Vue + Django with no compromises. Django Templates and Vue SFCs in harmony without sacrificing the full power of either.


Cookiecutter Vue Django

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Vue + Django with no compromise.

Cookiecutter Vue Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django + Vue projects quickly. Expanding on the wonderful Cookiecutter Django, this project template allows the intermingling of both Django Templates and Vue, even on the same page, without compromising the full power of either.

Typical solutions to integrating Django and Vue forgo much of the strengths of one lieu of the other. For example, a common approach is using Django Rest Framework as backend and writing the entire front end in Vue, making it difficult to utilize Django templates in places it could be expedient. A second approach is to use Vue within Django templates using browser <script> includes, but then lost is the ability to use Vue's Single File Components.

This project utilizes a different approach, melding these two technologies more naturally. As a result, not only are the typical compromises eliminated, but additional distinct advantages are realized:

  • Increased flexibility: The developer is free to use Django Templates or Vue as appropriate, choosing the right tool for the job
  • Increased development speed: Reduce time spent fighting the framework by using Django and Vue where each excels
  • Increased performance: Leverage Django's powerful caching backend to deliver content-rich pages quickly with little or no Javascript, while deferring complex and interactive Vue functionality until after page load

Note: Using Vue 3? Good news! In many ways, integrating Vue 3 with Django is simpler. For information about integration with Vue 3, see


  • All the features of the amazing cookiecutter-django
  • Harmonious coexistence of Django templates and Vue components
  • Vue Single File Components (SFCs)
  • Multi-page App (MPA) layout
  • Vue Loader Hot Reload
  • Property passing from Django Template -> Vue Component
  • Sass/SCSS pre-compilation of Vue Components
  • Vue DevTools support
  • Chunked resource loading via webpack
  • Deferred loading of Vue and/or Vue components
  • Shared Vuex state across components on the same page
  • Persistent state across page loads
  • REST support via Axios -> DRF
  • Sample application illustrating all of the above


First, get Cookiecutter. Trust me, it's awesome:

$ pip install "cookiecutter>=1.7.0"

Now run it against this repo:

$ cookiecutter

You'll be prompted for some values. Provide them, then a Django project will be created for you. Don't forget to carefully look at the generated README.

For more detailed instructions, see upstream cookiecutter-django


  • If you think you found a bug or want to request a feature, please open an issue.


This cookiecutter is based on the methods described in the following articles

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Everyone interacting in the this project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the PyPA Code of Conduct.

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