Functional interface for concurrent futures, including asynchronous I/O.


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Futured provides a consistent interface for concurrent functional programming in Python. It wraps any callable to return a concurrent.futures.Future, wraps any async coroutine to return an asyncio.Future, and provides concurrent iterators and context managers for futures.


threaded, processed

Transform any callable into one which runs in a thread or process pool, and returns a future.

from futured import threaded, processed
import httpx

fetch = threaded(httpx.Client().get)
fetch(url)  # return Future

fs = (fetch(url + path) for path in paths)
threaded.results(fs)  # generate results from futures
threaded.results(fs, timeout=...)  # generate results as completed  # generate results in order, timeout=...)  # generate results as completed
fetch.mapzip(urls)  # generate (url, result) pairs as completed

Thread and process pool executors may be used as context managers, customized with options, and reused with different callables.

threaded(max_workers=...)(func, ...)
processed(max_workers=...)(func, ...)

futured classes have a waiting context manager which collects results from tasks. Futures can be registered at creation, or appended to the list of tasks.

with threaded.waiting(*fs) as tasks:
tasks  # list of completed results

futured classes provide a tasks interface which generalizes futures.as_completed and futures.wait, while allowing the set of tasks to be modified, e.g., for retries.

threaded.tasks(fs, timeout=...)  # mutable set of running tasks which iterate as completed


The same interface works for asyncio.

from futured import asynced
import httpx

fetch = asynced(httpx.AsyncClient().get)
fetch(url)  # return coroutine

asynced.results(fs)  # generate results from futures
asynced.results(fs, timeout=...)  # generate results as completed  # generate results in order, timeout=...)  # generate results as completed
fetch.mapzip(urls)  # generate (url, result) pairs as completed

asynced provides utilities for calling coroutines from a synchronous context. waiting is similar to trio's nursery, but returns results from a synchronous with block., ...)  # call and run until complete, ...)  # call and run synchronous iterator
with asynced.waiting(*fs) as tasks:  # concurrent coroutines completed in a block
asynced.tasks(fs, timeout=...)  # mutable set of running tasks which iterate as completed


Naturally futured wrappers can be used as decorators, but arguments can also be partially bound.

def slow():

fetch = threaded(httpx.Client().get, url)

Methods are supported, as well as a decorated utility for automatically subclassing.

from futured import decorated

FutureClient = decorated(httpx.Client, request=threaded)

 # equivalent to
class FutureClient(httpx.Client):
    request = threaded(httpx.Client.request)


command wraps subprocess.Popen to provide a Future compatible interface.

from futured import futured, command

command('ls').result()  # return stdout or raises stderr
command('ls').pipe('wc')  # pipes into next command, or | ('wc',... )
for line in command('ls'):  # iterable lines
command.coroutine('ls')  # return coroutine

futured(command, 'ls')  # supports `map` interface
asynced(command.coroutine, 'ls')  # supports `map` interface with timeout


forked allows iteration in separate child processes.

from futured import forked

for value in forked(values, max_workers=...):
    # in a child process
 # in parent after children have exited


% pip install futured


100% branch coverage.

% pytest [--cov]



  • Python >=3.7 required
  • Python 3.10 event loop changes
  • Streams replaced with tasks


  • Python >=3.6 required


  • Stream completed futures from a pending pool


  • Executed functions are context managers
  • starmap supported


  • forked has optional maximum number of workers
  • waiting context manager
  • command pipes (|)
  • distributed.Client support


  • command.coroutine creates asyncio subprocesses
  • futured.mapzip generates results zipped with arguments
  • supports asynchronous iterators
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