A Trading strategy for the Freqtrade crypto bot.


Important Thing to notice

1) Do not use this strategy on live. It is still undergoing dry-run.

2) The Hyperopt is highly optimized towards "shitcoin" play. If U want to use, you may need to re-hyperopt.

My computer is not good enough to run more pairs.

3) The strategy is not good at uptrend and it performs better at sideway and downtrend.

  • max_open_trades


    Can you please tell me if you are still using "max_open_trades": 5 ? In your backtests results v103 and v104 I see "Max open trades = 86, 97, etc..." how is it possbile if you are using "max_open_trades": 5 in your conifg.json?


    opened by Dannex 5
  • stoploss update

    stoploss update

    i got hit with a - 0.99 stop loss because the value of CTSI dropped temporarily to almost zero. This uses Confirm trade exit to block such situations so that the strat is truly without stop-loss

    opened by ysoblurry 0
  • is there an updated version for futures?

    is there an updated version for futures?

    Hi, this is a wonderful strategy. thanks for sharing it for free.

    im a noob in python, is there an update that would support short(futures) in binance? thanks

    opened by mhgutier 0
  • DDoS Warning using Kucoin exchange

    DDoS Warning using Kucoin exchange

    Hi, I was trying BB_RPB_TSL.py with Kucoin as exchange, but I'm getting this warning constantly:

    freqtrade | 2022-01-10 06:11:50,256 - freqtrade.exchange.common - WARNING - _async_get_candle_history() returned exception: "kucoin GET https://openapi-v2.kucoin.com/api/v1/market/candles?symbol=LTC-USDT&type=1day&startAt=1641427200&endAt=1684627200 429 Too Many Requests {"code":"429000","msg":"Too Many Requests"}"
    freqtrade | 2022-01-10 06:11:50,257 - freqtrade.exchange.common - WARNING - retrying _async_get_candle_history() still for 4 times
    freqtrade | 2022-01-10 06:11:50,258 - freqtrade.exchange.common - WARNING - Kucoin 429 error, avoid triggering DDosProtection backoff delay. 3 tries left before giving up

    I've increased the Rate Limit from default (50) to 3100 under exchange.ccxt_async_config.rateLimit, but the warning persist.

    Is this normal and I'm just have to ignore it?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    opened by plusiv 0
  • Backtests Max Open Trade?

    Backtests Max Open Trade?

    Hello there, While examining the backtests, I saw a value that I could not understand.

    For example: https://github.com/jilv220/BB_RPB_TSL/blob/master/backtest_result_v105/20211001-1031.txt

    The results of this test show the number of max_open_trades as 102. I couldn't make sense of this value. Isn't that a very high?

    Can you share the configuration file of these tests?

    opened by dedefon 0
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