Generate a repository with mirror links for DriveDroid app


DriveDroid Repository Generator

Generate a repository for the app that allow boot a PC using ISO files stored on your Android phone

Check also an official scraper written in JavaScript

Try Already Built Repo

Add the next link to image repositories in DriveDroid app:




Python 3.6+ with packages included in requirements.txt.

I recommend to create a venv then install packages there.


python ./src/ [-i dir] [-o dir] [-g]

-i dir where dir is a directory with distro scrapers (./src/distros is default).

-o dir where dir is a directory where the built repo will be saved (./build is default).

-g will generate a webpage to present the content of repo.json.

-h option is available anyway.

How to Make a Scraper

Create a folder in ./src/distros with next structure:

├── info.toml
├── logo.png

If distro_name starts with underscore (e.g. _disabled), it will not be counted.

Let's take a look for every file.


info.toml contains a distro name and a link to the official website. Arch Linux info.toml example:

name = "Arch Linux" # name of distro
url  = "" # official site

If info.toml is missing or values ain't provided, fallback values will be used. Arch Linux fallback values will be next:

name = "arch" # distro folder name as value, also used in url
url  = ""


Should be 128x128px with transparent background. Arch Linux logo.png example:

Arch Linux

If logo.png is missing, the fallback logo will be used:

DriveDroid Logo

A scraper can be written as you like, as long as it returns the desired values.

It must return an array of tuples (every tuple contains iso_url, iso_arch, iso_size, iso_version in order).

Arch Linux scraper returns next values:


A scraper includes from public import * in top which imports next stuff to the namespace:

  • bs (short for BeautifulSoup)
  • json
  • re
  • requests

Also it includes these functions:

  • get_afh_url(iso_url) — returns a download link for the file from AndroidFileHost
    iso_url must be like this:
  • get_iso_arch(iso_url) — returns the used processor architecture of iso_url
  • get_iso_size(iso_url) — returns the file size of iso_url in bytes

Arch Linux example:

from public import *  # noqa

def init():

    array = []
    base_urls = [

    for base_url in base_urls:

        html = bs(requests.get(base_url).text, "html.parser")

        for filename in html.find_all("a", {"href": re.compile("^.*\.iso$")}):

            iso_url = f"{base_url}/{filename['href']}"
            iso_arch = get_iso_arch(iso_url)
            iso_size = get_iso_size(iso_url)
            iso_version ="-(\d+.\d+(.\d+)?)", iso_url).group(1)

            array.append((iso_url, iso_arch, iso_size, iso_version))

    return array


Here's a snippet for nginx if you decided to self host the repository with website and you wanna access repo.json only by hostname via DriveDroid. Place it in server section of your config:

location = / {
  if ($http_user_agent ~* 'okhttp') {
    rewrite ^/(.*)$ /repo.json break;


  • Option to generate a webpage
  • Add a mechanism to retry scraping if a network error occurs
  • Option to select mirrors (mainly uses mirrors based in Russia)
  • Package this project perhaps
  • Probably make the code better



MIT License

Copyright © 2021 flameshikari

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