OS-agnostic, system-level binary package manager and ecosystem


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Conda is a cross-platform, language-agnostic binary package manager. It is the package manager used by Anaconda installations, but it may be used for other systems as well. Conda makes environments first-class citizens, making it easy to create independent environments even for C libraries. Conda is written entirely in Python, and is BSD licensed open source.

Conda is enhanced by organizations, tools, and repositories created and managed by the amazing members of the conda community. Some of them can be found here.


Conda is a part of the Anaconda Distribution. Use Miniconda to bootstrap a minimal installation that only includes conda and its dependencies.

Getting Started

If you install Anaconda, you will already have hundreds of packages installed. You can see what packages are installed by running

$ conda list

to see all the packages that are available, use

$ conda search

and to install a package, use

$ conda install <package-name>

The real power of conda comes from its ability to manage environments. In conda, an environment can be thought of as a completely separate installation. Conda installs packages into environments efficiently using hard links by default when it is possible, so environments are space efficient, and take seconds to create.

The default environment, which conda itself is installed into is called base. To create another environment, use the conda create command. For instance, to create an environment with the IPython notebook and NumPy 1.6, which is older than the version that comes with Anaconda by default, you would run

$ conda create -n numpy16 ipython-notebook numpy=1.6

This creates an environment called numpy16 with the latest version of the IPython notebook, NumPy 1.6, and their dependencies.

We can now activate this environment, use

# On Linux and Mac OS X
$ source activate numpy16

# On Windows
> activate numpy16

This puts the bin directory of the numpy16 environment in the front of the PATH, and sets it as the default environment for all subsequent conda commands.

To go back to the base environment, use

# On Linux and Mac OS X
$ source deactivate

# On Windows
> deactivate

Building Your Own Packages

You can easily build your own packages for conda, and upload them to anaconda.org, a free service for hosting packages for conda, as well as other package managers. To build a package, create a recipe. Package building documentation is available here. See https://github.com/AnacondaRecipes for the recipes that make up the Anaconda Distribution and defaults channel. Conda-forge and Bioconda are community-driven conda-based distributions.

To upload to anaconda.org, create an account. Then, install the anaconda-client and login

$ conda install anaconda-client
$ anaconda login

Then, after you build your recipe

$ conda build <recipe-dir>

you will be prompted to upload to anaconda.org.

To add your anaconda.org channel, or the channel of others to conda so that conda install will find and install their packages, run

$ conda config --add channels https://conda.anaconda.org/username

(replacing username with the user name of the person whose channel you want to add).

Getting Help

The documentation for conda is at https://conda.io/en/latest/. You can subscribe to the conda mailing list. The source code and issue tracker for conda are on GitHub.


Contributions to conda are welcome. See the contributing documentation for instructions on setting up a development environment.

  • conda extremely slow

    conda extremely slow

    I'm submitting a...

    • [ ] bug report
    • [x] feature request

    Current Behavior

    conda operations appear to be particularly slow, this seems to have got worse as the versions have progressed.

    Steps to Reproduce

    time conda install -c simplistix picky-conda=2.0.2

    The above currently takes 30-40s into an existing environment.

    Expected Behavior

    Hopefully done and dusted within a second or two.

    Environment Information

    `conda info`

    $ conda info
         active environment : myproj
        active env location : /Users/chris/anaconda2/envs/moneybox
                shell level : 1
           user config file : /Users/chris/.condarc
     populated config files : /Users/chris/.condarc
              conda version : 4.5.1
        conda-build version : 3.8.0
             python version : 2.7.14.final.0
           base environment : /Users/chris/anaconda2  (writable)
               channel URLs : https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/osx-64
              package cache : /Users/chris/anaconda2/pkgs
           envs directories : /Users/chris/anaconda2/envs
                   platform : osx-64
                 user-agent : conda/4.5.1 requests/2.18.4 CPython/2.7.14 Darwin/17.5.0 OSX/10.13.4
                    UID:GID : 501:20
                 netrc file : None
               offline mode : False

    type::feature solver source::community 
    opened by cjw296 157
  • CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/win-64/current_repodata.json> Elapsed: -

    CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url Elapsed: -

    Hello i am facing this issue since few day. I read few posts and tried to workaround but nothing seems to work. Can someone please help me fix this. I am unable to update anything . I am copy pasting the error i get:

    (base) C:\Users\avnis>conda update conda Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): failed

    CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/win-64/current_repodata.json Elapsed: -

    An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL. HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.

    If your current network has https://www.anaconda.com blocked, please file a support request with your network engineering team.

    ConnectTimeout(MaxRetryError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='repo.anaconda.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /pkgs/main/win-64/current_repodata.json (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x000002D74E9F1748>, 'Connection to repo.anaconda.com timed out. (connect timeout=9.15)'))"))

    type::support source::community stale stale::closed 
    opened by 12avnisharma 136
  • Any Package Results in Elapsed: -"">

    Any Package Results in "CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url Elapsed: -"

    Hi there,

    Whatever package I try to install, I seem to get this error:

    conda install -c anaconda accelerate Fetching package metadata ... CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url https://conda.anaconda.org/anaconda/linux-64/repodata.json Elapsed: -

    An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL. HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way. SSLError(SSLError("Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.",),)

    On another note, I have (un-/re-)installed many packages (such as curl) recently, could that be the issue? Must I reinstall anaconda? Thanks

    type::support source::community 
    opened by Chaztikov 114
  • NotWritableError: The current user does not have write permissions to a required path.

    NotWritableError: The current user does not have write permissions to a required path.

    Conda is seriously confused about permissions. Right after I installed Anaconda from Anaconda3-5.1.0-Linux-x86_64.sh into my home (/home/marek/anaconda3) and added

    . /home/marek/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh

    into my ~/.zshrc and started new shell, I tried to create new environment:

    % conda create --name condatest python=3
    Solving environment: failed
    NotWritableError: The current user does not have write permissions to a required path.
      path: /home/marek/.conda/pkgs/urls.txt
      uid: 1009
      gid: 1009
    If you feel that permissions on this path are set incorrectly, you can manually
    change them by executing
      $ sudo chown 1009:1009 /home/marek/.conda/pkgs/urls.txt
    In general, it's not advisable to use 'sudo conda'.
    • My user and group ids are 1009.
    • ~/.conda directory didn't exist before I run the command above
    • ~/.conda directory DID exist after I run the command above, though it was empty
    • % touch ~/.conda/foo works

    This happens on latest ArchLinux, latest Ubuntu (bionic) and with both bash and zsh as shell...

    opened by marak8 95
  • Recent conda changes breaking Travis

    Recent conda changes breaking Travis

    Not 100% sure that this is a conda issue, but it looks like changes in .27 are breaking Travis builds that use extension modules.

    In particular, the compiler is identified as

    compiler: x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe -fPIC

    Not sure why conda would be in the compiler.

    And example of a failed build can be see https://travis-ci.org/statsmodels/statsmodels/builds/280537305

    opened by bashtage 83
  • Add generic support for bourne- and c-based shells

    Add generic support for bourne- and c-based shells

    With these changes conda's activate/deactivate now support bash/zsh/tcsh/csh.

    The scripts assume that activate*, deactivate*, and conda* can be found on the user's $PATH as opposed to detecting the $_SCRIPT_LOCATION as was done previously. This change is necessary to support tcsh/csh where the script location cannot be reliably detected when sourced.


    source activate [ENVNAME]
    source deactivate

    tcsh/csh (since the which command doesn't search the user $PATH in tcsh/csh):

    source \`which activate\` [ENVNAME]
    source \`which deactivate\`

    The old activate script has effectively been renamed as activate.sh. Likewise with the old deactivate script. They contain the same content but has been slightly edited to match the look and feel of the *.csh scripts that have been introduced.

    It may also make sense to encourage users to create aliases when they install Conda.


    alias activate="source activate"
    alias deactivate="source deactivate"


    alias activate    "source \`which \activate\`"
    alias deactivate  "source \`which \deactivate\`"
    type::feature cli locked 
    opened by kenodegard 82
  • python 2.7.10-0 fails to create virtualenv with Symbol not found: __PyErr_ReplaceException

    python 2.7.10-0 fails to create virtualenv with Symbol not found: __PyErr_ReplaceException

    This morning I wanted to create a virtualenv on Mac OS X where my default python is now anaconda, so I needed to install virtualenv:

    $ conda install virtualenv
    Fetching package metadata: ....
    Solving package specifications: .
    Package plan for installation in environment /Users/cwithers/anaconda:
    The following packages will be downloaded:
        package                    |            build
        conda-env-2.2.1            |           py27_0          21 KB
        python-2.7.10              |                0        11.4 MB
        requests-2.7.0             |           py27_0         594 KB
        setuptools-17.0            |           py27_0         341 KB
        conda-3.13.0               |           py27_0         168 KB
        pip-7.0.3                  |           py27_0         1.4 MB
        virtualenv-13.0.1          |           py27_0         1.6 MB
                                               Total:        15.5 MB
    The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
        virtualenv: 13.0.1-py27_0
    The following packages will be UPDATED:
        conda:      3.11.0-py27_0 --> 3.13.0-py27_0
        conda-env:  2.1.4-py27_0  --> 2.2.1-py27_0 
        pip:        6.1.1-py27_0  --> 7.0.3-py27_0 
        python:     2.7.9-1       --> 2.7.10-0     
        requests:   2.6.2-py27_0  --> 2.7.0-py27_0 
        setuptools: 15.1-py27_1   --> 17.0-py27_0  

    However, now when I try to create the env I get this error:

    $ virtualenv ve
    New python executable in ve/bin/python
    Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...
      Complete output from command /Users/cwithers/vcs/x/ve/bin/python -c "import sys, pip; sys...d\"] + sys.argv[1:]))" setuptools pip wheel:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/Users/cwithers/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/virtualenv_support/pip-7.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pip/__init__.py", line 13, in <module>
      File "/Users/cwithers/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/virtualenv_support/pip-7.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pip/utils/__init__.py", line 15, in <module>
      File "/Users/cwithers/anaconda/lib/python2.7/zipfile.py", line 6, in <module>
        import io
      File "/Users/cwithers/anaconda/lib/python2.7/io.py", line 51, in <module>
        import _io
    ImportError: dlopen(/Users/cwithers/vcs/x/ve/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_io.so, 2): Symbol not found: __PyErr_ReplaceException
      Referenced from: /Users/cwithers/vcs/x/ve/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/_io.so
      Expected in: dynamic lookup

    Downgrading to Python 2.7.9-1 made this problem go away. It looks like I'm not the only one experiencing this:


    opened by cjw296 76
  • Added basic activate/deactivate, conda activate/deactivate/ls for fish shell

    Added basic activate/deactivate, conda activate/deactivate/ls for fish shell

    This is a basic take on fish-compatible activate and deactivate commands. This also adds conda activate, conda deactivate and conda ls commands for convenience.

    Autocompletions and event handlers may follow later; the basics seem to work fine for now.


    source (conda info --root)/bin/conda.fish
    cli locked 
    opened by aldanor 76
  • Conda is broken after update. No module named `conda_package_handling`

    Conda is broken after update. No module named `conda_package_handling`

    After running

    conda update conda-build

    conda became unfunctional:

    Every command that includes conda ends up in a similar error traceback:

    [email protected]:~$ conda list
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/exceptions.py", line 1043, in __call__
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/cli/main.py", line 84, in _main
        exit_code = do_call(args, p)
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/cli/conda_argparse.py", line 80, in do_call
        module = import_module(relative_mod, __name__.rsplit('.', 1)[0])
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/importlib/__init__.py", line 126, in import_module
        return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 994, in _gcd_import
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 971, in _find_and_load
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 665, in _load_unlocked
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 678, in exec_module
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/cli/main_list.py", line 14, in <module>
        from ..core.prefix_data import PrefixData
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/core/prefix_data.py", line 24, in <module>
        from ..gateways.disk.create import write_as_json_to_file
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/gateways/disk/create.py", line 17, in <module>
        import conda_package_handling.api
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'conda_package_handling'
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/bin/conda", line 13, in <module>
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/cli/main.py", line 150, in main
        return conda_exception_handler(_main, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/exceptions.py", line 1335, in conda_exception_handler
        return_value = exception_handler(func, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/exceptions.py", line 1046, in __call__
        return self.handle_exception(exc_val, exc_tb)
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/exceptions.py", line 1090, in handle_exception
        return self.handle_unexpected_exception(exc_val, exc_tb)
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/exceptions.py", line 1101, in handle_unexpected_exception
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/exceptions.py", line 1171, in print_unexpected_error_report
        from .cli.main_info import get_env_vars_str, get_main_info_str
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/cli/main_info.py", line 19, in <module>
        from ..core.index import _supplement_index_with_system
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/core/index.py", line 9, in <module>
        from .package_cache_data import PackageCacheData
      File "/home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda/core/package_cache_data.py", line 15, in <module>
        from conda_package_handling.api import InvalidArchiveError
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'conda_package_handling'

    saying ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'conda_package_handling' even though it's present:

    [email protected]:~$ ls -la /home/sergey/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conda-package-handling-1.3.11-py36_0
    total 60
    drwxrwxr-x   5 sergey sergey  4096 Jul 12 18:37 .
    drwxr-xr-x 656 sergey sergey 40960 Jul 12 18:37 ..
    drwxrwxr-x   2 sergey sergey  4096 Jul 12 18:37 bin
    drwxrwxr-x   4 sergey sergey  4096 Jul 12 18:37 info
    drwxrwxr-x   3 sergey sergey  4096 Jul 12 18:37 lib
    type::bug solver source::community stale stale::closed 
    opened by sbushmanov 73
  • Add `conda run` command, more `--json` flags

    Add `conda run` command, more `--json` flags

    $ conda launch -h
    usage: conda launch [-h] [COMMAND]
    Launches an application installed with Conda.
    positional arguments:
    COMMAND     package to launch
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help  show this help message and exit
    $ conda launch ipython-qtconsole  
    Fetching package metadata: ...
    Started app. Some apps may take a while to finish loading.
    $ conda launch ipython-qtconsole --json
      "fn": "ipython-qtconsole-2.1.0-py34_0.tar.bz2"
    $ conda launch conda                   
    Fetching package metadata: ...
    Error: Not an application: conda-3.5.5-py34_0.tar.bz2
    $ conda launch conda --json
      "error": "Not an application: conda-3.5.5-py34_0.tar.bz2"
    $ conda launch nonexistent_package       
    Fetching package metadata: ...
    Error: App nonexistent_package not installed.
    $ conda launch nonexistent_package --json
      "error": "App nonexistent_package not installed."
    $ conda launch ipython-qtconsole-2.1.0-py34_0.tar.bz2
    Started app. Some apps may take a while to finish loading.
    $ conda launch ipython-qtconsole-2.1.0-py34_0.tar.bz2 --json
      "fn": "ipython-qtconsole-2.1.0-py34_0.tar.bz2"


    • [x] conda info package1 package2 ... --json
    • [x] conda list --json (fixes #713)
    • [x] conda info ipython-qtconsole-2.1.0-py34_0.tar.bz2 [--json]?(retrieve metadata such as install status, features,...)
    • [x] conda search --json
    • ~~[ ] create~~
    • [x] install (fixes #773)
    • [x] install when a hint is generated
    • [x] update
    • [x] update --json with No packages found matching error
    • [x] remove
    • [x] config
    • [x] clean
    • [x] Handle progressbars (requires parsing by client; uses JSON messages flushed to stdout separated by nulls)
    • [x] Add tests
    • [ ] Some way to get all info from conda.config (perhaps conda info --json should include that data)
    • [x] Windows has additional printing in install.py that needs to be handled
    • [x] Handle locking with --json
    • [x] Printing in resolve.py
    • [x] More informative JSON errors? (e.g. provide an error code/exception type to make it easier for APIs to raise an appropriate exception)
    • [x] Handle HTTP errors in JSON
    • [x] Resolve this launch vs IPython Notebook conda-launch
    • ~~[ ] Figure out how to trap yaml ImportError in main_config~~ can't be trapped - conda won't start at all.
    • [x] conda run with packages not in the index (e.g. conda-ui)
    opened by lidavidm 73
  • CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 Connection Failed during conda install with new 2018.12 Anaconda3 Windows install

    CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 Connection Failed during conda install with new 2018.12 Anaconda3 Windows install

    First off, I am not behind a firewall. I am on a home broadband network. Using a Windows 10 Pro, Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134 HP machine.

    Unable to install any packages with Conda command lines or the Anaconda Navigator. Anaconda Navigator never completes install. Conda returns the following error messages. C:\Users\owen>conda install geopandas Solving environment: failed

    CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/win-64/repodata.json.bz2 Elapsed: -

    An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL. HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.

    If your current network has https://www.anaconda.com blocked, please file a support request with your network engineering team.

    SSLError(MaxRetryError('HTTPSConnectionPool(host='repo.anaconda.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /pkgs/main/win-64/repodata.json.bz2 (Caused by SSLError("Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available."))'))

    Steps to Reproduce

    I upgraded from Anaconda3-5.0.1-Windowsx86_64 to Anaconda3-2018.12-Windows-x86_64

    Conda works once. I installed Cartopy package. Then I tried to install Geopandas, and error message appeared. I tried researching problem, but all old post dealt with issue behind a firewall. I uninstalled Anaconda and reinstalled. Same issue appeared in same order of events as previously. conda install geopandas

    ## Expected Behavior
    <!-- What do you think should happen? -->
    Old version of Anaconda never had SSL issues during conda installs.
    ## Environment Information
    <details open><summary><code>`conda info`</code></summary><p>
    <!-- between the ticks below, paste the output of 'conda info' -->
    conda version 4.5.12
    opened by mygethub-99 66
  • Hide completed progress bars during parallel downloads

    Hide completed progress bars during parallel downloads

        This is amazing. However, it doesn't seem to always show the unfinished downloads and now I cannot see the "more hidden" progress (for quite a while) 😂


    Originally posted by @yzhang-gh in https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/11608#issuecomment-1364545763

    opened by dholth 1
  • Support installation onto External SSDs

    Support installation onto External SSDs


    • [X] I added a descriptive title
    • [X] I searched open requests and couldn't find a duplicate

    What is the idea?

    I would like to install a miniconda distribution onto an external drive, such as an external SSD. Currently, this is not supported.

    Why is this needed?

    I work at a University and help undergraduates with their student projects. Currently, each student is allocated 1GB of networked storage space and has a limit of 10,000 files.

    This is woefully inadequate for anything interesting, and the problem is compounded by the fact that writing many small files using the (presumably NFS-inspired) file system is excruciatingly slow.

    A typical conda installation with enough interesting packages can easily exceed the hard limits placed on both disk space and the number of available file descriptors.

    Providing students with an external SSD would be an excellent workaround, but this is currently not supported by (mini)conda.

    What should happen?

    I would like to be able to provide students with an SSD which contains a conda distribution. USB-C SSD's are relatively cheap, extremely fast, and don't suffer from issues of networked file systems. There are two issues with Conda that fall short of this being a great solution:

    1. The conda installation has a few absolute path references. These are problematic for SSDs which may be mounted at different locations. It appears that these absolute paths can be removed with some clever scripting.
    2. For some reason, the conda installation fails when installing on devices that are formatted to use ExFAT. It would be helpful to be able to install a (mini)conda distribution onto an SSD which is formatted to be natively compatible with Windows and Linux, because students like to move data between the Linux lab machines and their (Windows|Mac) laptops.

    Additional Context

    Currently, my workaround is to create a separate EXT4 partition for miniconda on each external SSD. But ideally this wouldn't be necessary.

    opened by oliland 0
  • Installation fails using sh

    Installation fails using sh


    • [X] I added a descriptive title
    • [X] I searched open reports and couldn't find a duplicate

    What happened?

    Installation of Miniconda3-py310_22.11.1-1-Linux-x86_64.sh using sh fails even though the install script claims it can be run using sh (Please run using "bash"/"dash"/"sh"/"zsh", but not "." or "source".) and the shebang points to sh (#!/bin/sh).

    The installation instructions say bash should be used, so why not point to bash in the shebang, best in a portable way #!/usr/bin/env bash.

    Otherwise do not use bash-specific features such as [[.

    Conda Info

    No response

    Conda Config

    No response

    Conda list

    No response

    Additional Context

    Command and script output (actual path replaced by ...):

    sh .../Miniconda3-py310_22.11.1-1/Miniconda3-py310_22.11.1-1-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -u -p .../Miniconda3-py310_22.11.1-1
    Unpacking payload ...
    Installing base environment...
    Downloading and Extracting Packages
    Downloading and Extracting Packages
    Preparing transaction: done
    Executing transaction: done
    .../Miniconda3-py310_22.11.1-1/Miniconda3-py310_22.11.1-1-Linux-x86_64.sh: 438: [[: not found
    Installing * environment...
    .../Miniconda3-py310_22.11.1-1/Miniconda3-py310_22.11.1-1-Linux-x86_64.sh: 444: [[: not found
    CondaFileIOError: '.../Miniconda3-py310_22.11.1-1/pkgs/envs/*/env.txt'. [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '.../Miniconda3-py310_22.11.1-1/pkgs/envs/*/env.txt'`
    opened by muued 0
  • Xonsh autocompleter assumes Xonsh is inside Conda env

    Xonsh autocompleter assumes Xonsh is inside Conda env


    • [X] I added a descriptive title
    • [X] I searched open reports and couldn't find a duplicate

    What happened?

    I have xonsh installed in my system not using conda (using a system pipx env, since I want it available as the system shell).

    The default conda hooks for xonsh (accessed using conda shell.xonsh hook ), in _get_envs_unfiltered() includes the line

    config = importlib.import_module('conda.config')

    This seems to assume that the script is being run from a xonsh shell that has access to the conda module. This is true when xonsh is installed inside conda, but is not true when it isn't.

    This leads to the following issue: When I try to tabcomplete a conda activate command with the list of envs, I instead get an error

    Completer _conda_completer raises exception when gets old_args=('', 'conda activate ', 15, 15) / completion_context=CompletionContext(command=CommandContext(args=(CommandArg(value='conda', opening_quote='', closing_quote='', is_io_redir=False), CommandArg(value='activate', opening_quote='', closing_quote='', is_io_redir=False)), arg_index=2, prefix='', suffix='', opening_quote='', closing_quote='', is_after_closing_quote=False, subcmd_opening=''), python=PythonContext('conda activate ', 15, is_sub_expression=False)):
    <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'> - No module named 'conda'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "$(/home/max/Tools/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.xonsh hook)", line 127, in _get_envs_unfiltered
      File "/usr/lib/python3.10/importlib/__init__.py", line 126, in import_module
        return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1050, in _gcd_import
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1027, in _find_and_load
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 992, in _find_and_load_unlocked
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1050, in _gcd_import
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1027, in _find_and_load
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 992, in _find_and_load_unlocked
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1050, in _gcd_import
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1027, in _find_and_load
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1004, in _find_and_load_unlocked
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'conda'
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/pipx/venvs/xonsh/lib/python3.10/site-packages/xonsh/completer.py", line 186, in generate_completions
        out = func(*old_completer_args)
      File "$(/home/max/Tools/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.xonsh hook)", line 180, in _conda_completer
      File "$(/home/max/Tools/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.xonsh hook)", line 160, in _get_envs
      File "$(/home/max/Tools/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.xonsh hook)", line 130, in _get_envs_unfiltered
      File "/usr/lib/python3.10/importlib/__init__.py", line 126, in import_module
        return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1050, in _gcd_import
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1027, in _find_and_load
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 992, in _find_and_load_unlocked
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1050, in _gcd_import
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1027, in _find_and_load
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1004, in _find_and_load_unlocked
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'conda'

    Conda Info

    active environment : None
                shell level : 0
           user config file : /home/max/.condarc
     populated config files : 
              conda version : 22.9.0
        conda-build version : 3.22.0
             python version : 3.9.13.final.0
           virtual packages : __cuda=12.0=0
           base environment : /home/max/Tools/anaconda3  (writable)
          conda av data dir : /home/max/Tools/anaconda3/etc/conda
      conda av metadata url : None
               channel URLs : https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/linux-64
              package cache : /home/max/Tools/anaconda3/pkgs
           envs directories : /home/max/Tools/anaconda3/envs
                   platform : linux-64
                 user-agent : conda/22.9.0 requests/2.28.1 CPython/3.9.13 Linux/5.19.0-26-generic ubuntu/22.10 glibc/2.36
                    UID:GID : 1000:1000
                 netrc file : /home/max/.netrc
               offline mode : False

    Conda Config

    ==> envvars <==
    auto_activate_base: False

    Conda list

    This is not being run from within an environment, but the error persists in all environments since env activations don't change what packages are available in the current xonsh shell

    Additional Context

    No response

    opened by Maxwellfire 0
  • Scroll down the package-list when downloading in parallel.

    Scroll down the package-list when downloading in parallel.


    • [x] I added a descriptive title
    • [X] I searched open requests and couldn't find a duplicate

    What is the idea?

    When conda starts downloading the packages in parallel, it presents a list of packages being downloaded currently or waiting to be downloaded. However, this list only has approximately 20 items. After downloading packages in this list, I lost track of the whole downloading progress, since this list does not scroll down automatically. Is it possible now to show more lines of downloading packages, or automatically scroll down this list, so that I am aware of the time about to take for the rest of the downloading progress?

    Why is this needed?

    No response

    What should happen?

    No response

    Additional Context

    No response

    opened by DuoLife-QNL 0
  • Honor `Exception.allow_retry` in `PackagesNotFoundError` too

    Honor `Exception.allow_retry` in `PackagesNotFoundError` too


    We implemented allow_retry for UnsatisfiableError and friends, but not for PackagesNotFound which resulted in this double output:

    conda create -n unused --dry-run does-not-exist --solver=libmamba --offline
    pkgs/main/linux-64                                          Using cache
    pkgs/main/noarch                                            Using cache
    pkgs/r/linux-64                                             Using cache
    pkgs/r/noarch                                               Using cache
    Collect all metadata (repodata.json): done
    Solving environment: failed
    pkgs/main/linux-64                                          Using cache
    pkgs/main/noarch                                            Using cache
    pkgs/r/linux-64                                             Using cache
    pkgs/r/noarch                                               Using cache
    Collect all metadata (repodata.json): done
    Solving environment: failed
    PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:
      - does-not-exist
    Current channels:
      - defaults
    To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
    looking for, navigate to
    and use the search bar at the top of the page.

    (Note the double fetching).

    Closes https://github.com/conda/conda-libmamba-solver/issues/100

    Checklist - did you ...

    • [ ] Add a file to the news directory (using the template) for the next release's release notes?
    • [ ] Add / update necessary tests?
    • [ ] Add / update outdated documentation?
    source::partner cla-signed 
    opened by jaimergp 0
  • 22.11.1(Dec 7, 2022)

    Bug fixes

    • Restore default virtual package specs as in 22.9.0 (#12148)
      • re-add __unix/__win packages
      • restore __archspec version/build string composition


    • Skip test suite for non-code changes. (#12141)


    • @LtDan33
    • @jezdez
    • @kenodegard
    • @mbargull
    • @travishathaway

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/conda/conda/compare/22.11.0...22.11.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 22.11.0(Nov 30, 2022)


    • Add LD_PRELOAD to env variable list. (#10665)
    • Improve CLI warning about updating conda. (#11300)
    • Conda's initialize block in the user's profiles will check whether the conda executable exists before calling the conda hook. (#11374)
    • Switch to tqdm as a real dependency. (#12005)
    • Add a new plugin mechanism. (#11435)
    • Add an informative message if explicit install fails due to requested packages not being in the cache. (#11591)
    • Download and extract packages in parallel. Greatly speeds up package downloads when latency is high. Controlled by the new fetch_threads config parameter, defaulting to 5 parallel downloads. Thanks @shuges-uk for reporting. (#11841)
    • Add a new plugin hook for virtual packages and convert existing code for virtual packages (from index.py) into plugins. (#11854)
    • Require ruamel.yaml. (#11868, #11837)
    • Stop using toolz.accumulate. (#12020)
    • Stop using toolz.groupby. (#11913)
    • Remove vendored six package. (#11979)
    • Add the ability to extend the solver backends with the conda_solvers plugin hook. (#11993)
    • Stop using toolz.functoolz.excepts. (#12016)
    • Stop using toolz.itertoolz.concatv. (#12020)
    • Also try UTF16 and UTF32 encodings when replacing the prefix. (#9946)

    Bug fixes

    • conda env update would ask for user input and hang when working with pip installs of git repos and the repo was previously checked out. Tell pip not to ask for user input for that case. (#11818)
    • Fix for conda update and conda install issues related to channel notices. (#11852)
    • Signature verification printed None when disabled, changes default metadata_signature_status to an empty string instead. (#11944)
    • Fix importlib warnings when importing conda.cli.python_api on python=3.10. (#11975)
    • Several user facing MatchSpec crashes were identified by fuzzing efforts. (#11999)
    • Apply minimal fixes to deal with these (and similar) crashes. (#12014)
    • Prevent conda from using /bin/sh + exec trick for its own entry point, which drops $PS1 on some shells (#11885, #11893 via #12043).
    • Handle CTRL+C during package downloading more gracefully. (#12056)
    • Prefer the outer name when a MatchSpec specifies a package's name twice package-name[name=package-name] (#12062)


    • Add a pending deprecation warning for when importing tqdm from conda._vendor. (#12005)
    • Drop ruamel_yaml and ruamel_yaml_conda in favor of ruamel.yaml. (#11837)
    • context.experimental_solver is now marked for pending deprecation. It is replaced by context.solver. The same applies to the --experimental-solver flag, the CONDA_EXPERIMENTAL_SOLVER environment variable, and the ExperimentalSolverChoice enum, which will be replaced by --solver, EXPERIMENTAL_SOLVER and SolverChoice, respectively. (#11889)
    • Mark context.conda_private as pending deprecation. (#12101)


    • Add corresponding documentation for the new plugins mechanism. (#11435)
    • Update conda cheatsheet for the 4.14.0 release. The cheatsheet now includes an example for conda rename. (#11768)
    • Document conda-build package format v2, also known as the .conda-format. (#11881)
    • Remove allow_other_channels config option from documentation, as the option no longer exists. (#11866)
    • Fix bad URL to "Introduction to conda for Data Scientists" course in conda docs. (#9782)


    • Add a comment to the code that explains why .bashrc is modified on Linux and .bash_profile is modified on Windows/macOS when executing conda init. (#11849)
    • Add --mach and --arch options to dev/start. (#11851)
    • Remove encoding pragma in file headers, as it's not needed in Python 3 anymore. (#11880)
    • Refactor conda init SHELLS as argparse choices. (#11897)
    • Drop pragma fixes from pre-commit checks. (#11909)
    • Add pyupgrade to pre-commit checks. This change affects many files. Existing pull requests may need to be updated, rebased, or merged to address conflicts. (#11909)
    • Add aarch64 and ppc64le as additional CI platforms for smoke testing. (#11911)
    • Serve package files needed for testing using local server. (#12024)
    • Update canary builds to guarantee builds for the commits that trigger workflow. (#12040)


    • @arq0017 made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11810
    • @beeankha
    • @conda-bot
    • @dbast
    • @dholth
    • @erykoff
    • @consideRatio made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/12028
    • @jaimergp
    • @jezdez
    • @kathatherine
    • @kenodegard
    • @ForgottenProgramme made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11926
    • @hmaarrfk made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/9946
    • @NikhilRaverkar made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11842
    • @pavelzw made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11849
    • @pkmooreanaconda made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/12014
    • @fragmede made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11818
    • @SatyamVyas04 made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11870
    • @timhoffm
    • @travishathaway
    • @dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11965
    • @pre-commit-ci[bot]
    • @wulmer

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/conda/conda/compare/22.9.0...22.11.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 22.9.0(Sep 20, 2022)

    Special announcement 📢

    If you have been following the conda project previously, you will notice a change in our version number for this release. We have officially switched to the CalVer versioning system as agreed upon in CEP 8 (Conda Enhancement Proposal).

    Please read that CEP for more information, but here is a quick synopsis. We hope that this versioning system and our release schedule will help make our releases more predictable and transparent to the community going forward. We are now committed to making at least one release every two months, but keep in mind that we can (and most likely will) be making minor version releases within this window.


    • Replace vendored toolz with toolz dependency. (#11589, #11700)
    • Update bundled Python launchers for Windows (conda/shell/cli-*.exe) to match the ones found in conda-build. (#11676)
    • Add win-arm64 as a known platform (subdir). (#11778)

    Bug fixes

    • Remove extra prefix injection related to the shell interface breaking conda run. (#11666)
    • Better support for shebang instructions in prefixes with spaces. (#11676)
    • Fix noarch entry points in Unicode-containing prefixes on Windows. (#11694)
    • Ensure that exceptions that are raised show up properly instead of resulting in a blank [y/N] prompt. (#11746)


    • Mark conda._vendor.toolz as pending deprecation. (#11704)
    • Removes vendored version of urllib3. (#11705)


    • Added conda capitalization standards to CONTRIBUTING file. (#11712)


    • Add arm64 support to development script . ./dev/start. (#11752)
    • Update canary-release version to resolve canary build issue. (#11761)
    • Renamed canary recipe from conda.recipe to recipe. (#11774)


    • @beeankha
    • @chenghlee
    • @conda-bot
    • @dholth
    • @isuruf
    • @jaimergp
    • @jezdez
    • @razzlestorm made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11736
    • @jakirkham
    • @kathatherine
    • @kenodegard
    • @scdub made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11816
    • @travishathaway
    • @pre-commit-ci[bot]

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/conda/conda/compare/4.14.0...22.9.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.14.0(Aug 3, 2022)


    • Only star activated environment in conda info --envs/conda env list. (#10764)
    • Adds new sub-command, conda notices, for retrieving channel notices. (#11462)
    • Notices will be intermittently shown after running, install, create, update, env create or env update. New notices will only be shown once. (#11462)
    • Implementation of a new rename subcommand. (#11496)
    • Split SSLError from HTTPError to help resolve HTTP 000 errors. (#11564)
    • Include the invalid package name in the error message. (#11601)
    • Bump requests version (>=2.20.1) and drop monkeypatching. (#11643)
    • Rename whitelist_channels to allowlist_channels. (#11647)
    • Always mention channel when notifying about a new conda update. (#11671)

    Bug fixes

    • Correct a misleading conda --help error message. (#11625)
    • Fix support for CUDA version detection on WSL2. (#11626)
    • Fixed the bug when providing empty environment.yml to conda env create command. (#11556, #11630)
    • Fix MD5 hash generation for FIPS-enabled systems. (#11658)
    • Fixed TypeError encountered when logging is set to DEBUG and the package's JSON cannot be read. (#11679)


    • conda.cli.common.ensure_name_or_prefix is pending deprecation in a future release. (#11490)
    • Mark conda.lock as pending deprecation. (#11571)
    • Remove lgtm.com config. (#11572)
    • Remove Python 2.7 conda.common.url.is_ipv6_address_win_py27 implementation. (#11573)
    • Remove redundant conda.resolve.dashlist definition. (#11578)
    • Mark conda_env.cli.common.get_prefix and conda.base.context.get_prefix as pending deprecation in favor of conda.base.context.determine_target_prefix. (#11594)
    • Mark conda_env.cli.common.stdout_json as pending deprecation in favor of conda.cli.common.stdout_json. (#11595)
    • Mark conda_env.cli.common.find_prefix_name as pending deprecation. (#11596)
    • Mark conda.auxlib.decorators.memoize as pending deprecation in favor of functools.lru_cache. (#11597)
    • Mark conda.exports.memoized as pending deprecation in favor of functools.lru_cache. (#11597)
    • Mark conda.exports.handle_proxy_407 as pending deprecation. (#11597)
    • Refactor conda.activate._Activator.get_export_unset_vars to use **kwargs instead of OrderedDict. (#11649)
    • Mark conda.another_to_unicode as pending deprecation. (#11678)


    • Corresponding documentation of notices subcommand. (#11462)
    • Corresponding documentation of rename subcommand. (#11496)
    • Correct docs URL to https://docs.conda.io. (#11508)
    • Updated the list of environment variables that can now expand in the Use Condarc section. (#11514)
    • Include notice that the "All Users" installation option in the Anaconda Installer is no longer available due to security concerns. (#11528)
    • Update conda-zsh-completeion link. (#11541)
    • Missing pip as a dependency when including a pip-installed dependency. (#11543)
    • Convert README.rst to README.md. (#11544)
    • Updated docs and CLI help to include information on conda init arguments. (#11574)
    • Added docs for writing integration tests. (#11604)
    • Updated conda env create CLI documentation description and examples to be more helpful. (#11611)


    • Display tests summary in CI. (#11558)
    • Update Dockerfile and ci-images.yml flow to build multi arch images. (#11560)
    • Rename master branch to main. (#11570)


    • @drewja made their first contribution in #11614
    • @beeankha
    • @topherocity made their first contribution in #11658
    • @conda-bot
    • @dandv made their first contribution in #11636
    • @dbast
    • @dholth
    • @deepyaman made their first contribution in #11598
    • @dogukanteber made their first contribution in #11556/#11630
    • @jaimergp
    • @kathatherine
    • @kenodegard
    • @nps1ngh made their first contribution in #10764
    • @pseudoyim made their first contribution in #11528
    • @SamStudio8 made their first contribution in #11679
    • @SamuelWN made their first contribution in #11543
    • @spencermathews made their first contribution in #11508
    • @timgates42
    • @timhoffm made their first contribution in #11601
    • @travishathaway
    • @esc
    • @pre-commit-ci[bot]

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/conda/conda/compare/4.13.0...4.14.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.13.0(May 19, 2022)


    • Introducing conda clean --logfiles to remove logfiles generated by conda-libmamba-solver. (#11387)
    • Add the solver name and version to the user-agent. (#11415, #11455)
    • Attempt parsing HTTP errors as a JSON and extract error details. If present, prefer these details instead of those hard-coded. (#11440)

    Bug fixes

    • Fix inconsistencies with conda clean --dryrun (#11385)
    • Standardize tarball & package finding in conda clean (#11386, #11391)
    • Fix escape_channel_url logic on Windows (#11416)
    • Use 'Accept' header, not 'Content-Type' in GET header (#11446)
    • Allow extended user-agent collection to fail but log the exception (#11455)


    • Removing deprecated conda.cli.activate. Originally deprecated in conda 4.6.0 in May 2018. (#11309)
    • Removing deprecated conda.compat. Originally deprecated in conda 4.6.0 in May 2018. (#11322)
    • Removing deprecated conda.install. Originally deprecated in conda 4.6.0 in May 2018. (#11323)
    • Removing deprecated conda.cli.main_help. Originally deprecated in conda 4.6.0 in May 2018. (#11325)
    • Removed unused conda.auxlib.configuration. (#11349)
    • Removed unused conda.auxlib.crypt. (#11349)
    • Removed unused conda.auxlib.deprecation. (#11349)
    • Removed unused conda.auxlib.factory. (#11349)
    • Removed minimally used conda.auxlib.path. (#11349)
    • Removed conda.exports.CrossPlatformStLink, a Windows Python <3.2 fix for os.lstat.st_nlink. (#11351)
    • Remove Python 2.7 and other legacy code (#11364)
    • conda run --live-stream aliases conda run --no-capture-output. (#11422)
    • Removes unused exceptions. (#11424)
    • Combines conda_env.exceptions with conda.exceptions. (#11425)
    • Drop Python 3.6 support. (#11453)
    • Remove outdated test test_init_dev_and_NoBaseEnvironmentError (#11469)


    • Initial implementation of deep dive docs (#11059)
    • Correction of RegisterPython description in Windows Installer arguments. (#11312)
    • Added autodoc documentation for conda compare. (#11336)
    • Remove duplicated instruction in manage-python.rst (#11381)
    • Updated conda cheatsheet. (#11443)
    • Fix typos throughout the codebase (#11448)
    • Fix conda activate example (#11471)
    • Updated conda 4.12 cheatsheet with new anaconda distribution version (#11479)


    • Add Python 3.10 as a test target. (#10992)
    • Replace custom conda._vendor with vendoring (#11290)
    • Replace conda.auxlib.collection.frozendict with vendored frozendict (#11398)
    • Reorganize and new tests for conda.cli.main_clean (#11360)
    • Removing vendored usage of urllib3 and instead implementing our own wrapper around std. lib urllib (#11373)
    • Bump vendored py-cpuinfo version 4.0.0 → 8.0.0. (#11393)
    • Add informational Codecov status checks (#11400)


    • @beeankha made their first contribution in #11469
    • @ChrisPanopoulos made their first contribution in #11312
    • @conda-bot
    • @dholth
    • @jaimergp
    • @jezdez
    • @kathatherine made their first contribution in #11443
    • @kenodegard
    • @kianmeng made their first contribution in #11448
    • @simon9500 made their first contribution in #11381
    • @thomasrockhu-codecov made their first contribution in #11400
    • @travishathaway made their first contribution in #11373
    • @pre-commit-ci[bot]

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/conda/conda/compare/4.12.0...4.13.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.12.0(Mar 8, 2022)


    • Add support for libmamba integrations. (#11193)

      This is a new experimental and opt-in feature that allows use of the new conda-libmamba-solver for an improved user experience, based on the libmamba community project – the library version of the mamba package manager.

      After updating your conda version to 4.12.0, please follow these steps to try out the new libmamba solver integration:

      1. Install the separate conda-libmamba-solver package in your conda base environment:

        conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver
      2. Try out the solver using the --experimental-solver=libmamba command line option.

        E.g. with a dry-run to install the scipy pacakge:

        conda create -n demo scipy --dry-run --experimental-solver=libmamba

        Or install in an activated conda environment:

        conda activate my-environment
        conda install scipy --experimental-solver=libmamba
    • Make sure that conda env update -f sets env vars from the referenced yaml file. (#10652)

    • Improve command line argument quoting, especially for conda run. (#11189)

    • Allow conda run to work in read-only environments. (#11215)

    • Add support for prelink_message. (#11123)

    • Added conda.CONDA_SOURCE_ROOT. (#11182)

    Bug fixes

    • Refactored conda.utils.ensure_comspec_set into conda.utils.get_comspec. (#11168)
    • Refactored conda.cli.common.is_valid_prefix into conda.cli.common.validate_prefix. (#11172)
    • Instantiate separate S3 session for thread-safety. (#11038)
    • Change overly verbose info log to debug. (#11260)
    • Remove five.py and update metaclass definitions. (#11267)
    • Remove unnecessary conditional in setup.py (#11013)


    • Clarify on AIE messaging in download.rst. (#11221)
    • Fix conda environment variable echo, update example versions. (#11237)
    • Fixed link in docs. (#11268)
    • Update profile examples. (#11278)
    • Fix typos. (#11070)
    • Document conda run command. (#11299)


    • Added macOS to continuous integration. (#10875)
    • Added ability to build per-pullrequest review builds. (#11135)
    • Improved subprocess handling on Windows. (#11179)
    • Add CONDA_SOURCE_ROOT env var. (#11182)
    • Automatically check copyright/license disclaimer & encoding pragma. (#11183)
    • Development environment per Python version. (#11233)
    • Add concurrency group to cancel GHA runs on repeated pushes to branch/PR. (#11258)
    • Only run GHAs on non-forks. (#11265)


    • @opoplawski
    • @FaustinCarter made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/10652
    • @jaimergp
    • @rhoule-anaconda
    • @jezdez
    • @hajapy
    • @erykoff
    • @uwuvalon made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11221
    • @kenodegard
    • @manics made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11237
    • @NaincyKumariKnoldus made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11268
    • @autotmp made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11278
    • @yuvipanda made their first contribution in https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/11013
    • @astrojuanlu
    • @marcelotrevisani

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/conda/conda/compare/4.11.0...4.12.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.11.0(Nov 22, 2021)


    • Allow channel_alias to interpolate environment variables.
    • Support running conda with PyPy on Windows.
    • Add ability to add, append and prepend to sequence values when using the conda config subcommand.
    • Support Python 3.10 in version parser.
    • Add XDG_CONFIG_HOME to the conda search path following the XDG Base Directory Specification (XDGBDS).

    Bug fixes

    • Fix the PowerShell activator to not show an error when unsetting environment variables.
    • Remove superfluous eval statements in fish shell integration.
    • Indent the conda fish integration file using fish_indent.
    • Fix handling of environment variables containing equal signs (=).
    • Handle permission errors when listing all known prefixes.
    • Catch Unicode decoding errors when parsing conda-meta files.
    • Fix handling write errors when trying to create package cache or env directories.


    • Update path of conda repo in RHEL based systems to /etc/yum.repos.d/conda.repo.
    • Fix the advanced pip example to stop using the now invalid file: prefix.
    • Minor docs cleanup and adding Code of Conduct.
    • Add auto-built architecture documentation for conda based on the C4 Model. See the conda documentation for more information.
    • Expand the contributing documentation with a section about static code analysis and code linting.
    • Add developer guide section to the documentation, including a conda architecture overview.
    • Stop referring to updating anaconda when conda update fails with an error.


    • Build Docker images periodically on GitHub Actions for the continuous integration testing on Linux, storing them on GitHub Packages's registry for reduced latency and cost when using Docker Hub.

    • Simplify the Linux GitHub actions workflows by combining used shell scripts.

    • Add periodic GitHub Actions workflow to review old issues in the conda issue tracker and mark them as stale if no feedback is provided in a sensible amount of time, eventually closing them.

    • Add periodic GitHub Actions workflow to lock the comment threads of old issues and pull requests in the conda GitHub repository to surface regressions with new issues instead.

    • Refactor test suite to use more GitHub Actions runners in parallel, reducing total run time by 50%.

    • Switched the issue tracker to use forms with additional questions for bug reporters to help in ticket triage.

    • Add and automatically run pre-commit as part of the CI system to improve the code quality continuously and raise issues in contributed patches early on.

      The used code linters are: flake8, pylint and bandit.

      The Python code formatter black is used as well but is only enforced on changed code in a commit and not to the whole code base at once.

    • Automatically build the conda package upon the successful merge into the master branch and upload it to the conda-canary channel on anaconda.org.

      To try conda out simply run:

      conda install -c conda-canary/label/dev conda
    • Automate adding new issues to public GitHub project board to facilitate issue triage.

    • Update GitHub issue and pull request labels to be more consistent.

    • Start using rever for release management.

    • (preview) Enable one-click gitpod and GitHub Codespaces setup for Linux development.


    • Benjamin Bertrand
    • Chawye Hsu
    • Cheng H. Lee
    • Dan Meador
    • Daniel Bast
    • Daniel Holth
    • Gregor Kržmanc
    • Hsin-Hsiang Peng
    • Ilan Cosman
    • Isuru Fernando
    • Jaime Rodríguez-Guerra
    • Jan-Benedikt Jagusch
    • Jannis Leidel
    • John Flavin
    • Jonas Haag
    • Ken Odegard
    • Kfir Zvi
    • Mervin Fansler
    • bfis
    • mkincaid
    • pre-commit CI
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.10.3(Jun 30, 2021)

    Bug fixes

    • Revert "Don't create an unused S3 client at import time (#10516)" in 4.10.2 that introduced a regression for users of S3-based channels. (#10756)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.10.2(Jun 28, 2021)


    • Add --dry-run option to conda env create (#10635)
    • Print warning about pip-installed dependencies only once (#10638)
    • Explicit install now respects --download-only flag (#10688)
    • Bump vendored tqdm version (#10721)

    Bug fixes

    • Fix changeps1 handling for PowerShell (#10624)
    • Handle unbound $PS1 so sh activation does not fail with set -u (#10701)
    • Fix sh activation so $PATH is properly restored on errors (#10631)
    • Fix -c option handling so defaults channel is not always re-added (#10735)
    • Fix artifact verification-related warnings and errors (#10627, #10677)
    • Fix log level used in conda/core/prefix_data.py (#9998)
    • Fix log level used when fetching artifact verification metadata (#10621)
    • Don't create an unused S3 client at import time (#10516)
    • Don't load binstar_client until needed (#10692)
    • Reflect dropping of older Python versions in setup.py (#10642)


    • Merge release notes and changelog to reduce maintenance burden (#10745)
    • Add mentions to PyPy, Anaconda terms of service (#10329, #10712)
    • Update Python versions in examples (#10329, #10744)
    • Update install macOS instructions (#10728)


    • @AlbertDeFusco
    • @awwad
    • @casperdcl
    • @cgranade
    • @chenghlee
    • @ColemanTom
    • @dan-hook
    • @dbast
    • @ericpre
    • @HedgehogCode
    • @jamesp
    • @jezdez
    • @johnhany97
    • @lightmare
    • @mattip
    • @maxerbubba
    • @mrakitin
    • @stinos
    • @thermokarst
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.10.1(Apr 15, 2021)

    4.10.1 (2021-04-12)

    Bug fixes

    • Fix version detection for __linux virtual package (#10599)
    • Fix import from conda_content_trust (#10589)
    • Fix how URL for verification metadata files are constructed (#10617)
    • Partially fix profile $PATH setup on MSYS2 (#10459)
    • Remove .empty directory even when rsync is not installed (#10331)


    • @awwad
    • @chenghlee
    • @codepage949
    • @niklasholm
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.10.0(Apr 9, 2021)

    4.10.0 (2021-03-30)

    NOTE: This release formally drops support for Python 2.7 and Python < 3.6.


    • Add pilot support for metadata signatures and verification (#10578)
    • Add __linux virtual package (#10552, #10561)
    • Support nested keys when using conda config --get (#10447, #10572)
    • Support installing default packages when using conda env create (#10530)
    • Support HTTP sources for conda env update -f (#10536)
    • Make macOS code signing operations less verbose (#10372)

    Bug fixes

    • Fix conda search crashing on Python 3.9 (#10542)
    • Allow {channel}::pip to satisfy pip requirements (#10550)
    • Support {host}:{port} specifications in environment YAML files (#10417)
    • Fall back to system .condarc if user .condarc is absent (#10479)
    • Try UTF-16 if UTF-8 fails when reading environment YAML files (#10356)
    • Properly parse Python version >= 3.10 (#10478)
    • Fix zsh initialization when $ZDOTDIR is defined (#10413)
    • Fix path handling for csh (#10410)
    • Fix setup.py requirement for vendored ruamel_yaml_conda (#10441)
    • Fix errors when pickling vendored auxlib objects (#10386)


    • Document the __unix and __windows virtual packages (#10511)
    • Update list of supported and default versions of Python (#10531)
    • Favor using pip instead of setup.py when setting up CI (#10308)


    • CI: drop Python 2.7 and add Python 3.9 (#10548)


    • @awwad
    • @BastianZim
    • @beenje
    • @bgobbi
    • @blubs
    • @chenghlee
    • @cjmartian
    • @ericpre
    • @erykoff
    • @felker
    • @giladmaya
    • @jamesmyatt
    • @mingwandroid
    • @opoplawski
    • @saadparwaiz1
    • @saucoide
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.9.2(Nov 12, 2020)

    4.9.2 (2020-11-10)


    • Use vendored tqdm in conda.resolve for better consistency (#10337)

    Bug fixes

    • Revert to previous naming scheme for repodata cache files when use_only_tar_bz2 config option is false (#10350)


    • Fix missing release notes (#10342)
    • Fix permission errors when configuring deb repositories (#10347)


    • @chenghlee
    • @csoja
    • @dylanmorroll
    • @sscherfke
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.9.1(Oct 27, 2020)

    4.9.1 (2020-10-26)


    • Respect PEP 440 ~= "compatible release" clause (#10313)

    Bug fixes

    • Remove preload_openssl for Win32 (#10298)
    • Add if exist to Windows registry hook (#10305)


    • @mingwandroid
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.9.0(Oct 19, 2020)

    4.9.0 (2020-10-19)


    • Add osx-arm64 as a recognized platform (#10128, #10134, #10137)
    • Resign files modified during installation on ARM64 macOS (#10260)
    • Add __archspec virtual package to identify CPU microarchitecture (#9930)
    • Add __unix and __win virtual packages (#10214)
    • Add --no-capture--output option to conda run (#9646)
    • Add --live-stream option to conda run (#10270)
    • Export and import environment variables set using conda env config (#10169)
    • Cache repodata from file:// channels (#9730)
    • Do not relink already-installed packages (#10208)
    • Speed up JSON formatting in logz module (#10189)

    Bug fixes:

    • Stop env remove --dry-run from actually removing environments (#10261)
    • Virtual package requirements are now considered by the solver (#10057)
    • Fix cached filename processing when using only tar.bz2 (#10193)
    • Stop showing solver hints about CUDA when it is not a dependency (#10275)
    • Ignore virtual packages when checking environment consistency (#10196)
    • Fix config --json output errors in certain circumstances (#10194)
    • More consistent error handling by conda shell (#10238)
    • Bump vendored version of tqdm to fix various threading and I/O bugs (#10266)


    • Correctly state default /AddToPath option in Windows installer (#10179)
    • Fix typos in --repodata-fn help text (#10279)


    • Update CI infrastructure to use GitHub Actions (#10176, #10186, #10234)
    • Update README badge to show GitHub Actions status (#10254)


    • @AlbertDeFusco
    • @angloyna
    • @bbodenmiller
    • @casperdcl
    • @chenghlee
    • @chrisburr
    • @cjmartian
    • @dhirschfeld
    • @ericpre
    • @gabrielcnr
    • @InfiniteChai
    • @isuruf
    • @jjhelmus
    • @LorcanHamill
    • @maresb
    • @mingwandroid
    • @mlline00
    • @xhochy
    • @ydmytryk
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.8.5(Oct 5, 2020)

  • 4.8.4(Aug 12, 2020)

    4.8.4 (2020-08-06)


    • Add linux-ppc64 as a recognized platform (#9797, #9877)
    • Add linux-s390x as a recognized platform (#9933, #10051)
    • Add spinner to pip installer (#10032)
    • Add support for running conda in PyPy (#9764)
    • Support creating conda environments using remote specification files (#9835)
    • Allow request retries on various HTTP errors (#9919)
    • Add compare command for environments against a specification file (#10022)
    • Add (preliminary) support for JSON-format activation (#8727)
    • Properly handle the CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable (#10078)
    • More uniformly handle $CONDA_PREFIX when exporting environments (#10092)
    • Enable trailing _ to anchor OpenSSL-like versions (#9859)
    • Replace listdir and glob with scandir (#9889)
    • Ignore virtual packages when searching for constrained packages (#10117)
    • Add virtual packages to be considered in the solver (#10057)

    Bug fixes:

    • Prevent remove --all from deleting non-environment directories (#10086)
    • Prevent create --dry-run --yes from deleting existing environments (#10090)
    • Remove extra newline from environment export file (#9649)
    • Print help on incomplete conda env config command rather than crashing (#9660)
    • Correctly set exit code/errorlevel when conda run exits (#9665)
    • Send "inconsistent environment" warnings to stderr to avoid breaking JSON output (#9738)
    • Fix output formatting from post-link scripts (#9841)
    • Fix URL parsing for channel subdirs (#9844)
    • Fix conda env export -f sometimes producing empty output files (#9909)
    • Fix handling of Python releases with two-digit minor versions (#9999)
    • Do not use gid to determine if user is an admin on *nix platforms (#10002)
    • Suppress spurious xonsh activation warnings (#10005)
    • Fix crash when running conda update --all on a nonexistent environment (#10028)
    • Fix collections import for Python 3.8 (#10093)
    • Fix regex-related deprecation warnings (#10093, #10096)
    • Fix logic error when running under Python 2.7 on 64-bit platforms (#10108)
    • Fix Python 3.8 leaked semaphore issue (#10115)


    • Fix formatting and typos (#9623, #9689, #9898, #10042)
    • Correct location for yum repository configuration files (#9988)
    • Clarify usage for the --channel option (#10054)
    • Clarify Python is not installed by default into new environments (#10089)


    • Fixes to tests and CI pipelines (#9842, #9863, #9938, #9960, #10010)
    • Remove conda-forge dependencies for developing conda (#9857, #9871)
    • Audit YAML usage for safe_load vs round_trip_load (#9902)


    • @alanhdu
    • @angloyna
    • @Anthchirp
    • @Arrowbox
    • @bbodenmiller
    • @beenje
    • @bernardoduarte
    • @birdsarah
    • @bnemanich
    • @chenghlee
    • @ChihweiLHBird
    • @cjmartian
    • @ericpre
    • @error404-beep
    • @esc
    • @hartb
    • @hugobuddel
    • @isuruf
    • @jjhelmus
    • @kalefranz
    • @mingwandroid
    • @mlline00
    • @mparry
    • @mrocklin
    • @necaris
    • @pdnm
    • @pradghos
    • @ravigumm
    • @Reissner
    • @scopatz
    • @sidhant007
    • @songmeixu
    • @speleo3
    • @tomsaleeba
    • @WinstonPais
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.8.3(Mar 13, 2020)

    4.8.3 (2020-03-13)


    • Add release notes for 4.8.2 to docs (#9632)
    • Fix typos in docs (#9637, #9643)
    • Grammatical and formatting changes (#9647)

    Bug fixes:

    • Account for channel is specs (#9748)


    • @bernardoduarte
    • @forrestwaters
    • @jjhelmus
    • @msarahan
    • @rrigdon
    • @timgates42
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.8.2(Jan 24, 2020)

    4.8.2 (2020-01-24)


    • Solver messaging improvements (#9560)


    • Added precedence and conflict info (#9565)
    • Added how to set env variables with config API (#9536)
    • Updated user guide, deleted Overview, minor clean up (#9581)
    • Add code of conduct (#9601, #9602, #9603, #9603, #9604 #9605)

    Bug fixes:

    • change fish prompt only if changeps1 is true (#7000)
    • make frozendict JSON serializable (#9539)
    • Conda env create empyt dir (#9543)


    • @msarahan
    • @jjhelmus
    • @rrigdon
    • @soapy1
    • @teake
    • @csoja
    • @kfranz
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.8.1(Dec 19, 2019)

    4.8.1 (2019-12-19)


    • improve performance for conda run by avoiding Popen.communicate (#9381)
    • Put conda keyring in /usr/share/keyrings on Debian (#9424)
    • refactor common.logic to fix some bugs and prepare for better modularity (#9427)
    • Support nested configuration (#9449)
    • Support Object configuration parameters (#9465)
    • Use freeze_installed to speed up conda env update (#9511)
    • add networking args to conda env create (#9525)


    • fix string concatenation running words together regarding CONDA_EXE (#9411)
    • Fix typo ("list" -> "info") (#9433)
    • improve description of DLL loading verification and activating environments (#9453)
    • Installing with specific build number (#9534)
    • typo in condarc key envs_dirs (#9478)
    • Clarify channel priority and package sorting (#9492)

    Bug fixes:

    • Fix calling python api run_command with list and string arguments (#9331)
    • set tmp to shortened path that excludes spaces (#9409)
    • Add subdir to PackageRecord dist_str (#9418)
    • revert init bash completion (#9421)
    • avoid function redefinition upon resourcing conda.fish (#9444)
    • propagate pip error level when creating envs with conda env (#9460)
    • fix incorrect chown call (#9464)
    • Don't check in pkgs for trash (#9472)
    • Fix running conda activate in multiple processes on windows (#9477)
    • remove setuptools from run_constrained in recipe (#9485)
    • Fix __conda_activate function to correctly return exit code (#9532)
    • fix overly greedy capture done by subprocess for conda run (#9537)


    • @AntoinePrv
    • @brettcannon
    • @bwildenhain
    • @cjmartian
    • @felker
    • @forrestwaters
    • @gilescope
    • @isuruf
    • @jeremyjliu
    • @jjhelmus
    • @jhultman
    • @marcuscaisey
    • @mbargull
    • @mingwandroid
    • @msarahan
    • @okhoma
    • @osamoylenko
    • @rrigdon
    • @rulerofthehuns
    • @soapy1
    • @tartansandal
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.8.0(Dec 10, 2019)

  • 4.8.0rc0(Nov 4, 2019)

    4.8.0rc0 (2019-11-04)


    • retry downloads if they fail, controlled by remote_max_retries and remote_backoff_factor configuration values (#9318)
    • redact authentication information in some URLs (#9341)
    • add osx version virtual package , __osx (#9349)
    • add glibc virtual package, __glibc (#9358)


    • removeed references to MD5s from docs (#9247)
    • document threads, spec history and configuration (#9327)
    • more documentation on channels (#9335)
    • document the .condarc search order (#9369)
    • various minor documentation fixes (#9238, #9248, #9267, #9334, #9351, #9372, #9378, #9388, #9391, #9393)

    Bug fixes

    • fix issues with xonsh activation on Windows (#8246)
    • remove unsupported --lock argument from conda clean (#8310)
    • do not add sys_prefix_path to failed activation or deactivation (#9282)
    • fix csh setenv command (#9284)
    • do not memorize PackageRecord.combined_depends (#9289)
    • use CONDA_INTERNAL_OLDPATH rather than OLDPATH in activation script (#9303)
    • fixes xonsh activation and tab completion (#9305)
    • fix what channels are queried when context.offline is True (#9385)


    • @analog-cbarber
    • @andreasg123
    • @beckermr
    • @bryant1410
    • @colinbrislawn
    • @felker
    • @forrestwaters
    • @gabrielcnr
    • @isuruf
    • @jakirkham
    • @jeremyjliu
    • @jjhelmus
    • @jooh
    • @jpigla
    • @marcelotrevisani
    • @melund
    • @mfansler
    • @mingwandroid
    • @msarahan
    • @rrigdon
    • @scopatz
    • @soapy1
    • @WillyChen123
    • @xhochy
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.7.12(Sep 12, 2019)

    4.7.12 (2019-09-12)


    • add support for env file creation based on explicit specs in history (#9093)
    • detect prefix paths when -p nor -n not given (#9135)
    • Add config parameter to disable conflict finding (for faster time to errors) (#9190)

    Bug fixes

    • fix race condition with creation of repodata cache dir (#9073)
    • fix ProxyError expected arguments (#9123)
    • makedirs to initialize .conda folder when registering env - fixes permission errors with .conda folders not existing when package cache gets created (#9215)
    • fix list duplicates errors in reading repodata/prefix data (#9132)
    • fix neutered specs not being recorded in history, leading to unsatisfiable environments later (#9147)
    • Standardize "conda env list" behavior between platforms (#9166)
    • add JSON output to conda env create/update (#9204)
    • speed up finding conflicting specs (speed regression in 4.7.11) (#9218)


    • @beenje
    • @Bezier89
    • @cjmartian
    • @forrestwaters
    • @jjhelmus
    • @martin-raden
    • @msarahan
    • @nganani
    • @rrigdon
    • @soapy1
    • @WesRoach
    • @zheaton
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.7.11(Aug 6, 2019)

    4.7.11 (2019-08-06)


    • add config for control of number of threads. These can be set in condarc or using environment variables. Names/default values are: default_threads/None, repodata_threads/None, verify_threads/1, execute_threads/1 (#9044)

    Bug fixes

    • fix repodata_fns from condarc not being respected (#8998)
    • Fix handling of UpdateModifiers other than FREEZE_INSTALLED (#8999)
    • Improve conflict finding graph traversal (#9006)
    • Fix setuptools being removed due to conda run_constrains (#9014)
    • Avoid calling find_conflicts until all retries are spent (#9015)
    • refactor _conda_activate.bat in hopes of improving behavior in parallel environments (#9021)
    • Add support for local version specs in PYPI installed packages (#9025)
    • fix boto3 initialization race condition (#9037)
    • Fix return condition in package_cache_data (#9039)
    • utilize libarchive_enabled attribute provided by conda-package-handling to fall back to .tar.bz2 files only. (#9041, #9053)
    • Fix menu creation on windows having race condition, leading to popups about python.exe not being found (#9044)
    • Improve list error when egg-link leads to extra egg-infos (#9045)
    • Fix incorrect RemoveError when operating on an env that has one of conda's deps, but is not the env in which the current conda in use resides (#9054)


    • Document new package format better
    • Document conda init command
    • Document availability of RSS feed for CDN-backed channels that clone


    • @Bezier89
    • @forrestwaters
    • @hajapy
    • @ihnorton
    • @matthewwardrop
    • @msarahan
    • @rogererens
    • @rrigdon
    • @soapy1
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.7.10(Jul 19, 2019)

  • 4.7.9(Jul 18, 2019)

    Bug fixes

    • fix Non records in comprehension
    • fix potential keyerror in depth-first search
    • fix PackageNotFound attribute error


    • @jjhelmus
    • @msarahan
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.7.8(Jul 17, 2019)

    4.7.8 (2019-07-17)


    • improve unsatisfiable messages - try to group and explain output better. Remove lots of extraneous stuff that was showing up in 4.7.7 (#8910)
    • preload openssl on windows to avoid library conflicts and missing library issues (#8949)

    Bug fixes

    • fix handling of channels where more than one channel contains packages with similar name, subdir, version and build_number. This was causing mysterious unsatisfiable errors for some users. (#8938)
    • reverse logic check in checking channel equality, because == is not reciprocal to != with py27 (no __ne__) (#8938)
    • fix an infinite loop or otherwise large process with building the unsatisfiable info. Improve the depth-first search implementation. (#8941)
    • streamline fallback paths to unfrozen solve in case frozen fails. (#8942)
    • Environment activation output only shows conda activate envname now, instead of sometimes showing just activate. (#8947)


    • @forrestwaters
    • @jjhelmus
    • @katietz
    • @msarahan
    • @rrigdon
    • @soapy1
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.7.7(Jul 13, 2019)

    4.7.7 (2019-07-12)


    • When an update command doesn't do anything because installed software conflicts with the update, information about the conflict is shown, rather than just saying "all requests are already satisfied" (#8899)

    Bug fixes

    • fix missing package_type attr in finding virtual packages (#8917)
    • fix parallel operations of loading index to preserve channel ordering (#8921, #8922)
    • filter PrefixRecords out from PackageRecords when making a graph to show unsatisfiable deps. Fixes comparison error between mismatched types. (#8924)
    • install entry points before running post-link scripts, because post link scripts may depend on entry points. (#8925)


    • @jjhelmus
    • @msarahan
    • @rrigdon
    • @soapy1
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.7.6(Jul 11, 2019)

    4.7.6 (2019-07-11)


    • Improve cuda virtual package conflict messages to show the __cuda virtual package as part of the conflict (#8834)
    • add additional debugging info to Resolve.solve (#8895)

    Bug fixes

    • deduplicate error messages being shown for post-link scripts. Show captured stdout/stderr on failure (#8833)
    • fix the checkout step in the Windows dev env setup instructions (#8827)
    • bail out early when implicit python pinning renders an explicit spec unsatisfiable (#8834)
    • handle edge cases in pinned specs better (#8843)
    • extract package again if url is None (#8868)
    • update docs regarding indexing and subdirs (#8874)
    • remove warning about conda-build needing an update that was bothering people (#8884)
    • only add repodata fn into cache key when fn is not repodata.json (#8900)
    • allow conda to be downgraded with an explicit spec (#8892)
    • add target to specs from historic specs (#8901)
    • improve message when solving with a repodata file before repodata.json fails (#8907)
    • fix distutils usage for "which" functionality. Fix inability to change python version in envs with noarch packages (#8909)
    • fix anaconda metapackage being removed because history matching was too restrictive (#8911)
    • make freezing less aggressive; add fallback to non-frozen solve (#8912)


    • @forrestwaters
    • @jjhelmus
    • @mcopes73
    • @msarahan
    • @richardjgowers
    • @rrigdon
    • @soapy1
    • @twinssbc
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.7.5(Jun 24, 2019)

    4.7.5 (2019-06-24)


    • improve wording in informational message when a particular *_repodata.json can't be found. No need for alarm. (#8808)

    Bug fixes

    • restore tests being run on win-32 appveyor (#8801)
    • fix Dist class handling of .conda files (#8816)
    • fix strict channel priority handling when a package is unsatisfiable and thus not present in the collection (#8819)
    • handle JSONDecodeError better when package is corrupted at extract time (#8820)


    • @dhirschfeld
    • @msarahan
    • @rrigdon
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.7.4(Jun 19, 2019)

    4.7.4 (2019-06-19)


    • Revert to and improve the unsatisfiability determination from 4.7.2 that was reverted in 4.7.3. It's faster. (#8783)

    Bug fixes

    • fix tcsh/csh init scripts (#8792)

    Docs improvements

    • clean up docs of run_command
    • fix broken links
    • update docs environment.yaml file to update conda-package-handling
    • conda logo favicon
    • update strict channel priority info
    • noarch package content ported from conda-forge
    • add info about conda-forge
    • remove references to things as they were before conda 4.1. That was a long time ago. This is not a history book.


    • @jjhelmus
    • @msarahan
    • @rrigdon
    • @soapy1
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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