As Slack no longer provides an API to invite people, this is a Selenium Python script to do so


Slack batch

As Slack no longer provides an API to invite people, this is a Selenium Python script to do so. If you still have a legacy token check my other repo instead.


Docker (Recommended)

  1. Just run docker pull mehdibo/slack-batch

Directly on machine

  1. Make sure you have Python 3.9 installed
  2. Install Geckodriver
  3. Make sure you have Firefox installed too
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt and mkdir ./screenshots to create a screenshots folder


Via Docker (Recommended)


docker run --rm \
    -v /tmp:/tmp/files \
    mehdibo/slack-batch emails.txt --workspace --email YOUR_EMAIL --passwd YOUR_PASSWORD

Replace /tmp with the path where your emails.txt file exists

If you want to use the --screenshot flag

Directly on machine

usage: ./ [-h] --workspace WORKSPACE --email EMAIL --passwd PASSWD
                   [--verbose] [--screenshot]

Send slack invitations

positional arguments:
  emails                A file that contains one email per line

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace WORKSPACE
                        A url to your Slack workspace
  --email EMAIL         Your Slack workspace email
  --passwd PASSWD       Your Slack workspace password
  --verbose             Verbose mode
  --screenshot          Screenshot after every invite
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