A fast streaming JSON parser for Python that generates SAX-like events using yajl

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jsonstreamer provides a SAX-like push parser via the JSONStreamer class and a 'object' parser via the ObjectStreamer class which emits top level entities in any JSON object. Based on the fast c libary 'yajl'. Great for parsing streaming json over a network as it comes in or json objects that are too large to hold in memory altogether.


git clone [email protected]:lloyd/yajl.git
cd yajl
./configure && make install


pip3 install jsonstreamer

Also available at PyPi - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jsonstreamer



python -m jsonstreamer.jsonstreamer < some_file.json


variables which contain the input we want to parse

json_object = """
        "fruits":["apple","banana", "cherry"],
json_array = """[1,2,true,[4,5],"a"]"""

a catch-all event listener function which prints the events

def _catch_all(event_name, *args):
    print('\t{} : {}'.format(event_name, args))

JSONStreamer Example

Event listeners get events in their parameters and must have appropriate signatures for receiving their specific event of interest.

JSONStreamer provides the following events:

  • doc_start
  • doc_end
  • object_start
  • object_end
  • array_start
  • array_end
  • key - this also carries the name of the key as a string param
  • value - this also carries the value as a string|int|float|boolean|None param
  • element - this also carries the value as a string|int|float|boolean|None param

Listener methods must have signatures that match

For example for events: doc_start, doc_end, object_start, object_end, array_start and array_end the listener must be as such, note no params required

def listener():

OR, if your listener is a class method, it can have an additional 'self' param as such

def listener(self):

For events: key, value, element listeners must also receive an additional payload and must be declared as such

def key_listener(key_string):

import and run jsonstreamer on 'json_object'

from jsonstreamer import JSONStreamer 

print("\nParsing the json object:")
streamer = JSONStreamer() 
streamer.consume(json_object[0:10]) #note that partial input is possible


Parsing the json object:
    doc_start : ()
    object_start : ()
    key : ('fruits',)
    array_start : ()
    element : ('apple',)
    element : ('banana',)
    element : ('cherry',)
    array_end : ()
    key : ('calories',)
    array_start : ()
    element : (100,)
    element : (200,)
    element : (50,)
    array_end : ()
    object_end : ()
    doc_end : ()

run jsonstreamer on 'json_array'

print("\nParsing the json array:")
streamer = JSONStreamer() #can't reuse old object, make a fresh one


Parsing the json array:
    doc_start : ()
    array_start : ()
    element : (1,)
    element : (2,)
    element : (True,)
    array_start : ()
    element : (4,)
    element : (5,)
    array_end : ()
    element : ('a',)
    array_end : ()
    doc_end : ()

ObjectStreamer Example

ObjectStreamer provides the following events:

  • object_stream_start
  • object_stream_end
  • array_stream_start
  • array_stream_end
  • pair
  • element

import and run ObjectStreamer on 'json_object'

from jsonstreamer import ObjectStreamer

print("\nParsing the json object:")
object_streamer = ObjectStreamer()


Parsing the json object:
    object_stream_start : ()
    pair : (('fruits', ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']),)
    pair : (('calories', [100, 200, 50]),)
    object_stream_end : ()

run the ObjectStreamer on the 'json_array'

print("\nParsing the json array:")
object_streamer = ObjectStreamer()

output - note that the events are different for an array

Parsing the json array:
    array_stream_start : ()
    element : (1,)
    element : (2,)
    element : (True,)
    element : ([4, 5],)
    element : ('a',)
    array_stream_end : ()

Example on attaching listeners for various events

ob_streamer = ObjectStreamer()

def pair_listener(pair):
    print('Explicit listener: Key: {} - Value: {}'.format(pair[0],pair[1]))
ob_streamer.add_listener('pair', pair_listener) #same for JSONStreamer

ob_streamer.remove_listener(pair_listener) #if you need to remove the listener explicitly

Even easier way of attaching listeners

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self._obj_streamer = ObjectStreamer() #same for JSONStreamer
        # this automatically finds listeners in this class and attaches them if they are named
        # using the following convention '_on_eventname'. Note method names in this class
    def _on_object_stream_start(self):
        print ('Root Object Started')
    def _on_pair(self, pair):
        print('Key: {} - Value: {}'.format(pair[0],pair[1]))
    def parse(self, data):
m = MyClass()


  • If you get an OSError('Yajl cannot be found.') Please ensure that libyajl is available in the relevant directory. For example, on mac(osx) /usr/local/lib should have a "libyajl.dylib" Linux -> libyajl.so Windows -> yajl.dll
  • Trouble using 'jsonstreamer` with 'yajl-2' on Ubuntu 14.04

    Trouble using 'jsonstreamer` with 'yajl-2' on Ubuntu 14.04

    Hey @kashifrazzaqui

    I have been trying to use your library json-streamer for implementing a Streaming API..

    As directed, I have installed yajl on my Ubuntu 14.04 system and also verified it's presence and correct installation (refer: [1] & [2])

    Still, on running the command python3 -m jsonstreamer.jsonstreamer < test.json i.e. using it with jsonstreamer gives me the following :

      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/jsonstreamer/yajl/parse.py", line 29, in load_lib
        raise OSError('Yajl cannot be found.')
    OSError: Yajl cannot be found.

    Following up in https://github.com/lloyd/yajl/issues/190 it seems that there might be an issue in the parse.py file itself ? Maybe it's looking for yajl1 and not yajl2.

    Any pointers on this one ? Help appreciated.

    [1] Running gcc -lyajl yields:

    [email protected]:~$ gcc -lyajl
    /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: In function `_start':
    (.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

    [2] And sudo ldconfig -p | grep yajl results in:

    [email protected]:~$ sudo ldconfig -p | grep yajl
        libyajl.so.2 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libyajl.so.2
    opened by jigyasa-grover 10
  • Ensure exception __str__ methods return strings

    Ensure exception __str__ methods return strings

    Hi there,

    Issues that throw JSONStreamerException classes are difficult to debug because there is no expectation that a str will be returned. This makes debugging a PITA.

    awesome_module.py", line 51, in map_step
        url + '\n' + str(e))
    TypeError: __str__ returned non-string (type bytes)
    opened by mach-kernel 3
  • Missing tests & tags

    Missing tests & tags

    PyPI has 1.3.6 , and no tests.

    GitHub only has a tag for v1.0.0 , so I cant use that.

    Could you tag v1.3.6 in GitHub, so I can use it to get tests, and finish https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:jayvdb:py-new/python-jsonstreamer after https://github.com/kashifrazzaqui/again/issues/8 is also fixed.

    opened by jayvdb 2
  • SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "test_jsonstreamer.py", line 3, in from jsonstreamer import JSONStreamer File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jsonstreamer/init.py", line 9, in from jsonstreamer.jsonstreamer import JSONStreamer, ObjectStreamer File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jsonstreamer/jsonstreamer.py", line 12, in from again import events File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/again/init.py", line 4, in from .events import EventSource, AsyncEventSource File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/again/events.py", line 49 yield from each(*args, **kwargs) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax python --version Python 2.7.3

    opened by tuhaolam 2
  • Want to split a 22M JSON file into smaller files to track a problem

    Want to split a 22M JSON file into smaller files to track a problem

    I have a large JSON file that has an error somewhere. I want to split the up the JSON file into smaller files that are also JSON so that I can find out where the error is. Possible with your package ?

    opened by winash12 1
  • Trouble using 'jsonstreamer` with 'yajl' on Windows 10

    Trouble using 'jsonstreamer` with 'yajl' on Windows 10

    Hey @kashifrazzaqui

    I have been trying to use your library json-streamer for implementing a Streaming API..

    As directed, I have installed yajl on my Windows 10 system and installed it as below:

    C:\Users\mianand\Downloads\lloyd-yajl-2.1.0-0-ga0ecdde\lloyd-yajl-66cb08c\build>nmake install

    Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.00.24210.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    [ 30%] Built target yajl_s [ 60%] Built target yajl [ 66%] Built target yajl_test [ 72%] Built target gen-extra-close [ 78%] Built target json_reformat [ 84%] Built target json_verify [ 90%] Built target parse_config [100%] Built target perftest Install the project... -- Install configuration: "Release" -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/lib/yajl.lib -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/lib/yajl.dll -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/lib/yajl_s.lib -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/include/yajl/yajl_parse.h -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/include/yajl/yajl_gen.h -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/include/yajl/yajl_common.h -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/include/yajl/yajl_tree.h -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/include/yajl/yajl_version.h -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/share/pkgconfig/yajl.pc -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/bin/json_reformat.exe -- Up-to-date: C:/Program Files (x86)/YetAnotherJSONParser/bin/json_verify.exe

    Still, on running the conda with python 3.6 gives me the following :

    from jsonstreamer import JSONStreamer Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "C:\Users\mianand\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\pycharm_venv\lib\site-packages\jsonstreamer_init_.py", line 9, in from jsonstreamer.jsonstreamer import JSONStreamer, ObjectStreamer File "C:\Users\mianand\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\pycharm_venv\lib\site-packages\jsonstreamer\jsonstreamer.py", line 14, in from .yajl.parse import YajlParser, YajlListener, YajlError File "C:\Users\mianand\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\pycharm_venv\lib\site-packages\jsonstreamer\yajl\parse.py", line 32, in yajl = load_lib() File "C:\Users\mianand\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\pycharm_venv\lib\site-packages\jsonstreamer\yajl\parse.py", line 29, in load_lib raise OSError('Yajl cannot be found.') OSError: Yajl cannot be found.

    Any pointers on this one ? Help appreciated.

    opened by mitendraanand 1
  • Not looking for yajl.dll when loading Yajl

    Not looking for yajl.dll when loading Yajl

    In the method load_lib(), there is never an attempt to load Yajl from yajl.dll, which is the name of Yajl on windows. I think it would be rather easy to add this, and make this package useful on Windows as well.

    opened by Groomtar 1
  • pypi version ahead of master branch

    pypi version ahead of master branch

    Please update the PyPI entry of json-streamer https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jsonstreamer/1.3.6 and consider linking there from the short text description here.

    opened by johnyf 1
  • outdated pypi package

    outdated pypi package


    Could you update the pypi package? As far as I see, there were some commits since the last pypi upload. Also, I think it is a bit confusing that there is one tagged release, which is 1.0, while pypi package has 1.3.6 version number, but both of them almost a year older than some important fixes, e.g. the exponential floats. (I can install the file on my own, but I think it would be nice to update the releases.)

    opened by dvolgyes 0
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