weather-box - A GUI Weather Application written with Python
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Cord Python API Client The data programming platform for AI 💻 Features Minimal low-level Python client that allows you to interact with Cord's API Su
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PyBo - A Crypto Inspired Discord Bot Pybo (paɪ boʊ) is a Discord bot that utilizes the API wrapper to run the bot. Pybo also integrates the
Analyzed the data of Visa applicants, built a predictive model to facilitate the process of visa approvals, and based on important factors that significantly influence the Visa status recommended a s
Crypto_Signal_Provider This is a web application that allows users to select a c
Diabetes-detection-tg-bot A Recommendation System For Diabetes Detection And Treatment Данная система помогает определить наличие или отсутствие сахар
Sceptre About Sceptre is a tool to drive AWS CloudFormation. It automates the mundane, repetitive and error-prone tasks, enabling you to concentrate o
EasyIB: Unofficial Wrapper for Interactive Brokers API EasyIB is an unofficial python wrapper for Interactive Brokers Client Portal Web API. Features
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Herald: Intrusion Detection System using IR and ML Herald - noun; a harbinger of events or things. Overview Herald is an intrusion detection system us
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使い方 discord.pyをインストール. python -m pip install -r requirements.txtを実行. bot.pyと同じ階層に.tokenを用意. bot.pyを実行. ※現状、使用しているライブラリの関係でWindowsOSは未対応です。 コマンド ニックネーム
Telegram Bot A telegram bot to download media from Instagram! No API Key or Login Needed! Requirements You must have python installed (of course) You
Tubee is a web application, which runs actions when your subscribed channel upload new videos, think of it as a better IFTTT but built specifically for YouTube with many enhancements.
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