A python program which converts images and video into excel spreadsheets.



A program which converts images and video into Excel spreadsheets.

Usage examples can be found in examples

Videos can take a long time to save.

Example conversion

Original image:

Original image

Result as viewed in Excel:


Video is the same except each frame is it's own spreadsheet.


Main libraries can be installed with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Web UI libraries can be installed with:

pip install -r web_requirements.txt

Command syntax

image2excel-cmd.py [-h] [--scale SCALE] [--filter FILTER] [--frameskip FRAMESKIP] [--forceframeskip] [--videocut VIDEOCUT] type file_path output_path mode

Use image2excel-cmd.py -h for help. Information about arguments is displayed below.

Media type: video or image. Video is used for animated gifs.

File path: The location of the original iamge. test_image can be for one of the test images, no test videos (scale of 0.1 is recommended).

Output path: The output path of the Excel spreadsheet


  • GREYSCALE (applies a greyscale effect to the image)
  • RGB (no filter applied)
  • FILTER (applies a colour filter to the image)

Optional arguments

Scale: The scale of the image. For images over 1000px in size, a scale of less than 0.25 is recommended.

Filter: The colour of the filter to be applied to the image.

Video only

Frameskip: How many frames to skip between each spreadsheet. 50 is recommended.

Force frame skip: Force the frame skip to be lower than 25. Ideal for gifs.

Videocut: How much to shorten the video by (float, percentage 0.5 = 50%)

Workbooksplit: Split the video into seperate files, every x frames. <= 10 recommended.


Run in eaxmples/web directory.

python image2excel-web.py

Note: The port will default to 5000


  • 'Bake' colours (dont' use conditional formatting)
  • Add ability to split video up into seperate Excel files
  • Add example that downloads YouTube videos
  • Add RGB 2D array support
  • Add support for gifs as video
  • Implement video conversion for web server
  • Implement scale for video
  • Frame skip config
  • Cut down video length as option
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