scanner for log4j
cat web-urls.txt | python3 log4j.py <ID>.burpcollaborator.net
scanner for log4j
cat web-urls.txt | python3 log4j.py <ID>.burpcollaborator.net
DataExtractor A simple Burp Suite extension to extract datas from source code. Features in scope parsing file extensions to ignore files exclusion bas
Opensource Project Simple Python Password Generator This repository is just for peoples who want to generate strong-passwords for there social-account
Discord-keylogger Usage python dlogger.py -t [Time interval in sec] if not speci
CSPass This tool allows to automatically test for Content Security Policy bypass payloads. Usage [cspass]$ ./cspass.py -h usage: cspass.py [-h] [--no-
Grafana V8.0+版本存在未授权任意文件读取 0Day漏洞 - POC 1 漏洞信息 1.1 基本信息 漏洞厂商:Grafana 厂商官网:https://grafana.com/ 1.2 漏洞描述 Grafana是一个跨平台、开源的数据可视化网络应用程序平台。用户配置连接的数据源之后,Gr
A compact version of EDI-Vetter, which uses the TLS output to quickly vet transit signals. All your favorite hits in a simplified format.
CVE-2021-33564 PoC Exploit script for CVE-2021-33564 (Argument Injection in Dragonfly Ruby Gem). Usage Arbitrary File Read python3 poc.py -u https://
Site Scanner Tools For Scanning Any Site and Get Site Information Example Require - pip install colorama - pip install requests How To Use Download Th
poro Description Scan for publicly accessible assets on your AWS environment Services covered by this tool: AWS ELB API Gateway S3 Buckets RDS Databas
Mad Spammer 👿 Pre-Setup: Open your terminal/console and type: pip install module colorama python MadSpammer.py Setup: After doing that, you should be
Grafana-LFI-8.x Exploit grafana Pre-Auth LFI How to use python3
CVE-2021-36260 CVE-2021-36260 POC command injection vulnerability in the web server of some Hikvision product. Due to the insufficient input validatio
Python-based proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that utilize unsafe Java object deserialization.
Bypass ReCaptcha Bypass ReCaptcha is a Python script for dealing with recaptcha.
advanced-security-compliance This Action was designed to allow users to configure their Risk threshold for security issues reported by GitHub Code Sca
Description Simple python module (unofficial) allowing you to access data from rapiddns.io. You can also use it as a module. As mentioned on the rapid
Northwave Log4j CVE-2021-44228 checker Friday 10 December 2021 a new Proof-of-Concept 1 addressing a Remote code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in the
Python Port Scanner This script tries to check if it's possible to make a connection with the specific endpoint port. This is very useful to ensure se
GoAhead RCE Exploit Exploit for CVE-2017-17562 vulnerability, that allows RCE on GoAhead ( v3.6.5) if the CGI is enabled and a CGI program is dynamic
CVE-2022-22965 - vulnerable app and PoC Trial & error $ docker rm -f rce; docker build -t rce:latest . && docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name rce rce:la