A fast tool to scan prototype pollution vulnerability
python3 -l alive.txt
- Selenium
- Google Chrome Webdriver
Note : Edit the webdriver location
PocOrExp in Github 聚合Github上已有的Poc或者Exp,CVE信息来自CVE官网 注意:只通过通用的CVE号聚合,因此对于MS17-010等Windows编号漏洞以及著名的有绰号的漏洞,还是自己检索一下比较好 Usage python3 -h usage: ex
Diceware Password Generator - Generate High Entropy Passwords Please Note - This Program Do Not Store Passwords In Any Form And All The Passwords Are
This is a collection of Python scripts to make working with the Arch Linux Security Tracker easier.
ROFL-FUZZER Ths is Domato, a DOM Fuzzer from Google, but hosted as an website It generates a instance of a newtab on the template given by the user ,
Printjack-Phonejack This repository contains the source code of the printjack and phonejack attacks. The Printjack directory contains the script to ca
naabu2nmap 对naabu的端口扫描结果,调用nmap进行指纹识别
Burp Extensions This is a collection of extensions to Burp Suite that I have written. - Version 1.2 This is a python extension that ru
Choose dependency injection Friendly with MyPy Supports lazy injections Supports
Python-based proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that utilize unsafe Java object deserialization.
IDAFrida A simple IDA plugin to generate FRIDA script. Edit template for functions or you can use the default template. Select functions you want to t
Tenssens framework focused on gathering information from free tools or resources. The intention is to help people find free OSINT resources.
vulnz Tool for finding php source code vulnerabilities. Scans PHP source code and prints out potentially dangerous lines. This tool is useful for secu
Ox4Shell Deobfuscate Log4Shell payloads with ease. Description Since the release
A medium security python password manager that encrypt passwords using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) PassLock is a password manager and password
CondaDEV A CTF2.5/MMF2 Decompiler What is CondaDEV? CondaDEV (anaCondaDEVeloper) is a fork of Anaconda Mode 4.1, with a lot of Quality of Life patches
QFTools Python lib to automate basic QFT calculations like Wick-contractions. Features Wick contractions for real scalar fields Wick contractions for
CVE-2021-26084 Confluence OGNL injection CVE-2021-26084 is an Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) injection vulnerability in the Atlassian Conflue
noPac Exploiting CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 原项目noPac在实现上可能有点问题,导致在本地没有打通,于是参考sam-the-admin项目进行修改。 使用 pip3 install -r requirements.txt # GetShel
🟥 RapidScan v1.2 - The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner RapidScan has been ported to Python3 i.e. v1.2. The Python2.7 codebase is available on v1
Dark-Fb No Login 100% safe TERMUX • pkg install python2 && git -y • pip2 install requests mechanize tqdm • git clone