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Opsi zadatka
Korišćenjem principa objektno-orijentisanog programiranja, modelovati mehanizme računarske igre Minecraft. U ovom repozitorijumu se nalazi jedno (ali ne i jedino) rešenje ovog zadatka.
Korišćenjem principa objektno-orijentisanog programiranja, modelovati mehanizme računarske igre Minecraft. U ovom repozitorijumu se nalazi jedno (ali ne i jedino) rešenje ovog zadatka.
Dotfiles Repo Welcome! Over here, you can find my dotfiles for various applications, including QTile, Alacritty, Kitty, LunarVim, and more! Make sure
Git Hooks Tutorial My public talk about this project at Sberloga: Git Hooks Is All You Need 1. Git Hooks 101 Init git repo: mkdir git_repo cd git_repo
MultiMapWithTTL An implementation of multimap with per-item expiration backed up by Redis. Documentation: https://loggi.github.io/python-multimapwitht
qMem Datawrangler This script processes output of qMem measurement software into an Origin ® compatible *.csv files and matplotlib graphs to quickly v
Spindle and vacuum attachment This is a model of the vacuum attachment for my Workbee CNC router. There is a mist spray coming from the left hand side
NFT Generator An advanced NFT Generator Free software: GNU General Public License v3 Documentation: https://nft-generator.readthedocs.io. Features TOD
tg-nearby Trilateration of nearby Telegram users as described in my corresponding article. Setup If you want to toy with the code in this repository
Push metrics from your periodic long-running jobs to existing Prometheus/VictoriaMetrics monitoring system.
title emoji colorFrom colorTo sdk app_file pinned huggingpics-explorer 🤗 blue red streamlit app.py false huggingpics-explorer A streamlit app for exp
brython Brython (Browser Python) is an implementation of Python 3 running in the browser, with an interface to the DOM elements and events. Here is a
This is a blender addon for import and update mixamo animations.
Python-lambda is a toolset for developing and deploying serverless Python code in AWS Lambda. A call for contributors With python-lambda and pytube bo
Simply create JIRA releases based on your github releases
❤ THIS REPO WILL CLOSED IN 31 OCT 00:00 ❤ This repository will automatically assign the hacktoberfest and hacktoberfest-accepted labels to all submitt
A python script for combining multiple native SU2 format meshes into one mesh file for multi-zone simulations.
Heston-ODE This repo contains the Heston-related code that accompanies the article One-sided maximal uniqueness for a class of spatially irregular ord
0xFalcone Installation Install 0xFalcone Tool: apt install git git clone https:/
Mechanized literally means automation. And this branch which you are now observing is automated by the python script. This python project actually automates my workflow related to Git & Github.
Introduction Pysheeet was created with intention of collecting python code snippets for reducing coding hours and making life easier and faster. Any c
MDIExtractor Malicious Document IoC Extractor (MDIExtractor) is a collection of scripts that helps extracting IoCs from various maldoc families. Prere