Trading Strategies
~50% of codes from the Applied Financial Technology Course. Contributors:
- Claire W.
- Derrick T.
- Frank L.
- Utkarsh T.
Course Leads: Dylan H. and Shaharyar K.
hermit-py 对hermit 的API进行简单的封装,做成了这个Python Moudle,推荐通过wheel的方式安装。 目前对点击、滑动、模拟输入、找组件、等支持较好,支持查看页面的实时布局信息,再通过布局信息进行点击滑动等操作。 支持剪贴板相关的操作,支持设置剪贴的任意语言内容。
ABACUS Aroio API for Webinterfaces and App-Connections Setup Start virtual python environment if you don't have python3 running setup: $ python3 -m ve
Aviary The aviary contains: - roost, - wren, cgcnn. The aim is to contain multiple models for materials discovery under a common interface Environment
SongBot2.0 Host 👨💻 Heroku 🚀 Manditary Vars BOT_TOKEN : Get It from @Botfather Special Feature Downloads Songs fastly and less errors as well as 0
Year on Github 🐙 Share your Github stats for 2020 on Twitter. This project contains a small web app that let's you share stats about your Github acti
TWCC-slurm-wrapper A wrapper for slurm especially on Taiwania2 (HPC CLI). For Taiwania2 (HPC CLI) usage, please refer to here. (中文) How to Install? gi
Gclone Discord Utilities Features Clone - Clone a public/private google drive fi
Python-ddos-bot Coded by Lamp#1442 A discord bot can stress ip addresses with python tool. Warning! DOS or DDOS is illegal, i shared for educational p
Python client for ETAPI of Trilium Note. Python library for Seeedstudio Grove Devices on embeded Linux platform, especially good on below platforms: Coral Dev Board (Wiki) NVIDIA Jet
Git Ranch This script adds ranch, a new subcommand for git that makes it easier to order 1 Gallon of Kraft Ranch Salad Dressing from Amazon. Installat
Modern Data Lake Storage Layers This repository contains supporting assets for my research in modern Data Lake storage layers like Apache Hudi, Apache
pyTelegramBotAPI A simple, but extensible Python implementation for the Telegram Bot API. Getting started. Writing your first bot Prerequisites A simp
Cloudsy Bot A simple bot to upload file to various cloud servers. Variables API_HASH Your API Hash from API_ID Your API ID from
uticker An information scroller Twitter trends, news, weather for raspberry pi and Pimoroni Unicorn Hat Mini and Scroll Phat HD. Features include: Twi
weather_bot Weather telegram bot with aiogram, on Russian language #RU Бот по определению погоды в Telegram, написана на библиотеке aiogram, весь инте
wechatpayv3 介绍 微信支付接口V3版python库。 适用对象 wechatpayv3支持微信支付直连商户,接口说明详见 官网。 特性 平台证书自动更新,无需开发者关注平台证书有效性,无需手动下载更新; 支持本地缓存平台证书,初始化时指定平台证书保存目录即可。 适配进度 微信支付V3版A
arxiv-feishu-bot We develop A simple feishu bot script daily pushes arxiv latest articles. His effect is as follows: Of course, you can also use other
Google Images Download Python Script for 'searching' and 'downloading' hundreds of Google images to the local hard disk! Documentation Documentation H
birdy birdy is a super awesome Twitter API client for Python in just a little under 400 LOC. TL;DR Features Future proof dynamic API with full REST an