A drop-in replacement for argparse that allows options to also be set via config files and/or environment variables.



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Applications with more than a handful of user-settable options are best configured through a combination of command line args, config files, hard-coded defaults, and in some cases, environment variables.

Python's command line parsing modules such as argparse have very limited support for config files and environment variables, so this module extends argparse to add these features.

Available on PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ConfigArgParse



  • command-line, config file, env var, and default settings can now be defined, documented, and parsed in one go using a single API (if a value is specified in more than one way then: command line > environment variables > config file values > defaults)
  • config files can have .ini or .yaml style syntax (eg. key=value or key: value)
  • user can provide a config file via a normal-looking command line arg (eg. -c path/to/config.txt) rather than the argparse-style @config.txt
  • one or more default config file paths can be specified (eg. ['/etc/bla.conf', '~/.my_config'] )
  • all argparse functionality is fully supported, so this module can serve as a drop-in replacement (verified by argparse unittests).
  • env vars and config file keys & syntax are automatically documented in the -h help message
  • new method print_values() can report keys & values and where they were set (eg. command line, env var, config file, or default).
  • lite-weight (no 3rd-party library dependencies except (optionally) PyYAML)
  • extensible (ConfigFileParser can be subclassed to define a new config file format)
  • unittested by running the unittests that came with argparse but on configargparse, and using tox to test with Python 2.7 and Python 3+



Script that defines 4 options and a positional arg and then parses and prints the values. Also, it prints out the help message as well as the string produced by format_values() to show what they look like.

import configargparse

p = configargparse.ArgParser(default_config_files=['/etc/app/conf.d/*.conf', '~/.my_settings'])
p.add('-c', '--my-config', required=True, is_config_file=True, help='config file path')
p.add('--genome', required=True, help='path to genome file')  # this option can be set in a config file because it starts with '--'
p.add('-v', help='verbose', action='store_true')
p.add('-d', '--dbsnp', help='known variants .vcf', env_var='DBSNP_PATH')  # this option can be set in a config file because it starts with '--'
p.add('vcf', nargs='+', help='variant file(s)')

options = p.parse_args()

print(p.format_values())    # useful for logging where different settings came from


Since the script above set the config file as required=True, lets create a config file to give it:

# settings for my_script.py
genome = HCMV     # cytomegalovirus genome
dbsnp = /data/dbsnp/variants.vcf

command line:

Now run the script and pass it the config file:

DBSNP_PATH=/data/dbsnp/variants_v2.vcf python config_test.py --my-config config.txt f1.vcf f2.vcf


Here is the result:

Namespace(dbsnp='/data/dbsnp/variants_v2.vcf', genome='HCMV', my_config='config.txt', v=False, vcf=['f1.vcf', 'f2.vcf'])
usage: config_test.py [-h] -c MY_CONFIG --genome GENOME [-v] [-d DBSNP]
                      vcf [vcf ...]

Args that start with '--' (eg. --genome) can also be set in a config file
(/etc/app/conf.d/*.conf or ~/.my_settings or specified via -c). Config file
syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at
https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one place, then
commandline values override environment variables which override config file
values which override defaults.

positional arguments:
  vcf                   variant file(s)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c MY_CONFIG, --my-config MY_CONFIG
                        config file path
  --genome GENOME       path to genome file
  -v                    verbose
  -d DBSNP, --dbsnp DBSNP
                        known variants .vcf [env var: DBSNP_PATH]

Command Line Args:   --my-config config.txt f1.vcf f2.vcf
Environment Variables:
  DBSNP_PATH:        /data/dbsnp/variants_v2.vcf
Config File (config.txt):
  genome:            HCMV

Special Values

Under the hood, configargparse handles environment variables and config file values by converting them to their corresponding command line arg. For example, "key = value" will be processed as if "--key value" was specified on the command line.

Also, the following special values (whether in a config file or an environment variable) are handled in a special way to support booleans and lists:

  • key = true is handled as if "--key" was specified on the command line. In your python code this key must be defined as a boolean flag (eg. action="store_true" or similar).
  • key = [value1, value2, ...] is handled as if "--key value1 --key value2" etc. was specified on the command line. In your python code this key must be defined as a list (eg. action="append").

Config File Syntax

Only command line args that have a long version (eg. one that starts with '--') can be set in a config file. For example, "--color" can be set by putting "color=green" in a config file. The config file syntax depends on the constuctor arg: config_file_parser_class which can be set to one of the provided classes: DefaultConfigFileParser, YAMLConfigFileParser, ConfigparserConfigFileParser or to your own subclass of the ConfigFileParser abstract class.

DefaultConfigFileParser - the full range of valid syntax is:

# this is a comment
; this is also a comment (.ini style)
---            # lines that start with --- are ignored (yaml style)
[section]      # .ini-style section names are treated as comments

# how to specify a key-value pair (all of these are equivalent):
name value     # key is case sensitive: "Name" isn't "name"
name = value   # (.ini style)  (white space is ignored, so name = value same as name=value)
name: value    # (yaml style)
--name value   # (argparse style)

# how to set a flag arg (eg. arg which has action="store_true")
name = True    # "True" and "true" are the same

# how to specify a list arg (eg. arg which has action="append")
fruit = [apple, orange, lemon]
indexes = [1, 12, 35 , 40]

YAMLConfigFileParser - allows a subset of YAML syntax (http://goo.gl/VgT2DU)

# a comment
name1: value
name2: true    # "True" and "true" are the same

fruit: [apple, orange, lemon]
indexes: [1, 12, 35, 40]

ConfigparserConfigFileParser - allows a subset of python's configparser module syntax (https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/configparser.html). In particular the following configparser options are set:

config = configparser.ConfigParser(

Once configparser parses the config file all section names are removed, thus all keys must have unique names regardless of which INI section they are defined under. Also, any keys which have python list syntax are converted to lists by evaluating them as python code using ast.literal_eval (https://docs.python.org/3/library/ast.html#ast.literal_eval). To facilitate this all multi-line values are converted to single-line values. Thus multi-line string values will have all new-lines converted to spaces. Note, since key-value pairs that have python dictionary syntax are saved as single-line strings, even if formatted across multiple lines in the config file, dictionaries can be read in and converted to valid python dictionaries with PyYAML's safe_load. Example given below:

# inside your config file (e.g. config.ini)
[section1]  # INI sections treated as comments
system1_settings: { # start of multi-line dictionary
    'b':[2, 4, 8, 16],
    'c':{'start':0, 'stop':1000},
    'd':'experiment 32 testing simulation with parameter a on'
    } # end of multi-line dictionary value


# in your configargparse setup
import configargparse
import yaml

parser = configargparse.ConfigParser(
parser.add_argument('--system1_settings', type=yaml.safe_load)

args = parser.parse_args() # now args.system1 is a valid python dict

ArgParser Singletons

To make it easier to configure different modules in an application, configargparse provides globally-available ArgumentParser instances via configargparse.get_argument_parser('name') (similar to logging.getLogger('name')).

Here is an example of an application with a utils module that also defines and retrieves its own command-line args.


import configargparse
import utils

p = configargparse.get_argument_parser()
p.add_argument("-x", help="Main module setting")
p.add_argument("--m-setting", help="Main module setting")
options = p.parse_known_args()   # using p.parse_args() here may raise errors.


import configargparse
p = configargparse.get_argument_parser()
p.add_argument("--utils-setting", help="Config-file-settable option for utils")

if __name__ == "__main__":
   options = p.parse_known_args()

Help Formatters

ArgumentDefaultsRawHelpFormatter is a new HelpFormatter that both adds default values AND disables line-wrapping. It can be passed to the constructor: ArgParser(.., formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsRawHelpFormatter)


The configargparse.ArgumentParser API inherits its class and method names from argparse and also provides the following shorter names for convenience:

  • p = configargparse.get_arg_parser() # get global singleton instance
  • p = configargparse.get_parser()
  • p = configargparse.ArgParser() # create a new instance
  • p = configargparse.Parser()
  • p.add_arg(..)
  • p.add(..)
  • options = p.parse(..)


  • RawFormatter = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
  • DefaultsFormatter = ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
  • DefaultsRawFormatter = ArgumentDefaultsRawHelpFormatter

Design Notes

Unit tests:

tests/test_configargparse.py contains custom unittests for features specific to this module (such as config file and env-var support), as well as a hook to load and run argparse unittests (see the built-in test.test_argparse module) but on configargparse in place of argparse. This ensures that configargparse will work as a drop in replacement for argparse in all usecases.

Previously existing modules (PyPI search keywords: config argparse):

  • argparse (built-in module Python v2.7+)
    • Good:
      • fully featured command line parsing
      • can read args from files using an easy to understand mechanism
    • Bad:
      • syntax for specifying config file path is unusual (eg. @file.txt)and not described in the user help message.
      • default config file syntax doesn't support comments and is unintuitive (eg. --namevalue)
      • no support for environment variables
  • ConfArgParse v1.0.15 (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ConfArgParse)
    • Good:
      • extends argparse with support for config files parsed by ConfigParser
      • clear documentation in README
    • Bad:
      • config file values are processed using ArgumentParser.set_defaults(..) which means "required" and "choices" are not handled as expected. For example, if you specify a required value in a config file, you still have to specify it again on the command line.
      • doesn't work with Python 3 yet
      • no unit tests, code not well documented
  • appsettings v0.5 (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/appsettings)
    • Good:
      • supports config file (yaml format) and env_var parsing
      • supports config-file-only setting for specifying lists and dicts
    • Bad:
      • passes in config file and env settings via parse_args namespace param
      • tests not finished and don't work with Python 3 (import StringIO)
  • argparse_config v0.5.1 (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/argparse_config)
    • Good:
      • similar features to ConfArgParse v1.0.15
    • Bad:
      • doesn't work with Python 3 (error during pip install)
  • yconf v0.3.2 - (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/yconf) - features and interface not that great
  • hieropt v0.3 - (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hieropt) - doesn't appear to be maintained, couldn't find documentation
  • configurati v0.2.3 - (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/configurati)
    • Good:
      • JSON, YAML, or Python configuration files
      • handles rich data structures such as dictionaries
      • can group configuration names into sections (like .ini files)
    • Bad:
      • doesn't work with Python 3
      • 2+ years since last release to PyPI
      • apparently unmaintained

Design choices:

  1. all options must be settable via command line. Having options that can only be set using config files or env. vars adds complexity to the API, and is not a useful enough feature since the developer can split up options into sections and call a section "config file keys", with command line args that are just "--" plus the config key.
  2. config file and env. var settings should be processed by appending them to the command line (another benefit of #1). This is an easy-to-implement solution and implicitly takes care of checking that all "required" args are provied, etc., plus the behavior should be easy for users to understand.
  3. configargparse shouldn't override argparse's convert_arg_line_to_args method so that all argparse unit tests can be run on configargparse.
  4. in terms of what to allow for config file keys, the "dest" value of an option can't serve as a valid config key because many options can have the same dest. Instead, since multiple options can't use the same long arg (eg. "--long-arg-x"), let the config key be either "--long-arg-x" or "long-arg-x". This means the developer can allow only a subset of the command-line args to be specified via config file (eg. short args like -x would be excluded). Also, that way config keys are automatically documented whenever the command line args are documented in the help message.
  5. don't force users to put config file settings in the right .ini [sections]. This doesn't have a clear benefit since all options are command-line settable, and so have a globally unique key anyway. Enforcing sections just makes things harder for the user and adds complexity to the implementation.
  6. if necessary, config-file-only args can be added later by implementing a separate add method and using the namespace arg as in appsettings_v0.5

Relevant sites:


This software follows Semantic Versioning

  • Allow some command line options to be merged with those in the config

    Allow some command line options to be merged with those in the config

    Taking from the first point of Features section of the readme:

    If a value is specified in more than one way then: command line > environment variables > config file values > defaults.

    ConfigArgParse (CAP) overrides the values specified in the config file with those specified in the command line arguments. For most of the cases this behaviour is nice, except when it isn't.

    Consider the case of a mitmproxy user who has specified some scripts in the config file, and when they specify another script in the command line, the config ones get replaced.

    The expected behaviour here is the merging of the list of scripts.

    I propose that CAP should add a new parameter (say multiple) to parser.add_argument that determines this override behaviour. So, for eg, the following snippet would result in an option that merges the values:

        "-s", "--script", 
        action="append", type=str, dest="scripts" default=[],

    The multiple parameter could have values:

    • merge - Merge the values specified in the command line, env variables & config files & defaults.
    • override - Follow the normal override process we follow now.
    opened by dufferzafar 14
  • bug when setting a float value to -10. and not -10.0

    bug when setting a float value to -10. and not -10.0

    When fixing a value defined with: parser.add('--'+par_name,type=types.FloatType,required=False,help=par_help, default=par_default)

    I get an error if in the config file i set par_name = -10. or par_name = -9. The error doesn't occur in the following: ` par_name = -10.0

    par_name = 10.

    par_name = 10.0 `

    opened by londumas 13
  • Refactor config file parsing

    Refactor config file parsing

    This is a basic refactoring to address #21, I'm working on testing it with custom parser now... All tests are passing, so hopefully I did not mess up anything.

    The documentation and examples in the README will be updated based on input from others.

    opened by lahwaacz 11
  • Dead repo? Still maintained?

    Dead repo? Still maintained?

    Hi, No commits have been made since quite long now. No pull requests accepted. @bw2 - Do you still plan to maintain this project? Do you need any help? I can assist if needed. Cheers, Ronan

    opened by ronhanson 9
  • Update Python versions

    Update Python versions

    Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3 are EOL and no longer receiving security updates.

    They're also little used if at all.

    Here's the pip installs for ConfigArgParse from PyPI for last month:

    | python_version | percent | download_count | | -------------- | ------: | -------------: | | 2.7 | 88.83% | 150,131 | | 3.4 | 5.78% | 9,762 | | 3.6 | 3.08% | 5,203 | | 3.5 | 2.00% | 3,379 | | 2.6 | 0.25% | 417 | | 3.7 | 0.04% | 63 | | None | 0.03% | 44 | | 3.3 | 0.01% | 18 |

    Source: pypinfo --start-date -46 --end-date -19 --percent --pip --markdown ConfigArgParse pyversion

    This removes those, and updates the code to use more modern Python features. It also adds Python 3.6.

    opened by hugovk 9
  • Feature/support argcomplete

    Feature/support argcomplete

    Add support for argcomplete (https://github.com/kislyuk/argcomplete) on ConfigArgParse See kislyuk/argcomplete#123 for specific usecases.

    I think this pr will solve the problem with action="append". The problem was that argcomplete create action new class that inherent from the old one:

    class IntrospectAction(action.__class__):

    This change is Reviewable

    opened by roi-meir 9
  • Rewrite DefaultConfigFileParser.parse()

    Rewrite DefaultConfigFileParser.parse()

    This allows for empty values: key= or key="". This is different from specifying key without a value (with still sets key to "true"). Closes #103 Closes #136

    This allows for negative values, or values that start with a dash: key=-10, key=-A38E-8 Closes #137 (though that most likely was already resolved by #160)

    This allows to specify special characters, by putting them in quotes (either ' or " quotes): key=":", key="=", key="#", key="'", key='"', etc.

    Also adds test suites to explicitly test for the different values and syntaxes. Beware that by adding these test suites some explicity choices are made in particular to the allowed syntax of keys. Previously keys may contain more or less any character (at least according to the parser). ~~Now, allowed characters are: 0-9A-Za-z_-. Thus, e.g. key$name or key^name is no longer allowed.~~ Edit: This remains so in this version.

    opened by macfreek 7
  • Use pytest to run all tests

    Use pytest to run all tests

    ConfigArgParse uses setuptools (using python setup.py test) to run all tests. However, this gives a WARNING: Testing via this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.. pytest is said to be an drop-in replacement for this.

    Running pytest reveals a few minor issues (1665 of the 1666 tests work fine). I'll enumerate them here.

    testConfigOrEnvValueErrors fails


    testConfigOrEnvValueErrors SUCCEEDS for python setup.py test testConfigOrEnvValueErrors SUCCEEDS for pytest or pytest -k testConfigOrEnvValueErrors testConfigOrEnvValueErrors FAILS for pytest -v or pytest -v -k testConfigOrEnvValueErrors

    The -v parameter means that pytest is verbose. testConfigOrEnvValueErrors tests the VERBOSE environment variable (amongst other things). I suspect that this test incorrectly fails due to the way pytest sets or influences by the environment variables.

    TestHelpFormattingMetaclass gives a warning


    Pytests gives a PytestCollectionWarning: cannot collect test class 'TestHelpFormattingMetaclass' because it has a __init__ constructor (from: tests/test_configargparse.py).

    This is a bit of a pickle. TestHelpFormattingMetaclass is defined in Python's test_argparse.py, and we can't change the code.

    This class contains a few tests that we perhaps like to run, but neither unittest nor pytest collects any of these tests because these tests are dynamically added to the class, and seemingly neither unittest nor pytest can handle that situation. The only difference is that pytest gives a warning about it.

    I tried to suppress the warning by setting

    test.test_argparse.TestHelpFormattingMetaclass.__test__ = False

    But so far, I still see the warning.

    testGlobalInstances gives confusing output

    (tests.test_configargparse.TestMisc.testGlobalInstances and tests.test_configargparse.TestMisc.testGlobalInstances_WithName)

    These tests both contain code that tests if a ValueError is raised under certain conditions (in the self.assertRaisesRegex line). This seems to work fine, and the tests seem to pass. At least, they always pass according to the summary line and the lines

    tests/test_configargparse.py::TestMisc::testGlobalInstances PASSED
    tests/test_configargparse.py::TestMisc::testGlobalInstances_WithName PASSED

    If only theses two tests are run with pytest -k testGlobalInstances -v, there are no errors, even with the verbose (-v) option set. However, if all tests are run with pytest -v, it presents us with two errors in the stdout:

    testGlobalInstances (tests.test_configargparse.TestMisc) ... ERROR
    testGlobalInstances_WithName (tests.test_configargparse.TestMisc) ... ERROR

    In addition, the two ValueErrror exceptions are shows in the test summary, even though the tests passes:

    tests/test_configargparse.py::TestMisc::testGlobalInstances PASSED
    tests/test_configargparse.py::TestMisc::testGlobalInstances_WithName PASSED

    It's unclear to me why these exceptions are shown so specifically. I find it confusing, and can't seem to find a way to suppress these warnings.

    ResourceWarning: unclosed file

    When running python setup.py test, mock generate a ResourceWarning: unclosed file for three tests. The test itself succeeds.

    testBasicCase2 (tests.test_configargparse.TestBasicUseCases) ...

    /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/traceback.py:220: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/var/folders/zx/y85xrx5x0lz6bgqd45lhr9kc0000gp/T/tmpqe8s6ado' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
    ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

    testBasicCase2_WithGroups (tests.test_configargparse.TestBasicUseCases) ...

    /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/traceback.py:220: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/var/folders/zx/y85xrx5x0lz6bgqd45lhr9kc0000gp/T/tmpwocvu164' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
    ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

    testKwrgsArePassedToArgParse (tests.test_configargparse.TestMisc) ...

    /Users/freek/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/mock/mock.py:2072: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.FileIO name=3 mode='rb+' closefd=True>
      setattr(_type, entry, MagicProxy(entry, self))
    ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
    /Users/freek/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/mock/mock.py:2072: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.FileIO name=4 mode='rb+' closefd=True>
      setattr(_type, entry, MagicProxy(entry, self))
    ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
    /Users/freek/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/mock/mock.py:2072: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.FileIO name=5 mode='rb+' closefd=True>
      setattr(_type, entry, MagicProxy(entry, self))
    ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
    opened by macfreek 7
  • ConfigFileParse does not handle action='append'

    ConfigFileParse does not handle action='append'

    Only the last key/value pair in the file gets stored, eg:

    --foo a --foo b --foo c

    Will produce options.foo ['a', 'b', 'c']

    But a file with:

    foo = a foo = b foo = c

    Will only produce ['c']

    opened by russdill 7
  • Bug of 1.2: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nargs'

    Bug of 1.2: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nargs'



     accepts_list = (isinstance(action, argparse._StoreAction) and 
                     action.nargs in ('+', '*')) or (
                     isinstance(action, argparse._StoreAction) and
                         isinstance(action.nargs, int) and action.nargs > 1)
    opened by kamo-naoyuki 6
  • Add support for no_config_file=True option in the add_argument() function

    Add support for no_config_file=True option in the add_argument() function

    The docs of the new option read as follows:

    no_config_file (bool): If True, this prevents the argument to be settable with 
                a config file. It will raise an exception if one tries to set this
                option from a file.

    I think it's a necessary thing to exclude some option from the configuration file sometime!

    opened by tristanlatr 5
  • Update yaml doc

    Update yaml doc


    A nice way of using lists in yaml is

      - value1
      - value2
      - value3

    Naively following the documentation to initially set up ConfigArgParse it seemed to accept some yaml input

    name: value    # (yaml style)

    but not the above mentioned type of list.

    There is a quote about "subset of YAML syntax".

    However, it turns out that the yaml style list is supported. ;-) Since that's the case, could be a bit clearer to show it in the docs.

    opened by sdarwin 0
  • subcommands and `nargs > 1`

    subcommands and `nargs > 1`

    These lines: here and here

    These always place env and config file variables at the end of argv, when any config used has nargs > 1.

    While it does not make any difference in most cases, it does when subparsers are used.

    If parent parser has one of these flags and it is used via env/configfile, it is moved to the end of argv, after the subparser, making them options of the subparser, not the parent one (and failing to parse args).

    Not sure I understand the reason behind this logic so unable to propose a fix / submit PR.

    I assume best way would be to rebuild argv based on all the parser definitions rather than assuming where to put the flags

    opened by fopina 2
  • Use faster LibYAML bindings if available

    Use faster LibYAML bindings if available

    If the LibYAML (C-based YAML dumper/loader) are available, prefer these over the Python-based ones for the sake of speed. See https://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAMLDocumentation

    opened by craymichael 0
  • Are there config file includes (do config file attributes get parsed when they're in yaml)

    Are there config file includes (do config file attributes get parsed when they're in yaml)

    Maybe this is already possible and i just don't know how to use it.

    Is there a way for a config file to include another config file, i.e. split and reuse config files partially?

    Multiple config files can be configured and they are recognized when they're all passed through command line, but whatever i try, i cannot specify the same or another config file within a existing config file.

    Here's what i tried:

    Parser fragment:

    parser.add("-cfg", "--configFile", is_config_file=True)
    parser.add("-cfg2", "--configFile2", is_config_file=True)
    • Works, i.e. reads both config files: test.py --configFile "test.yaml" --configFile2 "test2.yaml"

    • Doesn't read "test2.yaml": test.py --configFile "test.yaml" test.yaml: configFile: "test2.yaml"

    • Also doesn't read "test2.yaml": test.py --configFile "test.yaml" test.yaml: configFile2: "test2.yaml"

    opened by ridilculous 1
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corgy Elegant command line parsing for Python. Corgy allows you to create a command line interface in Python, without worrying about boilerplate code.

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Pythonic command line arguments parser, that will make you smile

docopt creates beautiful command-line interfaces Video introduction to docopt: PyCon UK 2012: Create *beautiful* command-line interfaces with Python N

7.7k Dec 30, 2022
Cleo allows you to create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces.

Cleo Create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces. Cleo is mostly a higher level wrapper for CliKit, so a lot of the components and utilities

Sébastien Eustace 984 Jan 02, 2023
A minimal and ridiculously good looking command-line-interface toolkit

Proper CLI Proper CLI is a Python package for creating beautiful, composable, and ridiculously good looking command-line-user-interfaces without havin

Juan-Pablo Scaletti 2 Dec 22, 2022
Python library that measures the width of unicode strings rendered to a terminal

Introduction This library is mainly for CLI programs that carefully produce output for Terminals, or make pretend to be an emulator. Problem Statement

Jeff Quast 305 Dec 25, 2022
Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.

Python Fire Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object. Python Fire is a s

Google 23.6k Dec 31, 2022
Cement is an advanced Application Framework for Python, with a primary focus on CLI

Cement Framework Cement is an advanced Application Framework for Python, with a primary focus on Command Line Interfaces (CLI). Its goal is to introdu

Data Folk Labs, LLC 1.1k Dec 31, 2022
Command line animations based on the state of the system

shell-emotions Command line animations based on the state of the system for Linux or Windows 10 The ascii animations were created using a modified ver

Simon Malave 63 Nov 12, 2022
A fast, stateless http slash commands framework for scale. Built by the Crunchy bot team.

Roid 🤖 A fast, stateless http slash commands framework for scale. Built by the Crunchy bot team. 🚀 Installation You can install roid in it's default

Harrison Burt 7 Aug 09, 2022
emoji terminal output for Python

Emoji Emoji for Python. This project was inspired by kyokomi. Example The entire set of Emoji codes as defined by the unicode consortium is supported

Taehoon Kim 1.6k Jan 02, 2023
Python composable command line interface toolkit

$ click_ Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary. It's the "Comm

The Pallets Projects 13.3k Dec 31, 2022
Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python using Rich as a renderer.

Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python using Rich as a renderer. The end goal is to be able to rapidly create rich termin

Will McGugan 17k Jan 02, 2023
Python and tab completion, better together.

argcomplete - Bash tab completion for argparse Tab complete all the things! Argcomplete provides easy, extensible command line tab completion of argum

Andrey Kislyuk 1.1k Jan 08, 2023
Simple cross-platform colored terminal text in Python

Colorama Makes ANSI escape character sequences (for producing colored terminal text and cursor positioning) work under MS Windows. PyPI for releases |

Jonathan Hartley 3k Jan 01, 2023
Library for building powerful interactive command line applications in Python

Python Prompt Toolkit prompt_toolkit is a library for building powerful interactive command line applications in Python. Read the documentation on rea

prompt-toolkit 8.1k Dec 30, 2022
Color text streams with a polished command line interface

colout(1) -- Color Up Arbitrary Command Output Synopsis colout [-h] [-r RESOURCE] colout [-g] [-c] [-l min,max] [-a] [-t] [-T DIR] [-P DIR] [-d COLORM

nojhan 1.1k Dec 21, 2022