Minimal and clean dashboard to visualize some stats of Pi-Hole with an E-Ink display attached to your Raspberry Pi


Clean Dashboard for Pi-Hole

Minimal and clean dashboard to visualize some stats of Pi-Hole with an E-Ink display attached to your Raspberry Pi.

This is very useful if you keep a Pi Zero with Pi-Hole connected to your router and you want a clean dashboard to monitor its status. Additionally, I do not use static IP so if this ever change, I have an easy way to get the real time IP of the Raspberry.

PyPI Updated Powered-By
Raspberry Pi Zero

My Setup


The tool should run out of the box with standard installation of Pi-Hole. If you have a different setup probably the scripts should be adapted too. If your instance of Pi-Hole is running on a different port than 80, you should change it inside pihole_dashboard/

WaveShare e-Paper dependency

Making the E-Ink display work is not fully covered here, as it depends mostly on the display you use. As said before, I have the WaveShare's 2.13 inch E-Ink display, that has a nice detailed Wiki here:

You can find there the list of required dependencies for Python and how to run and test the provided examples. Just for reference, this is the list of dependencies that should be installed on a Raspberry Pi Zero to configure the display I have:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-pil python3-numpy
sudo pip3 install RPi.GPIO
sudo pip3 install spidev 

In order to use the 2.13 inch E-Ink display with Python, you also need to get and build their waveshare-epd library:

git clone
cd e-Paper/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/python/
sudo python3 install

You can check if the display is working by running the test example:

cd e-Paper/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/python/
sudo python3 examples/

Remember that you need root access to control the display, so be sure to run the python example as root.

The example will print several geometric objects on the screen if everything is working as expected, followed by a simple clock program that updates every second. If the example does not work, do not proceed further with the installation as this probably will not work either.


The installation requires to have already a Raspberry with Pi-Hole installed and correctly running, if you have problem installing Pi-Hole check their README.


Ensure that you have already this Pillow dependency installed:

sudo apt install libopenjp2-7

From PyPI

sudo pip3 install pihole-dashboard

From Source

git clone
cd pihole-dashboard
sudo pip3 install .

Once installed, reboot the Raspberry Pi. The dashboard should appear few minutes after the reboot.


You can remove the tool anytime by running

sudo pip uninstall pihole-dashboard

You can also manually remove the cronjob by running

sudo rm /etc/cron.d/pihole-dashboard-cron

How it works

The tool will install a Cron Job on the Raspberry Pi that will check the status of Pi-Hole every minute. If there's an update to display, the screen will refresh and update its content.


If the dashboard is not displaying, you can check if the script return an error by running

sudo pihole-dashboard-draw

If everything is working as expected, nothing will be printed out. If you still have errors, please open an issue.

  • Can't install pihole-dashboard on DietPi

    Can't install pihole-dashboard on DietPi


    i found your project when I was looking for another use for my Waveshare 2.13" display. My hardware requirements are the same as you listed. I use an RPi Zero WH, pihole in version V5.14.1 and the 2.13inch E -Ink display HAT for Raspberry Pi.

    When I run the command sudo python3 examples/, the demo plays correctly on the display.

    I've followed your guide closely, but I get errors with both ways to install pihole-dashboard.

    Here the error messages:

    [email protected]:~# sudo pip3 install pihole-dashboard Looking in indexes:, Collecting pihole-dashboard Using cached pihole_dashboard-1.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (140 kB) Collecting Pillow>=8.2.0 Using cached (1.1 MB) Requirement already satisfied: netifaces>=0.10.9 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from pihole-dashboard) (0.11.0) Collecting pihole-dashboard Using cached pihole_dashboard-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (137 kB) Using cached (124 kB) ERROR: Cannot install pihole-dashboard==1.0.0, pihole-dashboard==1.0.1 and pihole-dashboard==1.0.2 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.

    The conflict is caused by: pihole-dashboard 1.0.2 depends on waveshare-epd pihole-dashboard 1.0.1 depends on waveshare-epd pihole-dashboard 1.0.0 depends on waveshare-epd

    To fix this you could try to:

    1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
    2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict

    ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit

    The 2nd method shows these messages:

    [email protected]:~/pihole-dashboard# sudo pip3 install . Looking in indexes:, Processing /root/pihole-dashboard Preparing metadata ( ... done ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement waveshare-epd (from pihole-dashboard) (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for waveshare-epd

    I can't find a solution to these problems, do you have any ideas or tips?

    Best regards, Carsten

    opened by Falconcrest 17
  • No auto refresh

    No auto refresh


    I like the concept so have tried installing it as you describe, however I have an issue.

    The display only works when I do ‘sudo pihole-dashboard-draw’ manually. The cron is not refreshing the display automatically. Any thoughts?

    opened by fourdotone12 4
  • Random issue while trying to test the screen?

    Random issue while trying to test the screen?

    Hello I followed your instructions but then I got stuck when i tried to test the screen itself when i went to put in sudo python it gave me this in return Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 11, in from waveshare_epd import epd2in13_V2 File "/home/pi/newdisplaything/e-Paper/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/python/lib/waveshare_epd/" , line 32, in from . import epdconfig File "/home/pi/newdisplaything/e-Paper/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/python/lib/waveshare_epd/", line 152, in implementation = RaspberryPi() File "/home/pi/newdisplaything/e-Paper/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/python/lib/waveshare_epd/", line 47, in init import RPi.GPIO ImportError: No module named RPi.GPIO

    whats weird is ive tried installing the RPI.GPIO a couple different ways but i feel like i must of missed something but if you could possibly point me in the right direction i would really appreciate any help thanks in advanced

    opened by madryboy 1
  • readme clarification

    readme clarification

    would mention that SPI interface needs to be turned on in raspi-config in order for e-ink screen to function.

    would mention that needs to be modified if using ethernet instead of wi-fi (change Interface = "wlan0" to "eth0")

    opened by peepdoc 0
  • No display on the e-paper since the Pi-hole update

    No display on the e-paper since the Pi-hole update

    After the last update of Pihole/adminLTE, the display on the e-paper no longer works. The same problem existed with a PiTFT and PiOLED display. The solution was communicated to me at and consisted in the adaptation of api_url = 'http://localhost/admin/api.php?summary&auth=abcdef123456789'.

    Unfortunately this doesn't work if I enter it in the among
    def update(): url = "{}/admin/api.php".format(PIHOLE_PORT) r = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))

    How should the adjustment be correct?

    opened by Falconcrest 0
  • Waveshare 2.13 not drawing

    Waveshare 2.13 not drawing


    i followed your instructions to install everything (Incl. Waveshare etc.). The display is working so far. But after installation of Pihole-Dashboard and rebooting, the display is not drawing. I tried with sudo pihole-dashboard-draw but it didn't work:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/bin/pihole-dashboard-draw", line 23, in <module>
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pihole_dashboard/", line 91, in update
        unique_clients = r['unique_clients']
    KeyError: 'unique_clients'

    Anything i could try?

    opened by mrtritop 3
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