A Trace Explorer for Reverse Engineers


Tenet - A Trace Explorer for Reverse Engineers

Tenet Trace Explorer


Tenet is an IDA Pro plugin for exploring execution traces. The goal of this plugin is to provide more natural, human controls for navigating execution traces against a given binary. The basis of this work stems from the desire to research new or innovative methods to examine and distill complex execution patterns in software.

For more context about this project, please read the blogpost about its initial release.

Special thanks to QIRA / geohot et al. for the inspiration.


  • v0.1 -- Initial release


Tenet is a cross-platform (Windows, macOS, Linux) Python 3 plugin. It takes zero third party dependencies, making the code both portable and easy to install.

  1. From your disassembler's python console, run the following command to find its plugin directory:

    • IDA Pro: import idaapi, os; os.path.join(idaapi.get_user_idadir(), "plugins")
  2. Copy the contents of this repository's /plugins/ folder to the listed directory.

  3. Restart your disassembler.

This plugin is only supported for IDA 7.5 and newer.


Once properly installed, there will be a new menu entry available in the disassembler. This can be used to load externally-collected execution traces into Tenet.

Load Tenet trace

As this is the initial release, Tenet only accepts simple human-readable text traces. Please refer to the tracing readme in this repository for additional information on the trace format, limitations, and reference tracers.

Bidirectional Exploration

While using Tenet, the plugin will 'paint' trails to indicate the flow of execution forwards (blue) and backwards (red) from your present position in the active execution trace.

Tenet trails

To step forwards or backwards through time, you simply scroll while hovering over the timeline on the right side of the disassembler. To step over function calls, hold SHIFT while scrolling.

Trace Timeline

The trace timeline will be docked on the right side of the disassembler. This widget is used to visualize different types of events along the trace timeline and perform basic navigation as described above.

Zooming in on the trace timeline

By clicking and dragging across the timeline, it is possible to zoom in on a specific section of the execution trace. This action can be repeated any number of times to reach the desired granularity.

Execution Breakpoints

Clicking the instruction pointer in the registers window will highlight it in red, revealing all the locations the instruction was executed across the trace timeline.

Placing a breakpoint on the current instruction

To jump between executions, scroll up or down while hovering the highlighted instruction pointer.

Additionally, you can right click in the disassembly listing and select one of the navigation-based menu entries to quickly seek to the execution of an instruction of interest.

Seeking to the first execution of an instruction

IDA's native F2 hotkey can also be used to set breakpoints on arbitrary instructions.

Memory Breakpoints

By clicking a byte in either the stack or memory views, you will instantly see all reads/writes to that address visualized across the trace timeline. Yellow indicates a memory read, blue indicates a memory write.

Exploring memory accesses using memory breakpoints

Memory breakpoints can be navigated using the same technique described for execution breakpoints. Click a byte, and scroll while hovering the selected byte to seek the trace to each of its accesses.

Right clicking a byte of interest will give you options to seek between memory read / write / access if there is a specific navigation action that you have in mind.

Memory seeking

To navigate the memory view to an arbitrary address, click onto the memory view and hit G to enter either an address or database symbol to seek the view to.

Region Breakpoints

A rather experimental feature is setting access breakpoints for a region of memory. This is possible by highlighting a block of memory, and selecting the Find accesses action from the right click menu.

Memory region access breakpoints

As with normal memory breakpoints, hovering the region and scrolling can used to traverse between the accesses made to the selected region of memory.

Register Seeking

In reverse engineering, it's pretty common to encounter situations where you ask yourself "Which instruction set this register to its current value?"

Using Tenet, you can seek backwards to that instruction in a single click.

Seeking to the previous register write

Seeking backwards is by far the most common direction to navigate across register changes... but for dexterity you can also seek forward to the next register assignment using the blue arrow on the right of the register.

Timestamp Shell

A simple 'shell' is provided to navigate to specific timestamps in the trace. Pasting (or typing...) a timestamp into the shell with or without commas will suffice.

Seeking around the trace using the timestamp shell

Using an exclamation point, you can also seek a specified 'percentage' into the trace. Entering !100 will seek to the final instruction in the trace, where !50 will seek approximately 50% of the way through the trace.


Tenet ships with two default themes -- a 'light' theme, and a 'dark' one. Depending on the colors currently used by your disassembler, Tenet will attempt to select the theme that seems most appropriate.

Tenet Themes

The theme files are stored as simple JSON on disk and are highly configurable. If you are not happy with the default themes or colors, you can create your own themes and simply drop them in the user theme directory.

Tenet will remember your theme preference for future loads and uses.


Q: How do I record an execution trace using Tenet?

  • A: Tenet is a trace reader, not a trace recorder. You will have to use dynamic binary instrumentation frameworks (or other related technologies) to generate a compatible execution trace. Please refer to the tracing readme for more information on existing tracers, or how to implement your own.

Q: What trace architectures does Tenet support loading?

  • A: Only x86 and AMD64, but the codebase is almost entirely architecture agnostic.

Q: How big of a trace file can Tenet load / navigate?

  • A: Tenet's trace reader is pure python, it was written as an MVP. There is no guarantee that traces which exceed 10 million instructions will be reasonable to navigate until a native backend replaces it.

Q: I loaded an execution trace, now there is a '.tt' file. What is it?

  • A: When Tenet loads a given text trace, it will parse, index, and compress the trace into a more performant format. On subsequent loads, Tenet will attempt to load the '.tt' file which should load in fraction of the time that it would take to load the original text trace.

Q: The plugin crashed / threw an error / is showing bad trace information, what should I do?

  • A: If you encounter an issue or inaccuracy that can be reproduced, please file an issue against this repository and upload a sample trace + executable.

Q: Memory in my trace is changing, but there are no writes to the region. Is this a bug!?

  • A: Your log file may not have captured all memory writes. For example, usermode DBI generally do not get a memory callback for external writes to process memory. This is most common when reading from a file, or from socket -- it is the kernel that writes memory into your designated usermode buffer, making the event invisible to traditional instrumentation.
    • Microsoft TTD generally exhibits the same behavior, it's tricky to solve without modeling syscalls.

Q: Will this be ported to Binary Ninja / Ghidra / ... ?

  • A: Possibly, but not anytime soon (unless there is significant incentive). As a research oriented project, the driving motivation is on developing novel strategies to organize and explore program execution -- not porting them.

Q: My organization would like to support this project, how can we help?

  • A: Without funding, the time I can devote to this project is limited. If your organization is excited by the ideas put forth here and capable of providing capital to sponsor dedicated R&D, please contact us.

Future Work

Time and motivation funding permitting, future work may include:

  • Filtering / coagulating library calls from traces
  • Pointer analysis (e.g. annotations) for the register / stack views
  • Native TraceFile & TraceReader implementations (e.g. bigger and faster traces)
  • Navigation history + bookmarks view (maybe 2-in-1?)
  • Richer trace informatics, more aggressive indexing of relevant events (e.g. function calls)
  • Trace cartography, improved summarization and representation of trace geography
  • Make the 'cpu architecture' selection/detection slightly less hardcoded
  • More out-of-the-box tracing bridges, DynamoRIO, TTD, RR, QEMU, Bochs, ...
  • Support for Hex-Rays / decompiled views (besides basic view sync)
  • Improved workflow for automatically loading or iterating on traces
  • Differential analysis, high level 'trace diffing'
  • Better navigation and breakdown of threads, quantum's
  • Better support for navigating 'multi module' traces (e.g. full system traces)
  • Binary Ninja support
  • ... ?

I welcome external contributions, issues, and feature requests. Please make any pull requests to the develop branch of this repository if you would like them to be considered for a future release.


  • pintenet segfaults without the -w option

    pintenet segfaults without the -w option

    test program

    ~/tenet/tracers/pin$ cat test.c
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() { printf("hello\n"); }
    ~/tenet/tracers/pin$ gcc -g -o test test.c -Wall -Werror -Wextra
    ~/tenet/tracers/pin$ ./test


    ~/tenet/tracers/pin$ /home/test/pin/pin-3.19-98425-gd666b2bee-gcc-linux/pin -t obj-intel64/pintenet.so
       -o moo -- "./test"
    Loaded image: 0x563463397000:0x563463399157 -> test
    Loaded image: 0x7f01cbc50000:0x7f01cbc7bccb -> ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
    Loaded image: 0x7ffce369a000:0x7ffce369aec7 -> [vdso]
    Loaded image: 0x7f01b7200000:0x7f01b73f14d7 -> libc.so.6
    C: [tid:38587] Tool (or Pin) caused signal 11 at PC 0x7f01c998d65d
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    no crash

    ~/tenet/tracers/pin$ /home/test/pin/pin-3.19-98425-gd666b2bee-gcc-linux/pin -t obj-intel64/pintenet.so   -w "test" -o moo -- "./test"
    White-listing image: test
    Loaded image: 0x55d75fe6f000:0x55d75fe71157 -> test
    Loaded image: 0x7f78b5d1e000:0x7f78b5d49ccb -> ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
    Loaded image: 0x7ffca6a61000:0x7ffca6a61ec7 -> [vdso]
    Loaded image: 0x7f78a13c1000:0x7f78a15b24d7 -> libc.so.6

    generated trace

    ~/tenet/tracers/pin$ head moo.0.log  -n3
    not enough information 
    opened by nkaretnikov 4
  • Tenet cannot follow the trace if the traced imagebase does not match the database

    Tenet cannot follow the trace if the traced imagebase does not match the database

    Hello, thanks for the amazing work😊

    I use pintenet to generate trace.log for calc.exe, but the trace.log looks like can't work. I did the following:

    ps: windows 10 + IDA 7.5 + pin 3.18 1、download pin and pintenet.dll/pintenet64.dll; 2、in a CMD execute: pin\pin.exe -t pintenet.dll -w calc.exe -o "calc" -- "C:\Users\ml\Desktop\software\pin\calc.exe" After successful execution, nothing is displayed on the CMD 3、a file named calc.0.log generated,the size of it is 988k 4、load the calc.0.log in IDA, The interface looks like this: image

    when I scroll while hovering over the timeline on the right side of the disassembler, The code doesn't move forward or backward with it.

    I did the same thing for BoomBox.exe, and it's trace file is available. so I thought maybe there was something wrong with the trace files for calc.exe.

    opened by NarutoGit 4
  • error loading trace file

    error loading trace file

    when loading trace file it shows this error:

    [TENET] Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\context.py", line 270, in interactive_load_trace
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\context.py", line 177, in load_trace
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\ui\trace_view.py", line 715, in attach_reader
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\ui\trace_view.py", line 621, in attach_reader
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\ui\trace_view.py", line 126, in attach_reader
        self.set_zoom(0, reader.trace.length)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\ui\trace_view.py", line 264, in set_zoom
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\ui\trace_view.py", line 155, in refresh
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\ui\trace_view.py", line 334, in _draw_trace
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\ui\trace_view.py", line 379, in _draw_cursor
        cursor_y = int(relative_idx / self.density) + BORDER_SIZE
    ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
    Exception in ida_kernwin.UI_Hooks dispatcher function: SWIG director method error. Error detected when calling 'UI_Hooks.get_lines_rendering_info'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 397, in _render_lines
        self._highlight_disassesmbly(lines_out, widget, lines_in)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 449, in _highlight_disassesmbly
        if address == ctx.reader.ip:
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 79, in ip
        return self.get_register(self.arch.IP)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1462, in get_register
        return self.get_registers([reg_name], idx)[reg_name]
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1519, in get_registers
        output_registers[self.arch.IP] = self.trace.get_ip(idx)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 590, in get_ip
        raise ValueError("Invalid IDX")
    ValueError: Invalid IDX
    Exception in ida_kernwin.UI_Hooks dispatcher function: SWIG director method error. Error detected when calling 'UI_Hooks.get_lines_rendering_info'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 397, in _render_lines
        self._highlight_disassesmbly(lines_out, widget, lines_in)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 449, in _highlight_disassesmbly
        if address == ctx.reader.ip:
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 79, in ip
        return self.get_register(self.arch.IP)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1462, in get_register
        return self.get_registers([reg_name], idx)[reg_name]
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1519, in get_registers
        output_registers[self.arch.IP] = self.trace.get_ip(idx)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 590, in get_ip
        raise ValueError("Invalid IDX")
    ValueError: Invalid IDX
    Rebasing program to 0x56646000...
    Exception in ida_kernwin.UI_Hooks dispatcher function: SWIG director method error. Error detected when calling 'UI_Hooks.get_lines_rendering_info'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 397, in _render_lines
        self._highlight_disassesmbly(lines_out, widget, lines_in)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 449, in _highlight_disassesmbly
        if address == ctx.reader.ip:
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 79, in ip
        return self.get_register(self.arch.IP)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1462, in get_register
        return self.get_registers([reg_name], idx)[reg_name]
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1519, in get_registers
        output_registers[self.arch.IP] = self.trace.get_ip(idx)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 590, in get_ip
        raise ValueError("Invalid IDX")
    ValueError: Invalid IDX
    Exception in ida_kernwin.UI_Hooks dispatcher function: SWIG director method error. Error detected when calling 'UI_Hooks.get_lines_rendering_info'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 397, in _render_lines
        self._highlight_disassesmbly(lines_out, widget, lines_in)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 449, in _highlight_disassesmbly
        if address == ctx.reader.ip:
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 79, in ip
        return self.get_register(self.arch.IP)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1462, in get_register
        return self.get_registers([reg_name], idx)[reg_name]
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1519, in get_registers
        output_registers[self.arch.IP] = self.trace.get_ip(idx)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 590, in get_ip
        raise ValueError("Invalid IDX")
    ValueError: Invalid IDX
    Exception in ida_kernwin.UI_Hooks dispatcher function: SWIG director method error. Error detected when calling 'UI_Hooks.get_lines_rendering_info'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 397, in _render_lines
        self._highlight_disassesmbly(lines_out, widget, lines_in)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 449, in _highlight_disassesmbly
        if address == ctx.reader.ip:
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 79, in ip
        return self.get_register(self.arch.IP)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1462, in get_register
        return self.get_registers([reg_name], idx)[reg_name]
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1519, in get_registers
        output_registers[self.arch.IP] = self.trace.get_ip(idx)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 590, in get_ip
        raise ValueError("Invalid IDX")
    ValueError: Invalid IDX
    Exception in ida_kernwin.UI_Hooks dispatcher function: SWIG director method error. Error detected when calling 'UI_Hooks.get_lines_rendering_info'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 397, in _render_lines
        self._highlight_disassesmbly(lines_out, widget, lines_in)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 449, in _highlight_disassesmbly
        if address == ctx.reader.ip:
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 79, in ip
        return self.get_register(self.arch.IP)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1462, in get_register
        return self.get_registers([reg_name], idx)[reg_name]
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1519, in get_registers
        output_registers[self.arch.IP] = self.trace.get_ip(idx)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 590, in get_ip
        raise ValueError("Invalid IDX")
    ValueError: Invalid IDX
    [TENET] Failed to load trace...
    [TENET] Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\context.py", line 270, in interactive_load_trace
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\context.py", line 159, in load_trace
        self.reader = TraceReader(filepath, self.arch, disassembler[self])
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 59, in __init__
        self.trace = TraceFile(filepath, architecture)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 294, in __init__
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 459, in _load_trace
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 470, in _load_packed_trace
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 533, in _load_segments
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 946, in from_file
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 1196, in load
        ip_itemsize = info.ip_length // info.ip_num
    ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
    Exception in ida_kernwin.UI_Hooks dispatcher function: SWIG director method error. Error detected when calling 'UI_Hooks.get_lines_rendering_info'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 397, in _render_lines
        self._highlight_disassesmbly(lines_out, widget, lines_in)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\integration\ida_integration.py", line 449, in _highlight_disassesmbly
        if address == ctx.reader.ip:
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 79, in ip
        return self.get_register(self.arch.IP)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1462, in get_register
        return self.get_registers([reg_name], idx)[reg_name]
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\reader.py", line 1519, in get_registers
        output_registers[self.arch.IP] = self.trace.get_ip(idx)
      File "C:/Users/alex/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins\tenet\trace\file.py", line 590, in get_ip
        raise ValueError("Invalid IDX")
    ValueError: Invalid IDX
    not enough information 
    opened by zixcoolx 3
  • Does not detect changes in trace file

    Does not detect changes in trace file

    Say you create a trace file trace.txt and save it on your desktop. When you load the trace into Tenet for the first time, it will generate a trace.tt file in the same directory. If you now change trace.txt and reload it, nothing will change inside Tenet, because it will just load the old trace.tt file instead. To solve this, you need to either delete trace.tt or save the new version of the trace under a different file name.

    opened by ViRb3 2
  • Tenet does not load when using Python 3.9, 'NameError: name 'QtCore' is not defined'

    Tenet does not load when using Python 3.9, 'NameError: name 'QtCore' is not defined'

    My System Version:Win10 20H2

    My IDA Version: IDA Pro 7.5 sp3 My Python version:Python 3.9.0 The errors I encountered:

    ***********\IDA Pro 7.5 SP3\plugins\tenet_plugin.py: name 'QtCore' is not defined
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "***********\IDA Pro 7.5 SP3\python\3\ida_idaapi.py", line 616, in IDAPython_ExecScript
        exec(code, g)
      File "***********/Tools/IDA Pro 7.5 SP3/plugins/tenet_plugin.py", line 1, in <module>
        from tenet.util.log import logging_started, start_logging
      File "***********/IDA Pro 7.5 SP3/plugins\tenet\util\log.py", line 6, in <module>
        from ..integration.api import disassembler
      File "***********/IDA Pro 7.5 SP3/plugins\tenet\integration\api\__init__.py", line 18, in <module>
        from .ida_api import IDACoreAPI, IDAContextAPI, DockableWindow
      File "***********/IDA Pro 7.5 SP3/plugins\tenet\integration\api\ida_api.py", line 538, in <module>
        class IDADockSizeHack(QtCore.QObject):
    NameError: name 'QtCore' is not defined

    No new options appear in the menu, how do I fix it

    opened by Mofisto 2
  • PyQt5 float fixes (TypeError: setSpacing(self, int): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float')

    PyQt5 float fixes (TypeError: setSpacing(self, int): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float')

    Some minor fixes for Qt where it now requires floats to be truncated for some of its parameters.

    iff --git a/plugins/tenet/util/qt/waitbox.py b/plugins/tenet/util/qt/waitbox.py
    index c0b05f9..434a35b 100644
    --- a/plugins/tenet/util/qt/waitbox.py
    +++ b/plugins/tenet/util/qt/waitbox.py
    @@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ class WaitBox(QtWidgets.QDialog):
    -        v_layout.setSpacing(self._dpi_scale*3)
    +        v_layout.setSpacing(int(self._dpi_scale*3))
    -            self._dpi_scale*5,
    -            self._dpi_scale,
    -            self._dpi_scale*5,
    -            self._dpi_scale
    +            int(self._dpi_scale*5),
    +            int(self._dpi_scale),
    +            int(self._dpi_scale*5),
    +            int(self._dpi_scale)
             # scale widget dimensions based on DPI
             height = self._dpi_scale * 15
    -        self.setMinimumHeight(height)
    +        self.setMinimumHeight(int(height))
             # compute the dialog layout

    That's for this exception:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/$USER/idapro-8.0/python/3/ida_idaapi.py", line 580, in IDAPython_ExecScript
        exec(code, g)
      File "/home/$USER/.idapro/plugins/tenet_plugin.py", line 1, in <module>
        from tenet.util.log import logging_started, start_logging
      File "/home/$USER/.idapro/plugins/tenet/util/log.py", line 6, in <module>
        from ..integration.api import disassembler
      File "/home/$USER/.idapro/plugins/tenet/integration/api/__init__.py", line 19, in <module>
        disassembler = IDACoreAPI()
      File "/home/$USER/.idapro/plugins/tenet/integration/api/ida_api.py", line 74, in __init__
        super(IDACoreAPI, self).__init__()
      File "/home/$USER/.idapro/plugins/tenet/integration/api/api.py", line 47, in __init__
        self._waitbox = WaitBox("Please wait...")
      File "/home/$USER/.idapro/plugins/tenet/util/qt/waitbox.py", line 27, in __init__
      File "/home/$USER/.idapro/plugins/tenet/util/qt/waitbox.py", line 71, in _ui_init
      File "/home/$USER/.idapro/plugins/tenet/util/qt/waitbox.py", line 89, in _ui_layout
    TypeError: setSpacing(self, int): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float'
    opened by arizvisa 1
  • pintenet now working

    pintenet now working

    Pintenet does not seem to work on Windows 11. It starts the progam and tthen nothing happens. A look at the task manager shows that nothing is happening even though the programs are all there in the task manager. Something seems to be preventing the trace.

    opened by dhucul 1
  • Pin tool consistently crashes on the first instruction (32bit, Linux)

    Pin tool consistently crashes on the first instruction (32bit, Linux)

    I got the intel pin tool you provided but after I compile it in Linux, and I try to run it, pin -t pintenet.so -w a.out -- ./a.out

    it gives me

    White-listing image: a.out
    Loaded image: 0x56605000:0x5660572f -> a.out
    Loaded image: 0xf7f0a000:0xf7f2f4e3 -> ld-linux.so.2
    Loaded image: 0xf7f09000:0xf7f09c0f -> [vdso]
    Loaded image: 0xed317000:0xed4f2a1f -> libc.so.6
    C: Tool (or Pin) caused signal 11 at PC 0xf6dd0a8d
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    opened by zixcoolx 1
  • can not load tenet

    can not load tenet

    :\Users\test\AppData\Roaming\Hex-Rays\IDA Pro\plugins\tenet_plugin.py: name 'QtCore' is not defined Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\IDA Pro 7.5 SP3\python\3\ida_idaapi.py", line 616, in IDAPython_ExecScript exec(code, g) File "C:/Users/test/AppData/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro/plugins/tenet_plugin.py", line 1, in from tenet.util.log import logging_started, start_logging File "C:/Program Files/IDA Pro 7.5 SP3/plugins\tenet\util\log.py", line 6, in from ..integration.api import disassembler File "C:/Program Files/IDA Pro 7.5 SP3/plugins\tenet\integration\api_init_.py", line 18, in from .ida_api import IDACoreAPI, IDAContextAPI, DockableWindow File "C:/Program Files/IDA Pro 7.5 SP3/plugins\tenet\integration\api\ida_api.py", line 538, in class IDADockSizeHack(QtCore.QObject): NameError: name 'QtCore' is not defined

    opened by tmtt66 0
  • Binja Support

    Binja Support


    I've started porting Tenet for Binja. I used a decent chunk of code from your lighthouse plugin, and added the other necessary backend/gui portions for everything else.


    I've made changes that no longer make the plugin a generic plugin.

    • Changes to the docks
      • Binja doesn't look as clean with DockableWidgets, so I implemented them in the different UI areas
        • SidebarWidget (Registers)
        • SidebarWidget (Stack)
        • GlobalArea (Memory)
      • These changes make it so within each file, I instantiate a different object than the generic DockableWindow object IDA uses. This can be fixed by just moving the instantiation to the *api.py files I believe
    • Pyside6
      • I think Binja only supports Pyside6, there were various places where I have to update the names of static members that had changed from either Pyside2 or Pyside5 (Not sure which)
        • Example: I had to change event.pos() to event.position() in context.py wheelEvent

    There's also stuff that needs cleaned up and unused code removed, but the plugin is in a working state for Binja and every feature mentioned in the readme is functioning. It should probably be placed onto it's own branch for the work that still needs done for making it generic and cleaning up.

    opened by EtchProject 0
  • convert float to int as expected by Qt API functions

    convert float to int as expected by Qt API functions

    Tenet is suffering the same issues than lighthouse previously: https://github.com/gaasedelen/lighthouse/commit/6e1dcb8d40dd28c3717d82ad957ba48cef10a3ab

    This pull request, replicates the fixes to Tenet.

    opened by RobinDavid 1
  • Ability to apply diffs (memory, registers) from tenet context to the main state

    Ability to apply diffs (memory, registers) from tenet context to the main state

    I have a full memory dump (generated by WinDbg), and a tenet trace file (generated by wtf fuzzer), that contains trace from start point to BSOD (nt!KeBugCheck2).


    I see that tenet context is a fully separate - it has its own windows for registers, memory, stack, etc...

    It would be useful to apply the diff (to the main state) from the start of the trace to the selected tracepoint. This way I could generate a new memory dump (via '!dump' command in the Windbg shell in IDA console) directly from the nt!KeBugCheck2 state or whatever.

    opened by 1ndahous3 0
  • Support wow64 traces?

    Support wow64 traces?

    Hello, thanks for the awesome project!

    I'm attempting to fuzz a wow64 application with wtf - my traces end up 64bit but tenet on ida with a 32bit binary is able to load only 32bit traces. It would be nice if tenet was able to load these as well.

    I guess another option would be for wtf to support 32bit trace output? That would leave out some steps that happen in 64bit land tho.

    I'm currently using a hacky script to convert the 64bit trace to 32. It simply drops anything 64bit related and converts r[xx] to e[xx]. Seems to somewhat work in most cases. Adding it below if anyone needs it.

    $infile = $argv[1];
    $out = [];
    foreach (file($infile, 6) as $line)
        $items = [];
        foreach (explode(',', $line) as $item)
            if (preg_match('#0x[\da-f]{9}#', $item)) // drop anything that looks 64bit
            list($key, $value) = explode('=', $item);
            if (preg_match('#r\d+#', $key)) // drop r8-r15
            if (preg_match('#r\w\w#', $key)) // rxx -> exx
                $item = 'e'.substr($key,1).'='.$value;
            $items[] = $item;
        $out[] = implode(',', $items);
    file_put_contents($infile.'.wow64', implode("\n", array_filter($out)));
    opened by tostercx 0
  • v0.2.0(Sep 14, 2021)

    Release Notes: What's New in Tenet v0.2

    Additional Downloads

    • pintenet-v0.2-98437.zip - Windows pintool binaries compiled for Pin 3.20 (Kit 98437)
    • pintenet-v0.2-98425.zip - Windows pintool binaries compiled for Pin 3.19 (Kit 98425)
    v0.2 -- CHANGELOG
    + Features
    |- Overhauled Tenet's breakpoint / selection / navigation model to be more explicit
    |- Tenet will now attempt to automatically resolve ASLR mappings with basic trace analysis
    |- Added a cell-based drawing mode that is used when zoomed in far enough on the tracebars
    |- Added !last command to the 'timestamp shell' to jump to the last 'navigable' trace address
    |- What The Fuzz (https://github.com/0vercl0k/wtf) added native support for Tenet traces
    + Minor Changes
    |- Tracebars now draw 'un-navigable' regions of the trace grey (such as library/external calls)
    |- Tenet will now stay on the last 'navigable' mapped address when stepping through unmapped regions
    |- Improved the selection behavior and interaction with 'zooming' on tracebars
    |- Improved the selection behavior in the memory dump view (stack still needs work...)
    |- Both 'code' and 'memory' breakpoints can be active at the same time now, not just one
    |- Added more fine-grained right-click controls for interacting with 'region' breakpoints
    |- Added various right-click 'Clear ... breakpoints' to the mem, trace, and reg views
    |- Highlighting and double clicking a region of memory will now set a region access breakpoint
    |- Double clicking 'empty' space in the mem / reg views can be used to automatically clear breakpoints
    |- Updated theme subsystem and colors a little bit to be more consistent
    |- A little bit of code and comment cleanup, but not a lot
    + Bugfixes
    |- Tenet now ensures a selected text trace will be parsed if a packed trace does not actually match it
    |- A bug could cause Tenet to show wrong register values towards the end of a trace segment
    |- Step-over / reverse step-over could fail near the start/end of the trace
    |- Fixed a bug that could cause the sample pin tracer to crash from uninitialized memory
    |- mrexodia fixed a bug that could cause the pin tracer to crash on the fxsave instruction
    |- Fixed / eliminated several misc UI / selection bugs through simple refactoring
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    pintenet-v0.2-98425.zip(1.87 MB)
    pintenet-v0.2-98437.zip(1.88 MB)
  • v0.1.0(Apr 20, 2021)

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