A bot created with Python that interacts with GroupMe



This is a bot I'm working on a small groupme group I'm in. This is something I'll work on in my spare time. Nothing but just a fun little side project for when I'm bored.

Libraries used

Groupy: an API wrapper for Groupme

python-atomicwrites: Powerful Python library for atomic file writes

google-api-python-client (only needed if you will be doing yt searches from the bot)

Documentation for Groupy


Before the bot can listen to a group, it needs to be added to that group. Do that first or the bot won't work.

There are two ways to run the bot.

  1. python3 start.py
  2. Docker

Make sure to change the information in main.py to what you want such as the location of your groupme key or youtube key.

You have to pick a deliminator to use this bot. The default one is $. You can change it by passing it to the bot object

Config and Credentials

The bot looks for Credentials in config.ini that is at the root of the repo. An example file has been provided.

Here you can modify some other settings such as the delimeter used, how often the bot will look for messages, and how often the bot will refresh the names and members of the group.


On first start (assuming a groups.json doesn't exist), the bot will prompt you to select what groups to listen to. It will create a groups.json where the key is the group name and the value will be a dictionary with an id and enabled keys. If enabled is set to true, it will listen to that chat. id is the group id and since it will use that to find the group, the group name can change but the bot will still be able to listen to it. If you are running this from docker, it is best to use the docker command below but with -it first instead of -ditv

JSON structure of groups.json

  "group1": {"enabled": true, "id": "1000123123"},
  "group2": {"enabled": false, "id": "834234235"}


Using the provided Dockerfile, you can build an image with docker build -t groupme-bot .

If you don't mount a volume to the container, any tags that are made will be lost once the container is stopped.

If you don't mount a volume that contains groupme.key to /app/creds, you need to pass it in as an environmental variable

Once the image is built, you can run it with:

docker run -ditv --rm -v [local tag folder]:/app/tags -v [local creds folder]:/app/creds -v [local groups.json]:/home/groupme/app/groups.json --name groupme groupme-bot

add -m [amount] or --cpus=[number] to limit the ram or CPU cores the container can use

To attach to a detached container, follow these steps (assuming you ran it with the -it arguments):

docker ps to find the Container ID

docker attach [Container ID] to attach to it

docker stop [Container ID] to stop the container

Ctrl-C to shutdown the container

Ctrl-p Ctrl-q to detach from it


Everything command should lead with the delimiter (the default delimiter is "$")

command argument(s) example
avatar [mention_name] avatar @name
git none git
yt** [query] yt skateboard tricks

** yt command will only post the first link from the youtube search

Tag System

command argument(s) example
create [tag_name] [stuff]** tag create cooltag this is a cool tag
edit [tag_name] [stuff]** tag edit cooltag this is a new edit
delete [tag_name] tag delete cooltag
none [tag_name] tag cooltag
list none tag list
owner [tag_name] tag owner cooltag
gift [tag_name] @mention tag gift cooltag @new_owner
rename [tag_name] [new tag_name] tag rename cooltag coolertag
help none tag help

** [stuff] can be a string, a link to anything, or an image that is upload through groupme

** If [stuff] is an image uploaded through groupme, then the description with the image should just be:

tag create [tag_name]

The commands create, edit, delete, gift, and rename can only be down by the owner of the tag. The owner is whoever created the tag.

owner command will get the user_id of the owner and will find attempt to match it to the nickname of the owner.

JSON structure

This is the json structure of tags

 "id": "group id goes here",
 "name": "group name goes here",
 "tags": {
   "tag1": {
     "content": "tag1 content",
     "owner": "owner id"
   "tag2": {
     "content": "tag2 content",
     "owner": "owner id"
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