A comprehensive reference for all topics related to building and maintaining microservices



This pandect (πανδέκτης is Ancient Greek for encyclopedia) was created to help you find and understand almost anything related to Microservices that is available online.

Other Pandects from the series:


General Resources


  • AWS - Amazon Web Services on-demand cloud computing platform
  • Azure - cloud computing service created by Microsoft
  • Google Cloud Platform - GCP - suite of cloud computing services from Google
  • OpenStack - free, open standard cloud computing platform
  • Digital Ocean - DigitalOcean provides developers with cloud services
  • Linode - cloud hosting company that provides virtual private servers

Stories from the Industry

Compilations & Resource Collections



  • Cloudcast - independent Cloud Computing podcast [Years: 2011 - now, Status: active]
  • PodCTL - podcast focused on Cloud-native applications (by Red Hat) [Years: 2017 - now, Status: active]
  • Kubernetes Podcast - Kubernetes Podcast from Google [Years: 2018 - now, Status: active]
  • Data Engineering Podcast - Data management, microservices, ETL and more [Years: 2017 - now, Status: active]
  • The Secure Developer - A podcast about security for developers [Years: 2017 - now, Status: active]
  • APIs you won't hate - podcast about building and designing APIs [Years: 2019 - now, Status: active]


  • Continuous Delivery - Continuous Delivery Pipelines and Processes [Youtube, 57k Subscribers]
  • CNCF - Cloud Native Computing Foundation - provides educational and informative content on cloud native computing [Youtube, 65k Subscribers]
  • Snyk - build cloud native applications securely [Youtube, 2k Subscribers]
  • CloudBeesTV - cloud conferences from the end-to-end automated software delivery company [Youtube, 9k Subscribers]
  • Containers from the Couch - learning resources on Container Services [Youtube, 4k Subscribers]
  • GOTO Conferences - GOTO is a software development content and events platform [Youtube, 230k Subscribers]


General Monitoring

Error Monitoring



  • loki - horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system [GitHub, 13077 stars]


  • grafana - observability and data visualization platform [GitHub, 42460 stars]


General Deployment Tools

  • kubespray - Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster [GitHub, 10705 stars]

Zero Downtime Deploys

  • flagger - Canary, A/B Testing and Blue/Green deployments for Kubernetes [GitHub, 2950 stars]


  • Tekton - open-source framework for creating CI/CD systems
  • flux - The GitOps Kubernetes operator [GitHub, 6405 stars]
  • ArgoCD - A declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes


  • Spot Fleet [AWS Services]
  • AutoSpotting - open source spot market automation tool for EC2 [GitHub, 1946 stars]
  • keda - Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling [GitHub, 3284 stars]
General Tools
  • Komiser - Multi-cloud environment inspector for costs and security [GitHub, 2599 stars]
  • Infracost - Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in your CLI and pull requests [GitHub, 3135 stars]


Databases and Operators

  • OperatorHub.io - OperatorHub.io is a resource for the Kubernetes community to find and share Operators
  • redis - Redis is an open source, in-memory data structure store
  • MariaDB - MariaDB Server: The open source relational database
  • vitess - Canary, A/B Testing and Blue/Green deployments for Kubernetes [GitHub, 2950 stars]
OLAP - Online Analytical Processing
Object Storage
  • Ceph - implements object storage on a single distributed computer cluster



Examples and Learning Resources

Tools & Frameworks

  • serverless - Serverless Framework using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions [GitHub, 39898 stars]
  • Chalice - Python Serverless Microframework for AWS [GitHub, 7972 stars]
  • OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple [GitHub, 19866 stars]
  • Up - deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites [GitHub, 8230 stars]
  • Dapr - portable, serverless, event-driven runtime for stateless and stateful microservices [GitHub, 13585 stars]
  • Nuclio - High-Performance Serverless event and data processing platform [GitHub, 3938 stars]


General Tools

  • kubesploit - Cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control server [GitHub, 475 stars]
  • consul - Consul automates networking for simple and secure application delivery
  • Komiser - Multi-cloud environment inspector for costs and security [GitHub, 2599 stars]
  • tfsec - Security scanner for your Terraform code [GitHub, 2797 stars]

Security Audit Tools

  • kube-bench - Checks usage of security best practices as defined in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark [GitHub, 3755 stars]
  • Prowler - security tool to perform AWS security best practices assessments [GitHub, 3478 stars]
  • ScoutSuite - Multi-Cloud Security Auditing Tool [GitHub, 3478 stars]


  • sealed-secrets - A Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets [GitHub, 3490 stars]
  • Vault - Manage Secrets and Protect Sensitive Data
  • aws-vault - securely store and access AWS credentials in development environments [GitHub, 4960 stars]
  • SOPS: Secrets OPerationS - Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets on any platform [GitHub, 7611 stars]


Auth, API Gateways etc.

  • Grant - OAuth Proxy [GitHub, 3339 stars]
  • Dex - OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity and OAuth 2.0 provider [GitHub, 5806 stars]
  • Kong - Cloud-Native API Gateway [GitHub, 29353 stars]
  • Gloo Edge - Kubernetes-native API Gateway Built on Envoy [GitHub, 2945 stars]


  • Awesome WAF - Everything about web-application firewalls (WAF) [GitHub, 3598 stars]
  • PENTESTING-BIBLE - Learn ethical hacking [GitHub, 8200 stars]

Learning Resources





  • DevOps Guide - from basic to advanced with Interview Questions and Notes [GitHub, 3680 stars]
  • DevOps Exercises - questions and exercises on technical topics related to DevOps and SRE [GitHub, 8531 stars]


  • Docker Curriculum - comprehensive tutorial on getting started with Docker [GitHub, 4244 stars]

Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code Tools

  • Terraform - open-source infrastructure as code software tool for consistent CLI workflow
  • CloudFormation - cloud provisioning with infrastructure as code for AWS
  • Azure Resource Manager - manage your app resources on Azure
  • Cloud Deployment Manager - create and manage cloud resources on GCP with simple templates
  • HashiCorp Vagrant / [GitHub, 22046 stars]
  • CFEngine - automate your infrastructure, security & compliance
  • Ansible - automation across open hybrid cloud deployments
  • CHEF - Policy-Based Configuration Management Automation Architecture
  • Pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code. Any cloud, any language [GitHub, 8896 stars]

Additional Tooling

  • Terraformer - CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform) [GitHub, 4962 stars]
  • Checkov - static code analysis tool for infrastructure-as-code [GitHub, 2775 stars]

Examples and Learning Resources


Streaming Frameworks / Engines

Effective Containerization

  • distroless - Language focused docker images, minus the operating system [GitHub, 9770 stars]


  • Terratest - Go library to write automated tests for your infrastructure code [GitHub, 5289 stars]
  • Serverless Offline - Emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally [GitHub, 4131 stars]
  • Moto - easily mock out tests based on AWS infrastructure [GitHub, 4682 stars]
  • LocalStack - fully functional local AWS cloud stack [GitHub, 4682 stars]

PaaS - Platform-as-a-service

  • Empire - PaaS built on top of Amazon EC2 Container Service with Heroku like workflow [GitHub, 2644 stars]

Container Network Interface (CNI)

  • CNI - networking for Linux containers [GitHub, 3524 stars]


  • strimzi - Apache Kafka running on Kubernetes [GitHub, 2434 stars]

License CC0



  • All linked resources belong to original authors



Ivan Bilan
Engineering Manager @trustyou. Technical areas of interest: Machine and Deep Learning for NLP, Microservices and Big Data
Ivan Bilan
PipeLayer is a lightweight Python pipeline framework

PipeLayer is a lightweight Python pipeline framework. Define a series of steps, and chain them together to create modular applications

greaterthan 64 Jul 21, 2022
Goblet is an easy-to-use framework that enables developers to quickly spin up fully featured REST APIs with python on GCP

GOBLET Goblet is a framework for writing serverless rest apis in python in google cloud. It allows you to quickly create and deploy python apis backed

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WAZO REST API for the call management of the C4 infrastructure

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Fast, asynchronous and elegant Python web framework.

Warning: This project is being completely re-written. If you're curious about the progress, reach me on Slack. Vibora is a fast, asynchronous and eleg

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Restful API framework wrapped around MongoEngine

Flask-MongoRest A Restful API framework wrapped around MongoEngine. Setup from flask import Flask from flask_mongoengine import MongoEngine from flask

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easyopt is a super simple yet super powerful optuna-based Hyperparameters Optimization Framework that requires no coding.

easyopt is a super simple yet super powerful optuna-based Hyperparameters Optimization Framework that requires no coding.

Federico Galatolo 9 Feb 04, 2022
Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask

Flask RestPlus IMPORTANT NOTICE: This project has been forked to Flask-RESTX and will be maintained by by the python-restx organization. Flask-RESTPlu

Axel H. 2.7k Jan 04, 2023
An alternative serializer implementation for REST framework written in cython built for speed.

drf-turbo An alternative serializer implementation for REST framework written in cython built for speed. Free software: MIT license Documentation: htt

Mng 74 Dec 30, 2022
Async Python 3.6+ web server/framework | Build fast. Run fast.

Sanic | Build fast. Run fast. Build Docs Package Support Stats Sanic is a Python 3.6+ web server and web framework that's written to go fast. It allow

Sanic Community Organization 16.7k Jan 08, 2023
Containers And REST APIs Workshop

Containers & REST APIs Workshop Containers vs Virtual Machines Ferramentas Podman: https://podman.io/ Docker: https://www.docker.com/ IBM CLI: https:/

Vanderlei Munhoz 8 Dec 16, 2021
Web APIs for Django. 🎸

Django REST framework Awesome web-browsable Web APIs. Full documentation for the project is available at https://www.django-rest-framework.org/. Fundi

Encode 24.7k Jan 03, 2023
A simple todo app using flask and sqlachemy

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Lenin 1 Dec 26, 2021
An easy-to-use high-performance asynchronous web framework.

An easy-to-use high-performance asynchronous web framework.

Aber 264 Dec 31, 2022
A public API written in Python using the Flask web framework to determine the direction of a road sign using AI

python-public-API This repository is a public API for solving the problem of the final of the AIIJC competition. The task is to create an AI for the c

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Microservice example with Python, Faust-Streaming and Kafka (Redpanda)

Microservices Orchestration with Python, Faust-Streaming and Kafka (Redpanda) Example project for PythonBenin meetup. It demonstrates how to use Faust

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Pyramid - A Python web framework

Pyramid Pyramid is a small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web framework. It makes real-world web application development and deployment more

Pylons Project 3.7k Dec 30, 2022
You can use the mvc pattern in your flask application using this extension.

You can use the mvc pattern in your flask application using this extension. Installation Run the follow command to install mvc_flask: $ pip install mv

Marcus Pereira 37 Dec 17, 2022
Bionic is Python Framework for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for web and is free and open source

Bionic is fast. It's powered core python without any extra dependencies. Bionic offers stateful hot reload, allowing you to make changes to your code and see the results instantly without restarting

⚓ 0 Mar 05, 2022
NO LONGER MAINTAINED - A Flask extension for creating simple ReSTful JSON APIs from SQLAlchemy models.

NO LONGER MAINTAINED This repository is no longer maintained due to lack of time. You might check out the fork https://github.com/mrevutskyi/flask-res

1k Jan 04, 2023
Low code web framework for real world applications, in Python and Javascript

Full-stack web application framework that uses Python and MariaDB on the server side and a tightly integrated client side library.

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