          GDSectionHeader("node", name="Sprite", type="Sprite", parent="."),

You can see that this requires you to manage more of the application logic yourself, such as resource IDs and node structure, but it can be used to create any kind of TSCN file.

More Examples

Here are some more examples of how you can use this library.

Find all scenes in your project with a "Sensor" node and change the collision_layer:

  import os
  import sys
  from godot_parser import load

  def main(project):
      for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(project):
          for file in files:
              if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.tscn':
                  update_collision_layer(os.path.join(root, file))

  def update_collision_layer(filepath):
      scene = load(filepath)
      updated = False
      with scene.use_tree() as tree:
          sensor = tree.get_node('Sensor')
          if sensor is not None:
              sensor['collision_layer'] = 5
              updated = True

      if updated:



This was written with the help of the Godot TSCN docs, but it's still mostly based on visual inspection of the Godot files I'm working on. If you find a situation godot_parser doesn't handle or a feature it doesn't support, file an issue with the scene file and an explanation of the desired behavior. If you want to dig in and submit a pull request, so much the better!

If you want to run a quick sanity check for this tool, you can use the script. Pass in your root Godot directory and it will verify that it can correctly parse and re-serialize all scene and resource files in your project.

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