Rotazioni: a linear programming workout split optimizer


Rotazioni: a linear programming workout split optimizer

Application screenshot


Dependencies for the frontend and backend are respectively listed in client/package.json and api/requirements.txt.
A self-contained docker installation is provided.

Deployment (Docker)

Make sure you have a docker service running on your machine.
Then run ./ && ./ to create and launch the docker container. The backend will be listening port 5000, while the frontend will be available through port 80.

Pull Requests

If you want to contribute to the project, you can do so by solving one of the many open issues or by creating new ones.
When proposing a pull request, make sure you do so on the production branch, so that when merged, the change will trigger the CI/CD pipeline.

Notes on localization

Rotazioni has been developed for an italian public, since it solves a very specific problem only found in a very specific italian community. Therefore there are currently no plans of internationalizing the product. Neverthless, if anyone wants to translate it and provide an easy internationalization setup, he's welcome to do it.

  • Implement input validation

    Implement input validation

    As of now, there is no input validation implemented. A possibly incomplete list of validation requirements is as follows:

    • All currently implemented textfields should be validated as non-negative integer inputs and should not be empty

    • The length of the microcycle should not exceed 30 days and should be a multiple of 7 days

    • The number of rest days should not exceed the length of the microcycle

    • The given maximum value of consecutive workouts should no exceed the length of the microcycle

    • The given maximum value of consecutive rest days should no exceed the length of the microcycle

    • Each rotation input should be an integer in the interval [0, 3]

    • Other inputs' constraints are implicitly enforced by the optimization procedure, so there is no need to manually specify them.

    Input validation should be performed prior to split generation and its outcome should be communicated to the user somehow

    opened by crybot 1
  • Find a way to manipulate single table cells

    Find a way to manipulate single table cells

    It would be nice to be able to manually change the value of a given cell and make it a fixed constraint for the split generation. Note: a single cell can include more than one muscle group, so this use case should be taken into consideration when changing a cell's value

    opened by crybot 1
  • Move to react-to-print for better pdf generation

    Move to react-to-print for better pdf generation

    Instead of using react-to-pdf, which generates a non-vectorized copy of a given React component, react-to-print allows to use the browser printing capabilities to export a well formed pdf.

    opened by crybot 0
  • fix papers not darkened in backdrop and some warnings fixes

    fix papers not darkened in backdrop and some warnings fixes

    I fixed the papers which weren't darkened in backdrop when the circular progress is open. I also fixed some warnings such as:

    • replacing some var with let and const
    • remove unused items
    opened by frankplus 0
  • Introduce

    Introduce "Richiami"

    Add the option to select the number of "richiami" to be added to the training split for each muscle group. Also, find a suitable english translation for the italian word "richiami".

    opened by crybot 0
  • add docker compose

    add docker compose

    Hi there! ho added docker compose for an easy deploy. I have moved the frontend in the client directory and the backend in the api directory. See deployment instructions in README

    opened by frankplus 0
  • Transition to a more robust state management system

    Transition to a more robust state management system

    The current way of managing components' state flow is hacky at best. A more robust way of sharing state and values among components is required to make the application more scalable, efficient and extendable. Valid options include Formik and React-Redux.

    opened by crybot 0
  • v1.1.0(Jun 23, 2021)

    This minor release of Rotazioni introduces:

    • Richiami: you can manually add and remove Richiami to the split, enforcing new constraints on the optimization procedure
    • Switchable dark mode: you can choose between light (default) and dark theme by clicking the upmost button on the left of the page. This preference is remembered for future uses
    • Minor UI/UX changes
    • Internal API changes
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(Jun 19, 2021)

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