This is a Telegram Video Compress Bot. Prouduct By Binary Tech
- Compresse videos and generate screenshots too.You can set custom video name and Thumbnail.You can get logs videos to a channel .It takes little time to Compress.
slash_util is a simple wrapper around slash commands for discord.py This is writ
base10 "A ideia é fornecer uma base ampla de questões do ENEM como uma api REST" TODO Documentar a api com apifairy Criar testes Criar crawler para si
pyCoinPayments - Python API client for CoinPayments Updates This library has now been converted to work with python3 This is an unofficial client for
Install the requirements pip install selenium pip install pyfiglet==0.7.5 How ca
pycrypt Automate trading crypto using Python to pull data from Binance's API and analyse trends. May or may not consistently lose money but oh well it
LoL API is a Python application made to serve League of Legends data.
Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier takes your City or PIN code as an input and automatically notifies you via ema
Machine Learning - Métodos de classificação Base de Dados utilizadas: Dados de crédito Dados do Census Métodos de classificação aplicados: Naive Bayes
- [ MAYBE UPDATE & ADD MORE MODULE ] Bagas Mirror&Leech Bot Bagas Mirror&Leech Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring file
instagram-story-report Mass reports a victim stories. Made for fun, but can be used for chaos Single session and multi session support Login, choose a
Notion-DiscordBot A discord bot consuming Notion API to add and retrieve data from Notion databases. Instructions to use the bot: Pre-Requisites: a)In
YouTube Bot Info YouTube Bot is a discord bot where you can search for anything
Daisy-X-UB ☣️ The Most Super Powerfull UserBot ☣️ ⚡ †hê ∂αιѕу χ ⚡ Legendary AF Ꭰαιѕу χ This is a userbot made for telegram. I made this userbot with h
PyBetween Wrapper for Between - 비트윈을 위한 파이썬 라이브러리 Legal Disclaimer 오직 교육적 목적으로만 사용할수 있으며, 비트윈은 VCNC의 자산입니다. 악의적 공격에 이용할시 처벌 받을수 있습니다. 사용에 따른 책임은 사용자가
AquaDLBot ➠ I Can Download And Upload files To Telegram DEMO Copyright (C) 2020-2026 by [ema
tilesetCopyrighter Ein PY-Skript, mit dem tiled-Editor-Maps bearbeitet werden können fügt je Tileset eine custom-Property tilesetCopyright (string) hi
Cord Python API Client The data programming platform for AI 💻 Features Minimal low-level Python client that allows you to interact with Cord's API Su
Telegram Video Chat Bot (Beta) 📢 Video Chat Stream Telegram Bot 🤖 Can Stream Live Videos, Radios, YouTube Videos & Telegram Video Files On Your Vide
Instagram Scraper instagram-scraper is a command-line application written in Python that scrapes and downloads an instagram user's photos and videos.
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