A secure way of storing your passwords.


StrongBox 🔐

A secure way of storing your passwords.

🔑 Why to use StrongBox?

StrongBox makes it possible to have a random generated strong password in each website/application by remembering only one password, your vault password.
StrongBox let you handle multiple vaults, which are uniquely identified by their password: two vaults cannot have the same password.
Each vault contains a list of websites/applications accounts, which have a website/app name, username, email and password. All these password are encrypted and can only be decrypted with the vault password.

IMPORTANT: your vault key should be strong and unique. You should not store it in your computer.

🔑 Installation

Clone StrongBox repository:

git clone https://github.com/dylannalex/strongbox

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

🔑 Usage

Create a virtual enviroment and set the DATABASE_URL virtual variable (see Set up a remote database on Heroku section).
You are all setup, run strongbox with the following command:

python -m strongbox

🔑 Set up a remote database on Heroku

  1. Create a Heroku account if you haven't already
  2. Create a new app: https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps
  3. Go to https://elements.heroku.com/addons/cleardb, select Ignite free plan and press the Install ClearDB MySQL button
  4. At App to provision to search the app you created and press Submit Order Form button
  5. Go to your app settings and click on Reveal Config Vars
  6. Copy the CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL value, thats your DATABASE_URL value!
Dylan Tintenfich
:books: Systems engineering student at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Mendoza.
Dylan Tintenfich
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