Beancount Importers for DKB (Deutsche Kredit Bank) CSV Exports


Beancount DKB Importer





beancount-dkb provides an Importer for converting CSV exports of DKB (Deutsche Kreditbank) account summaries to the Beancount format.


$ pip install beancount-dkb

In case you prefer installing from the Github repository, please note that develop is the development branch so stable is what you should be installing from.


If you're not familiar with how to import external data into Beancount, please read this guide first.

Adjust your config file to include ECImporter and CreditImporter (depending on what account you're trying to import).

A sample configuration might look like the following:

from beancount_dkb import ECImporter, CreditImporter

IBAN_NUMBER = 'DE99 9999 9999 9999 9999 99' # your real IBAN number

CARD_NUMBER = '9999 9999 9999 9999'         # your real Credit Card number



Once this is in place, you should be able to run bean-extract on the command line to extract the transactions and pipe all of them into your Beancount file.

$ bean-extract /path/to/ transaction.csv >> you.beancount

Transaction Codes as Meta Tags

By default, the ECImporter prepends the transaction code ("Buchungstext") to the transaction description. To achieve shorter descriptions and use meta tags to query for certain transaction codes, the importer may be configured to store the transaction code in a user provided meta tag.

The following configuration instructs the importer to use a meta tag code to store transaction codes:


This is how an example transaction looks without the option:

2021-03-01 * "Kartenzahlung" "XY Supermarket"
    Assets:DKB:EC                        -133.72 EUR

And this is the resulting transaction using meta_code='code'

2021-03-01 * "XY Supermarket"
    code: Kartenzahlung
    Assets:DKB:EC                        -133.72 EUR


ERROR:root:Importer raised an unexpected error: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf6 in position 17: invalid start byte

Change the file_encoding parameter. It seems like the CSV exports are ISO-8859-1 encoded, but utf-8 seems like a useful default.


Contributions are most welcome!

Please make sure you have Python 3.6+ and Poetry installed.

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install the packages required for development: poetry install
  3. That's basically it. You should now be able to run the test suite: poetry run py.test.
Siddhant Goel
Software Developer 👨🏻‍💻
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