What is this?
Fuzzy box is a quick program I wrote to fuzz a URL that is in the format https://
A Quick demo of what this looks like once you fill out the base
and extension
This is a simple spam bot made in python. You can use to to spam anyone with anything on any platform.
Shypan, a simple, easy to use, full-featured library written in Python.
cpp20.py is a Python script to compile C++20 code using modules. It browses the source files to determine their dependencies. Then, it compiles then in order using the correct flags.
Features Fast Detects OS and Browser. Does not aim to be a full featured agent parser Will not turn into django-httpagentparser ;) Usage import ht
PromptSource Toolkit for collecting and applying templates of prompting instances. WIP Setup Download the repo Navigate to root directory of the repo
More Itertools Python's itertools library is a gem - you can compose elegant solutions for a variety of problems with the functions it provides. In mo
PoorScanner使用说明书 -工具在不同环境下可能不怎么稳定,如果有什么问题恳请大家反馈。说明书有什么错误的地方也大家欢迎指正。 更新记录 2021.8.23 修复了云函数主程序 gitee上传文件接口写错了的BUG(之前把自己的上传地址写死进去了,没从配置文件里读) 更新了说明书 PoorS
LightHouse_Automatic_Shutdown 腾讯云轻量服务流量超出限制自动关机
GTPS Flood Simple collection of GTPS Flood in Python. NOTE Give me credit if you use this source, don't trade/sell this tool, And USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
registry-du Give you a better view of your Docker registry disk usage. This small tool will analysis your Docker registry(vanilla or Harbor both work)
A simple API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID. Key will be a timestamp and value will be UUID. While the server is running, whenever the API is called, it should return al
README: GromacsWrapper A primitive Python wrapper around the Gromacs tools. The library is tested with GROMACS 4.6.5, 2018.x, 2019.x, 2020.x, and 2021
A string extractor module for python
Qube Apps Install, run, and update apps in the private storage of a Qube Building instrutions
Parsing Course Info for NIT Kurukshetra Overview This repository houses code for
What is this? This is a quick hack implementation of a simulator for xkcd 2529's weirdly concrete problem. This is barely tested and I suck at computa
script to rename and resize folders of images
pwbinaryc [P]ython [w]rited [Binary] [C]onverter You have rights to: Modify the code and use it private (friends are allowed too) Make a page and redi
Shorter Link ❗ Un générateur de lien raccourcis en fonction d'un lien totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. Dépendences : pip install pys
bobcat-status-reporter Report Bobcat Status to Google Sheets Why? I recently relocated my miner from my root into the attic. Bobcat recommends operati