📨 Share files easily over your local network from the terminal! 📨



📨 Share files easily over your local network from the terminal! 📨


# clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/dopevog/fileshare.git

# change the working directory to fileshare
$ cd fileshare

# install the requirements
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


usage: python fileshare [-h] [--debug] [--receive] [--port PORT]
                       [--ip_addr {}] [--auth AUTH]

Transfer files over WiFi between your computer and your smartphone from the

positional arguments:
  file_path             path that you want to transfer or store the received

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug, -d           show the encoded url.
  --receive, -r         enable upload mode, received file will be stored at
                        given path.
  --port PORT, -p PORT  use a custom port
  --ip_addr             {} specify IP address
  --auth AUTH           add authentication, format: username:password
  --no-force-download   Allow browser to handle the file processing instead of
                        forcing it to download.

Note: Both devices needs to be connected to the same network

Exiting: To exit the program, just press CTRL+C.

Transfer a single file

$ python fileshare.py /path/to/file.png

Transfer a full directory. Note: the directory gets zipped before being transferred

$ python fileshare.py /path/to/directory/

Receive/upload a file from your phone to your computer

$ python fileshare.py -r /path/to/receive/file/to/


This Project Has Been MIT Licensed

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