Official repository for Automated Learning Rate Scheduler for Large-Batch Training (8th ICML Workshop on AutoML)

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Automated Learning Rate Scheduler for Large-Batch Training

The official repository for Automated Learning Rate Scheduler for Large-Batch Training (8th ICML Workshop on AutoML).


AutoWU is an automated LR scheduler which consists of two phases: warmup and decay. Learning rate (LR) is increased in an exponential rate until the loss starts to increase, and in the decay phase LR is decreased following the pre-specified type of the decay (either cosine or constant-then-cosine, in our experiments).

Transition from the warmup to the decay phase is done automatically by testing whether the minimum of the predicted loss curve is attained in the past or not with high probability, and the prediction is made via Gaussian Process regression.

Diagram summarizing AutoWU

How to use


pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick use

You can use AutoWU as other PyTorch schedulers, except that it takes loss as an argument (like ReduceLROnPlateau in PyTorch). The following code snippet demonstrates a typical usage of AutoWU.

from autowu import AutoWU


scheduler = AutoWU(optimizer,
                   len(train_loader),  # the number of steps in one epoch 
                   total_epochs,  # total number of epochs


for _ in range(total_epochs):
    for inputs, targets in train_loader:
        loss = loss_fn(model(inputs), targets)

The default decay phase schedule is ''cosine''. To use constant-then-cosine schedule rather than cosine, set immediate_cooldown=False and set cooldown_fraction to a desired value:

scheduler = AutoWU(optimizer,
                   len(train_loader),  # the number of steps in one epoch 
                   total_epochs,  # total number of epochs
                   cooldown_fraction=0.2,  # fraction of cosine decay at the end

Reproduction of results

We provide an exemplar training script which is based on Pytorch Image Models. The script supports training ResNet-50 and EfficientNet-B0 on ImageNet classification under the setting almost identical to the paper. We report the top-1 accuracy of ResNet-50 and EfficientNet-B0 on the validation set trained with batch sizes 4K (4096) and 16K (16384), along with the scores reported in our paper.

ResNet-50 This repo. Reported (paper)
4K 75.54% 75.70%
16K 74.87% 75.22%
EfficientNet-B0 This repo. Reported (paper)
4K 75.74% 75.81%
16K 75.66% 75.44%

You can use distributed.launch util to run the script. For instance, in case of ResNet-50 training with batch size 4096, execute the following line with variables set according to your environment:

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=4 \
--nnodes=4 \
--node_rank=$NODE_RANK \
--master_addr=$MASTER_ADDR \
--master_port=$MASTER_PORT \ \
--data-root $DATA_ROOT \
--amp \
--batch-size 256 

In addition, add --model efficientnet_b0 argument in case of EfficientNet-B0 training.


    title={Automated Learning Rate Scheduler for Large-batch Training},
    author={Chiheon Kim and Saehoon Kim and Jongmin Kim and Donghoon Lee and Sungwoong Kim},
    booktitle={8th ICML Workshop on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)},


This project is licensed under the terms of Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2021 Kakao Brain. All right reserved.

Kakao Brain
Kakao Brain Corp.
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